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Aims of Teaching Biological Science

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Aims of Teaching Biological Science

“There is, of course, one thing about which we feel no doubt or hesitation. Education, science-based and in coherence with Indian culture and values can alone provide the foundation as also the instrument for the nation’s progress security and welfare.”

—Indian Education Commission (1964-66).

In this era of science and technology, knowledge of science is essential for all human beings. The basic understanding of biology governs all the aspects of human behaviour. The food we eat, the cleanliness and sanitation measures we follow, the healthy habits we teach, the agricultural methods we utilize, the industrial processes we develop are all based on the application of scientific principles.

The subject of science is valued the most for its practical application in the day-to-day life of human beings. The teaching of science should equip and prepare an individual with specific values, attitudes and skills in science. A science teacher has to realize the aims of science teaching and teach the benefits of science in the pupils.

The science-policy resolution of the government of India (1958) stated: “the dominating feature of the contemporary world is the intense cultivation of science on a large scale and its application to meet the country’s requirements.”

Aims of Teaching Biological Science

The purposes develop from the goals of education. A target tries to achieve something. The objects give rise to objectives. Aims are directive in their function. The objectives are the steps towards the achievement of the aims. The main aims of teaching Biological Sciences are:

To Provide a Comprehensive Knowledge of Biological Science

The knowledge of biological science is very essential for any individual. It has a full application in real-life The students of science should possess an understanding of scientific facts, principles and processes of nature, the mechanisms of living and non-living, importance of health and sanitation, and protection of the environment. These things will help the learner to live a healthy and happy life in society. The knowledge imparted should be appropriate to the age, and the ability of the learner. It would help him to adjust to his immediate environment. It will help the individual to lead a healthy and happy life.

To Develop Skills and Abilities to Understand and Utilize the Processes and Procedures in Biology

The study of science should stimulate the interest of the students in the subject. Importance of scientific discoveries, recent scientific advances, and information about great scientists should be explained so that the student would understand their significance. The students should develop an awareness of till’ tremendous progress made by science and its role in the development of technology. The students should understand that the results or products of science arise from scientific processes and the main principle of science is “Learning by doing”. Students should develop the skills of experimentation, problem-solving hypothesizing, and arriving at the generalizations. They should also develop the skills of drawing the diagrams, sketches of specimens and apparatus. They should be able to organize the science fairs and start the science clubs. They should apply then scientific knowledge to the real situations in society. The relevant learning experiences should be incorporated into the school curriculum.

To Develop an Interest and Appreciation of Nature and Environment

Biology is the study of nature and the living environment. Human beings are a part of this nature. A biology student should be able to

appreciate the importance of the situation. The student should understand the need for conserving the environment and other living organisms. He should identify the disadvantages of environmental degradation. This aim is fulfilled by relating the teaching of biology with applications and examples from real-life situations.

Developing Scientific Attitudes and Training in Scientific Methods

Developing a scientific outlook is one of the essential Objectives of Science. Scientific attitude refers to critical observation, inquisitiveness, open-mindedness, belief in truthfulness, unbiased judgment, non-belief in superstition and developing the scientific method. The teacher is a guide who makes efforts to teach these characteristics through the teaching of science. These attitudes help and equip the student to face the problems and solve them with grit and determination at home and school. Training in scientific method refers to the procedure of solving scientific issues through the scientific methodology. The scientific method is a problem-solving method, which applies the logical sequence of steps to solve a problem. It requires the skills of analyzing and critical thinking. The scientific method includes the steps like identification of a problem, defining a problem, analysis, organization, experimentation, collection of the data, and interpretation of the data, conclusion and generalization. These processes of scientific methodology help in solving problems in a logical, sequential manner.

Science as a Basis for Career Development

Scientific knowledge has a vital role to play in this modern technological world. There are several avenues where the philosophy of science finds an application. The study of science not only gives knowledge but also prepares the students for their higher education and future vocations. Knowledge of science forms a basis for further studies. The science teacher should identify the students and provide them with additional training and guide them to pursue further studies in science.

