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Analysis of Discourse on Value-Based Health Care

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Analysis of Discourse on Value-Based Health Care


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Analysis of Discourse on Value-Based Health Care

Part 1

The topic of choice for this final paper is value-based care, as discussed in the blog by Rajaee (2023) titled, “What is Value-Based Care, and Why is it Important?”. The blog focuses on a description of what value-based care is as well as how important it is. The author gives additional information which helps one understand value-based care comprehensively. The blog is more interesting owing to the utilization of the concept of Grice’s Maxims, which are some of the concepts of discourse analysis. This paper will discuss how the concept of Grace’s Maxims appears in the text.

Analysis Of The Chosen Discourse

The choice of method to conduct a discourse analysis depends on the material being analyzed (Johnstone, 2008). The kind of information being relayed dictates what someone will say or the language that they will use. For example, how written documents will be analyzed differs from how spoken proverbs will be analyzed. The person who said whatever is being analyzed also matters. This is because the participant in a conversation affects what will be said in that conversation. The motivation for what is being said is also important because it shows whether or not what is said is the context within which it is said.

One concept of discourse analysis that can be useful in analyzing the big by Rajaee is intertextuality. According to Johnstone (2008), intertextuality refers to how a participant or an author of a discourse can refer to other sources or quote other sources, either directly or indirectly. In Rajaee’s blog, intertextuality comes out in many ways. For instance, there is a reference to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services when defining what value-based care is (Rajaee, 2023). When exploring the benefits associated with value-based care and the challenges of value-based care, various blogs and texts are cited in the blog, which shows how intertextuality has been used. Moreover, the author uses various medical jargon and terminologies that relate to value-based care, thus showing how well-informed the author is on the topic.

Another important concept that is instrumental in discourse analysis is identity (Johnstone, 2008). The blog author or any other text might try to display a particular social identity using a certain kind of text or format. In the blog by Rajaee (2023), the concept of identity stands out, with the author taking the role of someone knowledgeable about what value-based care entails. It also demonstrates that such knowledge might have resulted from particular expertise in the healthcare field. Furthermore, the blog explains how value-based care is vital to healthcare providers as well as patients, which gives a particular identity to the participants. It shows that the application of value-based care can influence the social identity of those affected.

The concept of evaluation also helps analyze a discourse by ensuring that the language being assessed expresses the author’s attitude or opinion towards a particular subject (Johnstone, 2008). The concept of evaluation is illustrated in the blog by Rajaee (2023) in various ways. For instance, when the author emphasizes the significance of value-based care, it shows that the author is confident and enthusiastic towards the value that such a transformation will bring to healthcare. More so, when the author criticizes the ineffectiveness of volume-based care, it shows that the author has a strong belief that value-based care is superior in comparison. Evaluation is also evident in the disclosure of some of the challenges associated with value-based care.

The concept of discourse analysis that better fits Rajaee’s blog is that of Grice’s Maxims. The discourse of a blog by Rajaee (2023) tries to explain what value-based care is while expounding further on various elements, such as the main components of value-based care and the benefits that doctors accrue from value-based care, among others. The blog meets the expectations of Grice’s Maxims in many ways.

When people communicate, they need to be sure that their information will be well received and understood by their intended audience. Paul Grice, a linguist, developed four principles that help guide people when communicating, whether verbally or via text, to ensure that the information being communicated carries weight in terms of quantity, clarity, quality, and relevance (Shatz, 2024). When these principles are used in communication, the communicated information is adequately understood without fear of ambiguity or contradiction.

The first principle of Grice’s maxim is quantity (Shatz, 2024). The maxims of the quantity expect the person conversing to be more informative to an adequate limit, with being more informative such that one discloses irrelevant information. Rajaee (2023), in his blog, utilizes the maxims of quantity adequately by explaining in detail what value-based care is and describes the components and benefits of value-based care. Before delving into the blog, the author informs the reader what they will tackle in the blog. The author further explains the challenges associated with value-based care and what a healthcare provider needs to do to utilize or employ value-based care successfully.

Rajaee (2023) does not just uproot information out of nowhere. He ensures that the information he gives the blog’s readers is supported by evidence. This can be seen when he cites or references another information source when explaining value-based care. The excerpt, “The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) defines value-based care as programs that…” shows that the information given in the blog is credible and can be relied upon by healthcare providers. This is to the Maxims of quality, which expect one to be truthful in conversation (Shatz, 2024). According to Grice’s Maxims of quality, one needs to ensure that what one says is accurate and that one can provide evidence to support whatever one claims. The fact that Rajaee, in his blog, has provided evidence from other sources that he has adhered to the Maxims of quality.

Another important concept in discourse analysis is maxims of relevance, which expect a speaker to stay consistent with the discussed topic (Shatz, 2024). In the blog by Rajaee (2023), there is not a single piece of information that is out of context. All the information provided therein is at par with the topic. The blog has, therefore, embraced Grice’s Maxims of relevance. Additionally, the maxims of manner expect the speaker to be clear when providing information (Shatz, 2024). The information they provide should not be misinterpreted by reducing the possibility of ambiguities. In the blog by Rajaee (2023), the information has been presented in an easily understandable language. More so, the information has been presented orderly, and medical jargon has been limited, ensuring a clear understanding of what the writer intended. Therefore, the blog is in sync with Grice’s principles of effective communication.

How Language Is Used to Convey a Particular Social Message or Agenda

The language used in a text depends on who the participant is and what motivates them to create such a text (Johnstone, 2008). The language used in the discourse was not only persuasive but also practical. From the title of the discourse to the content used therein, it is meant to draw the reader’s attention and persuade them to keep reading. This is seen in the text, “But what is value-based care? And how can this model benefit physicians and patients alike?” (Rajaee, 2023). Such a statement builds curiosity in whoever is reading so that they can keep reading. The text, “We’ll show you precisely what you need for your practice to succeed in a value-based care model”, is both persuasive and effective since, apart from influencing an individual’s desire to read the blog, the reader ends up knowing what they can do to succeed in value-based care.

