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Analysis of Vision of Love in Pride and Prejudice

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Analysis of Vision of Love in Pride and Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice is a famous novel. The novel shows us different views of marriage, which let us think deeply about it. The novel shows that a rational marriage without love and a passionate marriage with only passion is not advocated. It is a happy marriage to have a sensible choice and emotional appeal, which can make an extraordinary life. The author tells the story of love in a satirical and humorous way. Elizabeth is an independent and thoughtful girl. She is opposed to marrying for money and against rash marriage, emphasizing the importance of emotional factors in marriage. The novel describes four different kinds of marriages, which are based on shared interests, indifferent marriage, marriages of money, marriages of true love. These marriages are Austin’s portrayal of British middle- class social life in the early 19th century. The article finally warns people that real marriage is based on harmonious thinking, respect, and true love. Austin is more focused on the form of expression rather than telling the love of men and women. They will be given their souls by Austin. Even have a profound impact on the present life.
harmonious thinking; respect; true love







1   Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5


1.1 Background……………………………………………………………………………………. 5


1.2 Significance & Purpose……………………………………………………………………. 6


1.3 Organization of the Paper…………………………………………………………………. 7


2   Literature Review…………………………………………………………………………………. 8


2.1 Theoretical Concept………………………………………………………………………… 9


2.2 Related Domestic Research………………………………………………………………. 9


2.3 Related Abroad Research…………………………………………………………………. 9


2.4 Summary……………………………………………………………………………………… 11

  1. 3.0 Analysis of love stories……………………………………………………11


3.1 Lydia and Wickham Love analysis………………………………………………………….. 11


3.2 Bias and Judgement get in the way of love, Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy………….12


3.3 Love, at first sight, does exist, Charles Bingley’s and Jane………………………13

3.4 Love for wealth and Social security, Lucas and Collins ………………………….14


4   Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………….. 15



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Analysis of Love Vision of Love in Pride and Prejudice


  1. Introduction

More and more people have read this novel Pride and Prejudice now. At the same time, the present society has a great reference. For young people, we can also learn a lot. From the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century, it shows the beautiful and tranquil country life, social customs, and rich culture of Britain. The novel is full of comic conflicts and full of humorous styles. It vividly describes the vision of love and the view of marriage between a gentleman and a lady. The author skillfully tells the five daughters with different personalities and describe a mother who values money. As well as kinds of figures who are flexible and mercenary in that social background. A particularly detailed description of the psychological activities of the girl to be married, and vivid show four marriages styles. The novel is full of witty and humorous dialogues. The author sharply satire marriage views without love. Through the different attitudes of Bennett’s five daughters and her good friend’s charlotte towards the big event of life. The article shows the different perspectives of the girls from middle-class families in the township towards the issues of marriage and love. The author owns her views about love and marriage. She thinks that it is wrong to marry only for the sake of property and status, but if you don’t consider the wealth and status, you will be foolish people. In fact that the view is correct under the social, and the article tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy proves this point.

  • Background

Jane Austen, an English novelist, who is famous for romantic fiction. Her novels are full of criticism and humor. They can always reflect the social emotions at that time. In this case, it also earned her a place as one of the most popular writers in English literature. Her realism, biting irony, and social commentary have gained her historical importance among scholars and critics. Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen’s most widely read and famous novel. It was published in 1813. It portrays life in the genteel rural society of England in the early 19th century.

The end of the 18th century in the early 19th century when rapid development of British capitalism. It drives the growth of the economy and people’s desire for freedom and equality, however, gender discrimination was severe in the society at that time. Under the condition, Jane Austen, as one of the oppressed women, to express her feelings and social discontent make “Pride and Prejudice” arises at the historic moment.

1.2 Significance & Purpose

This novel is of considerable significance to our education. It leads us to do the right things. At present, society develops faster, and our life is better and more prosperous. A lot of people gradually lost ourselves. The divorce issue is increasingly severe. We need positive thinking to lead us to advance. Our marriage is full of money and status. However, this novel can set up our correct love view.

We can know what true love is. True love should be reflected in consideration of the partner’s merits, and it is as well as the material conditions. And we must be considered the unity of thinking. According to these aspects above, love between the main actors is the true one. The novel describes four different marriages; it’s about a happy marriage and an unhappy marriage. It also shows the marriage situation of England in the early 19th century. During their love experiences, external and internal factors affect their relationships, which are also essential parts of marriage.

In conclusion, “Pride and Prejudice” is a masterpiece. The novel reaches a high degree of writing technique. It teaches us that financial condition and love should be considered before married and don’t judge people by the first impression; we should also value mental communication.