To Prepare Students to be Competent Citizens of the Society

The knowledge of science should prepare an individual to lead a complete life. It should make the individual lead a happy and peaceful life. The student of biology should develop the appropriate attitudes like open-mindedness, appreciation of nature, problem- solving skills and non-belief in superstitions. These attributes will help an individual to lead a systematic and organized life. The knowledge of science makes an individual technically competent to face the challenges of the modern world.







Values of Teaching Biological Science

There is an increasing demand for science education in the society as we are living in an era of science and technology. Science education is essential for personal benefits and the development of society on the whole. Science is also fundamental in our day-to-day lives. Science education not only develops knowledge and competence in the subject but also helps in promoting values of life. Philosophy of science prepares the individual to face the challenges of the ever-changing modern world. We can teach several benefits in the students through Biological Science education. The most important value among them are: –

Intellectual Value

Biological Science develops our thinking and reasoning skills. It gratifies our intellectual instincts and makes us aware of our surroundings and ourselves; It increases our understanding of the complicated matters existing around us. The primary aim of science education is the development of intellectual ability. Biological Science education teaches the knowledge of facts, the spirit of enquiry, the technique of assumption, the power of observation, and value judgment in the students. It helps in developing logical thinking, reasoning, analysis, and creativity in the students. It promotes scientific attitudes and provides training in scientific methodology. It develops rational thinking in an individual and prepares him to face the challenges of the modern world with a scientific outlook.

It sharpens our minds and makes us intellectually honest and critical in our observation and reasoning. We usually tend to arrive at conclusions without any bias in the light of science. Some of the essential scientific attitudes, which are appreciated with science knowledge, are open-mindedness, curiosity, systematic thinking and reflective thinking. Biological Science helps in understanding and solving many problems like social, economical, political or cultural.

Utilitarian Value

As it is mentioned earlier, Biological Science has several applications in our everyday life. Development of Biological Science can be related to the development of the human race. The advances in the fields of medicine, improvement in health and hygiene, thereby improving the lifespan of human beings, is due to the enormous explosion of scientific knowledge. Science has influenced the lives of people so much that today we cannot imagine our lives without the involvement of science. Biological Science has a significant impact in the field of medicines and health, preventing and curing several diseases. The increased production of food for the ever-increasing population of the world is also the gift of Biological Science for the survival of man.

Vocational Value

Biological Science is a multidisciplinary subject and creates a lot of awareness about many aspects of modern development. As a subject, it has helped in generating several vocations. It has many applications and the students fit better into any mission as they have a basic knowledge of science. Biological Science is a part of Dairy, Poultry, Agriculture, Veterinary, Microbiological. Bio-chemical and Paramedical fields. Biological Science graduates may enter teaching or enter industries related to Bioproducts. The knowledge of science develops several skills like reasoning, analysis; critical thinking. It helps individuals to become technically competent and professional in their attitudes; It helps them to become self-sufficient. Scientific hobbies motivate the students to become creative in their outlook. In every vocation, scientific knowledge is required, and hence primary knowledge science education is a must for every student.

Moral Value

Biological Science as a process and product is based on a belief in essential values like truth, beauty and goodness. Among these values, the fact is most valuable, as scientific experimentation is based mainly on truthfulness and honesty. We can say that science is the truth. Success in science is purely dependent on the accuracy of work. A student working on scientific procedures should inculcate the values like patience, perseverance, truthfulness, honesty and determination. He should be rational in outlook and should accept critical feedback from others. A person who is pursuing science is considered as a seeker of truth. No success is achieved without being truthful. Thus, science develops not only scientific thinking skills but also promotes moral values in students.

Aesthetic Value

Ours is a beautiful universe with many unfolding mysteries in it. As a part of this fascinating universe, we should be able to appreciate our mother nature. Aesthetic sense has its origin in life. Biological Science helps us in unfolding the mysteries of this universe; A Science student understands the environment in a better way. Nature exhibits an order, which is governed by general laws and thus possesses a beautiful harmony. Einstein called it “the pre-established harmony” We all know that the discovering of such beautiful harmonies is the concern of science. Keats once stated that “Truth is Beauty” and it is established that science is nothing but the truth. Thus, Biological Science is the teacher, who teaches us to recognize the beauty of nature, appreciate nature and make our lives worth living.

