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***I advise starting your research asap. ***I advise using the Laney College Database for your 5 sources. ***Database link – The purpose of this research project is to allow you to learn about a topic(s) that was / were significantly imperative to the plight of people of African descent. Choose one of the following categorical themetic issues for your research paper: a) Post-Colonial experience (ex. black reconstruction, Slavery and its effects on the slave and the enslaver after 1865, Ku Klux Klan violence and terror) b) Resistance to oppression (ex. Marronage, great migration to the north, gaining electoral seats in government, getting educated, etc.) c) Racial conflicts and confrontation (ex. Black Wall Street / race riot of 1921 in Tulsa, Rosewood, Florida race riot, Systemic Violence from Gov’t) d) Integration vs. Separation (ex. Plessy vs. Furguson 1896 court case, Jim Crow Laws) Students have two options: a) You can focus on the colonial experience, resistance to oppression, racial conflicts & confrontations, or Integration vs. Separation and write your research paper on any key thematics from any of the above categories that are significant to the African American diasporic experience. b) You can focus on the colonial experience, resistance to oppression, racial conflicts & confrontations, or Integration vs. Separation and write your research paper doing a comparative study from one of the categories above. For example, if you choose resistance to oppression category, you can find two key thematics like Marronage and Great Migration, which are two forms of resistance to oppression, and construct your paper on the pros and cons or the similarities or differences between the two. Length of research paper, documentation style and sources: Paper must be 7-12 page in length. Double-spaced, typewritten. Font size: 12. Use standard margins. Papers must follow the MLA, APA or Chicago style. Paper must have at least five bibliographical scholarly sources (library and e- journal only—no Wikipedia or non-scholarly internet materials). Beware of Plagiarism: According to the Dictionary, Plagiarism means to “steal or use ideas (“The ideas or writing of another.”) as one’s own. If you use the words or ideas of another author in the paper, you must properly cite the author(s) (i.e. enclose them in quotation marks and cite the source, author, title and page number). ***I advise starting your research asap. ***I advise using the Laney College Database for your 5 sources. ***Database link – The purpose of this research project is to allow you to learn about a topic(s) that was / were significantly imperative to the plight of people of African descent. Choose one of the following categorical themetic issues for your research paper: a) Post-Colonial experience (ex. black reconstruction, Slavery and its effects on the slave and the enslaver after 1865, Ku Klux Klan violence and terror) b) Resistance to oppression (ex. Marronage, great migration to the north, gaining electoral seats in government, getting educated, etc.) c) Racial conflicts and confrontation (ex. Black Wall Street / race riot of 1921 in Tulsa, Rosewood, Florida race riot, Systemic Violence from Gov’t) d) Integration vs. Separation (ex. Plessy vs. Furguson 1896 court case, Jim Crow Laws) Students have two options: a) You can focus on the colonial experience, resistance to oppression, racial conflicts & confrontations, or Integration vs. Separation and write your research paper on any key thematics from any of the above categories that are significant to the African American diasporic experience. b) You can focus on the colonial experience, resistance to oppression, racial conflicts & confrontations, or Integration vs. Separation and write your research paper doing a comparative study from one of the categories above. For example, if you choose resistance to oppression category, you can find two key thematics like Marronage and Great Migration, which are two forms of resistance to oppression, and construct your paper on the pros and cons or the similarities or differences between the two. Length of research paper, documentation style and sources: Paper must be 7-12 page in length. Double-spaced, typewritten. Font size: 12. Use standard margins. Papers must follow the MLA, APA or Chicago style. Paper must have at least five bibliographical scholarly sources (library and e- journal only—no Wikipedia or non-scholarly internet materials). Beware of Plagiarism: According to the Dictionary, Plagiarism means to “steal or use ideas (“The ideas or writing of another.”) as one’s own. If you use the words or ideas of another author in the paper, you must properly cite the author(s) (i.e. enclose them in quotation marks and cite the source, author, title and page number).

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