American Dream Essay
A – Rod: The American Tragedy in Action
I agree with the article that, “ our role is that as a citizenry, we have accepted – and sometimes even acclaimed – the practice of success at any cost. This statement is true because most Americans nowadays can do anything to achieve success. An example is in sports, where most athletes resorted to using steroids to enhance their performance, but this eventually led to their fall.
It is true, “American dream is founded on achievement, and our parents taught us that the right things come first. ” However, I agree that these values have faded over the years and those who try to achieve the American dream, end up living according to the values that disregard character.
Is the American Dream Becoming Too Materialistic?
I concur with the article that in America, it is easy for a person to start from nowhere and be successful. “ Opportunities are everywhere, and the message is clear: work hard, and you will get where you want.” The American dream is, indeed, turning out to be more materialistic. Most people are obsessed with shopping as well as purchasing unnecessary products. In the past, people desired nice houses with a few cars, but this has changed as most of the people high-end iPhones, cars, and bags.
“ The American dream revolves around luxury goods for most people.” This statement as presented in the article is true as people believe they have achieved the American dream by acquiring these luxurious items. Most people in America are indeed chasing possession as if it will bring them happiness. In the process, they ignore happiness and start having a miserable life.