Outdoor signs are vital elements for businesses operating in physical stores. They help customers in locating and determining services offered by a business. The aspect of designing outdoor signs is a challenging exercise for many businesses. Notably, this research will deal with the concept through which companies can create outstanding outdoor signs with elements of modernity. In this case, the scope of the study is to outline the parameters necessary for designing an outdoor sign for a business. Understanding the factors that are likely to affect the design of a sign is vital in creating modernity and outstanding signs. The methodology used in this study involves determining and testing the viability of various designs. Also, the test plan for the models will include analysing the beam designs. The criteria for this analysis are in terms of unique features, a maximum weight of 260lbs and 4ft length. The materials to be used will also be tested to determine their suitability. This will include assessing the environmental factors that are likely to affect the structure, such as wind. The results of this study are that the material to be used must be of low frequency to avoid destruction by wind vibration. In this case, the outdoor sign will have an accelerometer, a laser beam and signal conditioning modules.
Future work
Although the proposed outdoor sign for business is outstanding and have modernity elements, future works need to consider developing signposts that match with the current technology world. For example, future outdoor signs should be made digital. This will help customers in locating and noticing businesses quickly. For instance, signposts that can automatically send alerts to customers looking for various products or services in the streets. Also, future outdoors signs should generate analytics. They should provide analysis of when they were viewed and the duration of the views. They should also indicate what was viewed most.