Other Discourse Samples About the Same Topic

Numerous discourse sources explore the same topic. The two discourse sources located in this paper include a log by Main Street Health (2023), titled Value-Based Care: The Future is Now, and a blog by Kylander (nd), titled Value-Based Care: Problems, Benefits, and Solutions.

Arguments And Language Used in The Additional Excerpts

The blog by Main Street Health (2023) stresses the significance of value-based care, as it stresses that healthcare providers must migrate from volume-based care to value-based care. The language used in this blog is persuasive, as it is clearly stated in the statement, “This blog is a call to action—it’s time to start preparing for value-based care”. The blog by Kylander (nd) also argues that volume-based care is not as effective as value-based care and that most healthcare providers need to migrate to value-based care. The language used in the blog is effective, as it triggers one to think critically about value-based care and might even influence one’s decision to embrace value-based care.

How The Three Discourse Samples Shape and Are Shaped by Ideologies of Power, Control, Injustice, Inequality, Social Change, And Emancipation

How people interpret discourse depends on the author of the discourse and the recipient of the information produced (Johnstone, 2008). Different ideologies shape the three discourse samples. One of the ideologies shaping the three blogs is social change. In all three blogs, it is clear that most healthcare providers are currently migrating from volume-based care to value-based care. This shows the ideology of power at use. Power can be gained through an institutional bestowment or as a result of a situational push (Johnstone, 2008). In the three discourse samples, institutions have the power to change how people get reimbursed, whether they get paid depending on the volume of work done or the quality of work done. However, it is also clear that healthcare providers also have the power to make such changes if they choose.

The idea of control also shapes the three discourse samples since, in all three samples, it is clear that healthcare providers have the power to decide whether to embrace value-based care. The ideology of injustice also plays a part in shaping the three samples, as they all show how much injustice patients suffer when healthcare providers only care about maximizing their income through volume-based care rather than value-based care (Kylander, nd). The three samples, therefore, stress the significance of embracing value-based care for the future of healthcare to be on the right path.

Part 2

Blog Post That Responds to The Topic Discussed

Below is my blog post, which corresponds to the discourse topic discussed above.

Exploring the Benefits of Value-Based Care

Change is inevitable. As the world changes, the healthcare sector has not been left behind either. One of the changes in the healthcare sector is how healthcare providers are reimbursed for their well-provided services. Initially, healthcare providers used to be paid based on the number of patients they attended to. However, things have taken a turn for the better, and now many are embracing value-based payment. Do you know what value-based care entails? To know the benefits of value-based care, let us first explore what value-based care is.

What is value-based care?

As the name suggests, value-based care generally means providing care that is focused on the quality of care that the patient will receive rather than the number of patients that the doctors will attend to. This is the basis on which the healthcare providers are paid.

What are the benefits of value-based care?

  • It promotes patient participation in their care. To ensure that patients receive quality services, they must be part of decision-making. Studies show that when patients are engaged in making important decisions, they are likely to receive better care.
  • It promotes patient-centred care. When healthcare providers understand that they are paid for providing the best care to their patients, they are more likely to care for their patients based on their specific needs.
  • It is cost-effective. When healthcare providers provide value-based care, they will likely focus on interventions that produce optimum outcomes rather than cheap interventions to maximize profits. This ensures that funds are well-spent on valuable products.

Even though it might take some getting used to, embracing value-based care is worth the trouble.

Effectiveness Of My Discourse

My discourse effectively employs Grice’s Maxims of quality, quantity, manner and relevance (Shatz, 2024). The effectiveness is seen in the relevance of my discourse as it relates to the three sample discourses discussed above. More so, the information therein is consistent with the title chosen for the blog, which solidifies the relevance of the blog. Another way in which the discourse is relevant is in terms of quality. The information provided in the blog does not come from personal opinions but rather from various articles, which ensures the credibility of the information. This is following the Maxims of quality. Also, the discourse provided comprehensive and adequate information per the number of words as instructed. This is following the Maxims of quantity. Furthermore, the information is presented clearly and less ambiguously so that readers are not confused or misinformed. This is following Maxims of manner.

How My Discourse Responds to The Existing Discourse(S) Of Contemporary Institutions and Ideologies

The discourse responds to contemporary ideologies as it influences various reactions from the readers, who are part of the participants. More so, it stresses the ideology of power, showing the readers that they can change and embrace value-based care. According to Johnstone (2008), participants are shaped by a discourse; similarly, discourse can shape the participants. In the same spirit, since people are social beings, they must work together to ensure control and power over certain aspects of the community. In my discourse, as the writer and the reader, I have the power to shape the migration to value-based care, whereby the author can influence the decisions made by the readers. Similarly, the readers have the power to follow the recommendations the reader gives in the discourse.


Language is used in various ways to influence various occurrences. The methods used differ in how people interpret language. The three samples explored in this paper employ Grace’s Maxims theory, which encompasses quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. The blog post in the paper also correlates with the three-sample discourse as it explores the same theories of discourse analysis and the same contemporary ideologies.





Itamar Shatz. (2024). Grice’s Maxims of Conversation: The Principles of Effective Communication. Effectiviology.

Johnstone, B. (2008). Discourse Analysis (2nd ed.). Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing.

Kennedy Kylander. (nd). Value-Based Care: Problems, Benefits, and Solutions. CollaborateMD.

Leona Rajaee. (2023). What is Value-Based Care, and Why is it Important? Elation.

Main Street Health. (2023). Value-based Care: The Future is Now. Acofp.


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