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 Active Reading Exercise

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 Active Reading Exercise

 Question 1

The first-person fictive tale study examines an assortment on modern American narratives to recognize and define more completely a literary effect I call nearness. Therefore, it involves employing the term nearness to describe narrative states where the little durational opening occurs among experience, description, small conceptual and emotional reserve is interconnected within the expression “once again I remained to the lake,” especially when narrating persona and question self.

Question 2

The introductory paragraph is a section with basic and main idea of the whole story. Often the paragraph deal with a critical topic that is considered typical within human nature. White introduction act as connections transporting readers from their own lives and placing their analysis.  The introduction is regarded as a significant road map for resting the paper. The introduction carries a lot of material into readers’ insight. Additionally, the details are employed within the introduction useful while setting the writer’s reflective tone, particularly in writing. There are three specific details used when painting readers view: fictional, literal, and figurative imagery

Question 3.

Subjective Description

Ex. “My master’s heart turned to stone.”


Cruelty-describe a “hard” heart like a stone

“My relative died of thirst.”Hunger describes thirst as dangerous to humans.
“My friend had turned his life into stone.”Malice is defined as hard as that of stone.
“My high protein was disastrous as weight watchers.”The high ingredients are described as weighty.


Question 4

A white essay’s main idea is that one’s presence is fleeting, whereas absolute basics of life, like a rigid life state and individual, continue forever for diverse generations. For instance, “My ruler’s heart turned into stone, describing the cruelty of one life.


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