Advertising through Social Media
Slid | Slide Title | Slide Text | Narrative | Comments |
1 | Introduction.
| Ø Introduction | Ø I am Annette Baudeloque, Ø Currently operating as a film specialist on social media in Northern Virginia Ø My responsibilities include: · Capturing, creating, and publishing content across multiple marketing & social media platforms. Ø My knowledge in photography is an added advantage to my work. | |
2 to 3 | What is Social Media (SM) Advertising
| ü How often do you use sites in social media?
ü The opportunity created by advertisers
ü How do they execute this opportunity
ü In 2016, it cost more than $14.8 billion to advertise in the US
ü Worldwide, the cost of an ad on social media is predicted to shoot from $32 billion in 2017 to 48 billion in 2018
ü The success of a business is dependent on social media advertisement(Statista,2018) | Ø There several sites in use today on the internet. Ø They include:
Ø Social medial sites have become significant medium f instructions. Ø By using these sites, advertisers get the opportunity to advertise brands and companies. Ø As you go through your social media feeds, you come across various adverts. Ø Facebook is one of the widely used social media sites in advertisements. Ø The number of users and the time spent on the site is what marketers use to promote their products. Ø The majority of the companies are using their promotion budget on social media advertisements. Ø It has ready market due to its ever-growing participants | |
4 | Why Shift to Social Media Advertising?
| Ø Ever-increasing user number.
Ø Provision of interactive and informative space for communication with customers.
Ø Creation of awareness and engagement
| Ø An increase in the number of social media users has increased the attention of marketers on social media use. Ø Statista,2020 postulate users increase from 2.95 billion in 2019 to 3.43 billion in 2023 Ø Companies get faster feedback from consumers and are equally able to respond in time. Ø Marketers can influence social media users to purchase a particular product and to stick to it.
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5 to 6
7 to 9 | Global Social Media users
How does it Work? |
Ø Cost-Effective Ø Consumer satisfaction enhanced Ø Provide market insight Ø Motivate consumers Ø Increase overall sales.
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ü promoters aligning with users online activities ü this is possible through: · identify potential customers · Initiate communication with them. · Release information about the product. ü Maintain communication with the client. ü Clients get attached to the products. ü Assess social media platforms
ü Identify the ones that fit the company best through: · Considering the information to be shared. · Contribution of the platform for future mission · Intention pull or push advertisement Bansal et al. (2014)
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| Ø Creating an advertisement account on various platforms is free and can be done by an employee without additional cost. Ø Companies quickly gain insight by monitoring users’ activities online. Ø Similarly, clients are enthusiastic about purchasing from companies that are interactive online.
Ø Consumers spend more time only, promoters present ads that are matching their preferences.
Ø According to ( Ozuem &Bowen, 2016), this strategy is referred to as behavioral targeting.
Ø Not all users will be potential customers; therefore, it is crucial to identify prospective consumers (Ferreira et al. 2017).
Ø After initiating communication and introduction, product brands are released to them.
Ø Responding to clients question and concerns are vital in winning the Users confidence in a product.
Ø Bensal et al. (2014) define the customer engagements high dedicates, heightened absorption of information, and high energy level.
Ø It essential for companies to narrow down on platforms that consist of their targeted potential viewers
Ø The relevancy of the information shared is essential. For instance, you cannot share electrical items on a health care platform. Ø Intention- Pull ads will direct the customer to exactly what they are looking for Ø Intention- push ads will direct a client to suggestions. | |
10 to 12 | Social Media Advertising- Barriers | Ø Despite the advantages, social media is equally associated with some challenges (Statista, 2018). · Difficulty in measuring return on investment (ROI). · It takes time to grow an online presence and monitor customers’ online activities. · Difficulties in developing balanced advertisement efforts. · Social media users perceive ads as annoying. | · · Ø Approximately 31% are not able to quantify RIO.
Ø This makes it very difficult to convince the company’s top management that social media publicity is the best tool for growing company sales. Ø Similarly, 42% of marketers assume that monitoring social media platforms are complicated. Ø A group of users perceive ads as irritating and thus installing ads-block apps. Ø The availability of such apps limits the consumption of the message sufficiently. Ø This makes the social media advertisement meaningless. Ø · . · | |
13 | Best Practices | Ø Ø Accurately identify the platform.
Ø Engage the right audience
Ø Engage in social listening
Ø Share content that has the right information in a friendly manner.
Ø It should be clear and easily understandable. Ø Welcome feedback
Ø Maintain consistency
Ø Ø Ø Ø | Ø The platform selected should contain the targeted audience. Ø This will help the company meet its primary objective by selecting a popular platform among the targeted audience for the fruitful advertisement. Ø The company must understand the needs of the targeted. This help is understanding what works best for the group. Ø The content should be specific to the company and the product. Ø Moreover, the content should also be short, precise, and engaging the audients. Ø Critics used to be used as an opportunity to improve companies’ products. Ø | |
15 | Conclusion | Ø Social media is becoming is increasingly being used for advertisement Ø It opens a platform for: · Customer engagement · Brand awareness · Customer satisfaction Ø Similarly, it provides market insights and increases sales.’ Ø However, for productive us, it needs proper planning and identification of targets. |