1.3 Organization of the Paper

Firstly, we simply introduce different social backgrounds and novel content. We need to know the author’s characteristics and the main content of the novel.

And then, we analyze this novel through some domestic and foreign scholars’ study. We deeply reveal the significance of this novel to reality. For example, the novel reminds the four marriages mentioned. Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage, Bingley and Jane’s marriage, Collins and Charlotte’s marriage, Wickham and Lydia’s marriage, the four marriages also shows different marital states. The impact on us. Through the scholar’s study, which we can know what the four marriage is. We can even know the characters of Elizabeth. It is her personality traits that influence her choice of love.

In the end, we analyze the author’s social background. In that social background, Austen encourages personal value, advocates spiritual freedom, and emphasizes that the role of money in love cannot be ignored.

And In conclusion. Since time is limited, we can talk about some of the rediscoveries of today’s society and shortcomings.




  1. Literature Review

Pride and Prejudice are considered Jane Austen’s most famous and successful novel. In many people’s opinion, it is also one of the greatest fictions written in English. It contains all the elements necessary for great literature: an attractive plot, a concise style. Jane Austen’s novels are all about marriage. Taking Pride and Prejudice as an example, the article considers the love of the heroes and heroines as the mainline, truly reflects the contradiction between the society and the times. In the process of industrialization of British society, the aristocracy not only follows the old values but also accepts the new ideas. It reflects the gradual disintegration of the old economic order and the changes in social values caused by the integration and reorganization of the new social structure. It is of great educational significance to young people in today’s society.

  • Theoretical Basis

About the novel is related to the theoretical basis; you can find some personality character and psychology. It tells about one person’s mental activity that influences his acquisition of future things. It is famous theoretical is MBTI. This theory is based on Binggs and her mother, Isabel Briggs-Myers of study. According to this theoretical, we start to research.

Its full name is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. It is a forced selection and self -report type of personality evaluation theory model. It used to measure and describe the psychological activities of the personality type in access to gain information, make decisions, and treat life and other aspects. Through this theoretical basis, I make six kinds of emotional experience. It is suitable for four marriages in this novel.

2.2 Abroad Research

In abroad research, many scholars study the language techniques used in the novel. As Ian Watt said: We don’t need great wisdom to see all the major problems in life, all or almost all of them appear on Austin’s small stage. [1] The novel takes Pride and Prejudice as the text, the social characteristics revealed by marriage in the period of social transformation, and its profound cultural connotation. Industrialization not only promotes the continuous differentiation of production organizations, but also diversifies the occupational market, integrates, and reorganizes the social structure, and forms the political and economic foundation of the modern bourgeoisie

Besides, the author often used very complex expressions to describe the characters and to make fun of the ugly side of aristocratic women. Austen was an image of a middle-class English woman who liked to picture people from her village and laughed at their stupidity. [2] And foreign scholars were more familiar with the history and social evolution of Europe at that time. Austen’s literary creation was from the end of the 18th century to the beginning of the 19th century. At this time, a series of political, economic, and social events took place in England: the French revolution, the European War, the Industrial Revolution, and so on.


2.3 Domestic Research

Domestic scholars not only study and analyze language techniques but also many scholars analyze and study character psychology in this novel. A great deal of verbal irony is used in the book. The meaning the speaker is trying to convey is not consistent with what he is ostensibly saying. This kind of irony usually indicates that the speaker has some views and comments, but implies an entirely different attitude and evaluation. [4] After the emergence of a new economic factor or system, the spiritual level must be renewed accordingly, the corresponding pursuit of life and values should be called for, and the original humanistic coordinates should be stripped or even conflict with. As a realist writer, Austen’s greatest achievement is to reproduce the typical psychological characteristics of the times. [5]

2.4 Summary

Many pieces of research are through analyzing the writing techniques adopted in the novel of Pride and Prejudice. Some scholars mainly study the characters’ personalities in the novel to elaborate on their views. In contrast, I consider the love expressed in the novel to make use of the study’s influence on the current society and its reference value. The analysis of “companion love” and its practical significance — the theoretical analysis of love types in Pride and Prejudice.[6]

3.0 Analysis of the love stories

3.1 Lydia and Wickham Love analysis

It is evident from the book that Wickham and Lydia did not run off because of love; they flee out of infatuation, necessity, and lust. There was a strong belief by Lydia that he is in love with Wickham, but there is an emphasis by Austen that the feeling did not exist before Lydia went to Brighton. Wickham had a plan to escape because of gambling debt, and he took advantage of Lydia’s puppy love to give himself some company. When Elizabeth contemplated Wickham’s and Lydia future, she wonders “how little of permanent happiness could belong to a couple who were only brought together because their passion was stronger than their virtue” according to Austen’s view on Lydia’s type of marriage is that their relationship was based upon sexual gratification and it will soon lose its luster.

