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Air quality in Malaysia

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Air quality in Malaysia

Air quality in Malaysia has deteriorated due to urbanization and seasonal haze in the country. Moreover, growing industrialization has caused air pollutants to soar over time.


The number of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia atmospheric chemistry and pollution expert Prof Dr. Mohd Talib Latif said motor vehicles increased air pollutants in the city centre and resulted in high ozone concentrations in the suburbs.

The 2018 study he co-authored showed a general increase in ozone levels in urban areas from 2005 to 2015.


The increase in outdoor ozone levels is associated with various adverse health effects, such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, according to the results of the US indoor air quality science resource base.


The study examined four selected sites, namely Klang,Petaling Jaya,Shah Alam and Cheras, and also showed high levels of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide in urban areas.


These pollutants come mainly from motor vehicle emissions in these areas.

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