Analysis of the effects of population Growth in Haiti
Being a consultant of the United Nations, I have been called for the research of why the demography in Haiti leads to global heating. Haiti comprises the western three-eighths of the island of Hispaniola, west of the Dominican Republic. Haiti is positioned east of the neighboring island of Cuba, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean. Haiti, whose population is almost entirely descended from African slaves, won independence from France in 1804. At this time, the country is overpopulated which has placed challenges on its surroundings and the citizens’ safety. No doubt the human population is a Major Cause of global heating, given that humans use fossil fuels to power their increasingly mechanized lifestyles. Agricultural land is less profitable and also social activities which include the cutting of trees. This has caused increased concentrations of the greenhouse gases in the air
This paper consists of three sections which the first tells the background of the analysis. The second part will give a clear understanding of how emissions will cause a great pandemic in the developing world. The last paper will tell about the triggers of the CHG and solutions to these problems.
greenhouse gases refer to the collection of collection components of gases that have a key role ability to get the infrared radiations within the atmosphere, therefore, maximizing the temperatures of the earth’s atmosphere. Moreover, GHG allows the permit of free penetration of the shortwave radiation within the air where the surface of the earth incompletely absorbs it. GHG are the most significant causes that cause of greenhouse impact which probably leads to global warming. They perform the absorption of reflected solar energy leading the earth atmospheric warmer and warmer.
Global warming is one of the environmental issues of concern on the energy crisis. The most substantial GHG includes gases such as water vapor, methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide. However, three factors impact global warming. The concentration of gas in the atmosphere, how strong there tends to affect the atmosphere and the period at which the gases stay in the atmosphere are the key major factors that depend on how the gases affect global warming. We see how GHG promotes or contributes towards global warming through the absorption given by the outgoing radiation and finally releasing it. This process takes place by when the radiant is re-emitted and some of the heat goes towards the earth’s surface. However, when the radiant is not taken in or absorbed, it will continue outwards and get away from the atmosphere of the earth. As a result of the rising temperatures is brought the imbalance between the ingoing and outgoing radiation.
The larger GHG emissions lead to the higher concentration of gases in the earth’s atmosphere, therefore, increasing global warming. For the temperatures to increase in the earth’s atmosphere, this is resulted by when GHG in the atmosphere of the earth absorbs infrared radiation making the planet warmer. When the heat gets increased, this leads to global warming. In some instance, gases that are flourished are given out during the industrial processes occur in minimal concentrations. They get and trap heat effectively making them high global warming gases that are potential.
How emissions cause problems for the developing world
Most countries in the world emit or give out large amounts of GHG in which carbon dioxide accounts for the biggest share of the gases. One of the most leading producers of GHG is China followed by the United States. Another producer of GHG in the third position is India followed by Russia and finally japan. From world trends, the leading GHG emitter countries are the developed countries and the emerging economies all over the world. GHG causes the greenhouse impact thus leading to global warming. GHG emissions have attributed to the various economic problems including a reduction of the number of fishes in seas and oceans that many people depend on for income and food. The reduction of the number of fishes in the seas is a result of the acidification of oceans and an increase in sea level. Thus, the acidic oceans lead to biodiversity loss because fish cannot live or survive in acidic water. Most fish have minimized to more acidic waters in seas.
Furthermore, the emission of GHG is associated with the problem of security particularly to the most developing countries worldwide. For some instances, Haiti is one of the developing leading to a high population growth rate. The country is not able to adapt to the threats of global warming since there is a lack of well-maintained and established infrastructure. The emissions of GHG cause global warming, which leads to drought and floods which some countries are not in the position to handle the threats of global warming. This will bring about the casing of securing challenges to the residents that live in Haiti.
Moreover, the emission of GHG has also become a key political phenomenon significantly impacting the stability of political government both regionally or globally. The reduction of the release of GHG simply entails the changing of how energy is produced and traded. The trading of energy is the most important and the most catered economic activity across the world. This involves state governments, political clout, corporations, and lastly people with enormous economic. Therefore, the changes in distribution and the changes in energy production may lead to changes in the political face of a particular nation. For instance, most individuals in Haiti depend greatly on biomass such as charcoal and wood fuels as the primary energy sources. This will result in political differences when you try to convince these individuals to adapt to depend on the use of other energy sources.
Causes of GHG and their solutions
There are two main causes of GHG which include the cutting of trees (deforestation) and the burning of fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels releases GHG which causes global warming. However, note that fossil fuels that contain the organisms’ remains are conserved and maintained in the rocks below the earth’s crust which have high contents of oxygen gas and hydrogen gas. Therefore, this will lead to an increase in GHG. On the other hand, the cutting down of trees accounts for a percentage of worldwide GHG emissions. During the process of respiration, trees and plants give in carbon dioxide which is available in the atmosphere of the earth and release of oxygen gas. When the forests are cleared, carbon dioxide gas is not absorbed from the earth’s atmosphere leading to the maximize in greenhouse gases.
The burning of fossil fuels being a cause of greenhouses may be simply addressed to avid fossil fuels burning. For an alternative source of energy, the compressed natural gas may be used to produce or give fewer gases in greenhouses. However, to curb the challenge of deforestation, it can be dealt with by the afforestation method. Afforestation is the act of planting trees where there never existed. This method will help in absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere of the earth.
Human practices such as the burning of fossil fuels, the cutting down of trees, transport, industrialization, and agriculture are all linked to GHG emission. The population size and growth are described to be the main causes of carbon dioxide and other emissions of GHG. This gives clear evidence that controlling the population may minimize human activities such as the discussed below: deforestation will result in minimizing the emissions of GHG. The population size may also be linked with the growth of towns, increased migration, and the variations in the rate of fertility among women. For example, as the year 2014, the world population was reported to be 7.2 and is projected to more billions of individuals in the next coming years. Controlling the actors which are associated with maximize population size has positive effects on the emissions f GHG.
Global warming is affecting the developing nations and it is upon people to slow or stop to the natural levels. The growth In demography is a threat or a challenge to biodiversity as human activities such as deforestation and burning of fossil fuels contribute to the emission of GHG which results in the climate crisis. The human activities discussed above contribute to increased amounts of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. We can conclude that GHG has economic, political, and security effects on most developing countries worldwide. The United Nations can use this information to give clear future policy decisions to enhance every aspect discussed is put into consideration.