Cultural Value

Biological Science plays a vital role in the civilization of man. From ancient civilization to the present modern world, science has become part and parcel of our everyday life. Science has a significant impact on the culture of man in any society. Its application to the material and maintenance system brought a drastic evolution in the literature. The study of science teaches scientific attitudes and methodology in individuals affects the way of thinking and the way of living of

the individuals. Science has aided the growth of our consciousness by developing awareness about the various facts, concepts, beliefs, customs and traditions of the world. It has heightened our intellectual abilities and helped in refining, understanding and discriminating the realities of life. Science develops cultural value as it forms an integral part of one’s life and influences our social heritage. The knowledge of science has a significant influence in bringing about a renaissance in our culture and traditions. The scientific expertise helps to bring about cultural balance traditions advances present, they undergoing constant change in practical applications scientific discoveries. The development of our society or civilization or culture is wholly dependent on scientific progress. Thus, science is an integral part of our cultural treasure.

Creative Value

Creativity is defined as an activity resulting in new products of definite social value. It is the ability to think, create or do something new or original. It includes a series of actions, which create new ideas, thoughts and physical objects. We can say that science is also a product with social value, which is due to the creative thinking of many scientists over some time. Science develops creativity in students. Students learn new concepts, identify new techniques and perform innovative experiments. They observe the processes, conduct tests successfully and even develop alternative methods of study. These form the creativity in the learners.

Disciplinary Value

Science brings mental and physical discipline in the life of the individual. Problem-solving, decision-making, critical thinking, perseverance and commitment to tasks are some of the spiritual disciplines, which a student develops by the study of science. The study of science teaches the student to undertake physical work like practical experimentation for long hours in the laboratory, collect the data, record, analyze and interpret the data and arrive at conclusions. All these activities result in the development of self- discipline in the students.

Development of Scientific Attitudes

The knowledge of science results in the development of attitudes like critical observation, open-mindedness and unbiased thinking. It frees individuals from the superstitious beliefs and improves their rational thinking. Science brings a positive change in the attitudes of individuals, which improve the life of the Individual and help in satisfying the basic instincts of curiosity, creativeness, self-assertion, self-expression etc. The development of scientific attitude has a great impact on an individual’s Psychology i.e., the way of thinking.

Training in Scientific Method

The study of science trains the students to solve the problems by applying the scientific principles. They approach the problem using a definite scientific procedure called scientific method. Explanation or problem-solving scientifically is called as scientific methodology. With the help of scientific method, one can easily solve any problem comfortably. Therefore, it is a necessary that the students are taught and trained in these scientific methods so that they can attack the problem instead of escaping from it. The students make a survey of the problem, collect the data, formulate the hypothesis, analyze the result, draw the conclusions and give the generalizations. Once the student is familiar with all the scientific methods, they can solve any type of problem even in their real life.

Value of Proper Utility of Leisure Time

An idle brain is a devil’s workshop. It is very important for the students’ to utilize their leisure time in a proper manner. The knowledge of Biology should create interest and motivate the students to use their leisure in an appropriate manner. The leisure time should be used to take up small time projects, or hobbies like collection of specimens of plants or insects and preserving them. The teacher may take the students to plant nurseries or poultry or dairy farms to develop the knowledge about the growth and development of plants and animals. The students may be asked to write articles for the newspapers or school magazines. They may also take up science club activities or take part in science fairs and make the best use of their leisure for enhancing their knowledge of biology.

Value of Science as a Basis for Better Living

The explosion of scientific knowledge has lead to much advancement in the field of science and technology. This made the human beings to lead a more peaceful, healthy and happy life The developments in the field of medicine, health, industry, food and nutrition, environment and sanitation and also electronics and communication have revolutionized the world. They made this world a more happier and pleasurable place to live.


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