For the understanding of the importance of Wickham and Lydia rash action. It is of considerable significance to know how badly nineteenth-century British society condemned a woman who loses her virginity before the marriage. The woman’s reputation can be damaged by the appearance of loss of virtue. This will destroy the probability of her getting married, and their family will be put into shame. The society had the assumption that Wickham and Lydia had sex because they lived together for two weeks before they were found. With that reason, Lydia will be portrayed as ruined unless she gets married to Wickham. With such kind of assumption, the news became so exciting, and a big gossip for Meryton and the reason Mr.Collins wrote his letter recommending disownment of Lydia. Although his views were harsh, it was common for the families to do that way for them to avoid the bad reputation from other family members. Despite Lydia and Wickham’s behavior being disapproved by Bennet, Wickham agrees to marry Lydia. He didn’t do this to save Lydia’s reputation alone, but also for the whole family’s social-acceptability is protected as well.


3.2 Bias and Judgement get in the way of love (Elizabeth and Mr.Darcy)

The novel also tells us that bias and Judgement can make you not fall in love with someone. Elizabeth had a legit excuse not to like Mr.Darcy when she had him say,” She is tolerable, but not handsome enough to tempt me” when Darcy was suggested by Bingley to allow him to dance with her. Bingleys hears Dancy’s suggestion on what accomplished woman is made up after both of them had listed their attributes that such woman would possess, Elizabeth declares that she” never saw such taste, capacity, elegance, and application, as you describe, united” suggesting that Darcy I far too demanding. This is a piece of clear evidence that Elizabeth had a genuine reason as to why not to like Mr.Darcy. But does Mr.Darcy have a valid right as to why not to like Elizabeth? Afterward, we get to know that Mr.Darcy gets attracted to Elizabeth more, the reason being that Elizabeth doesn’t love him the way he loves her. This is different from Mr.Bingley, who is bombarding compliments to Mr.Darcy and acting like a desperate person. Maybe, when Mr.Darcy met Elizabeth first, he had a notion that perhaps Elizabeth is into him. She would do anything to be with him and, that’s the way he showered him with many compliments, but when Mr.Darcy asked Elizabeth for hand to dance, and she refused made Darcy fall for her, the reason being that he has realized that Elizabeth is a different person from what he thought of her. From this, one can certainly make out that it was Mr.Darcy’s original Judgement about Elizabeth that stopped him from falling in love with her.

3.3 Love, at first sight, does exist (Charles Bingley’s and Jane).

 When it comes to love in pride and prejudice, I would argue that Austen is supporting this idea of “Love at first sight” more so when it comes to Charles Bingley’s and Jane’s relationship. There was a nearby town known as Meryton where Bennet sisters went to watch a ball, Mr.Bingley and Jane met there, and they danced together twice. Within Elizabeth’s hearing, Darcy was exclaimed by Bingley that Jane is the most “beautiful creature” he has ever set his eyes on. When it was already evening, Jane told Elizabeth how amazed she is that Mr.Bingley danced with her twice, and she is thrilled that she had a chance to dance with Mr.Bingley. This is a shred of clear evidence that Mr. Bingley and Jane are in love, despite that they have not stayed together or even spend time together to know each other very well. But what happened indicated that love could happen at first sight. The most important thing is that have been a big fan of this two characters throughout the novel, the two of the love birds did not judge each other’s background when the first saw each other like what Mr.Darcy and Elizabeth did, the reason that the love story between Mr.Bingley and Jane is free of judgment and Biasness, their relationship is supported entirely by the reader, and as a result, supports the idea of love at first sight as well because that is how Mr.Bingley and Jane fell in love.


3.4 Love for wealth and Social security (Lucas and Collins).

Mr. Collins is a young clergyman. Lady Catherine is his patroness. Despite Collins being a clergyman, he doesn’t have compassion or even Christian Charity, but instead, he is a pompous fool. He was a person who likes money a lot, it is evident that he had a great desire to inherit Bennett’s property, and for him to have them, he had the intention to marry one of Bennett’s daughter. He went and proposed to Elizabeth, who was the second daughter of Bennet. Still, his offer was declined, He got so frustrated, and he decided to turn to Elizabeth’s best friend Charlotte Lucas and the poor daughter of the local knight. Charlotte Lucas needed a match of financial reason because she was getting older. She was a serious and intelligent lady. But he had a stroke of bad luck to attract better people for love, but for that reason, the only person she can draw was Collins. And for that reason, she accepted Lucas’s proposal for hard in marriage. The marriage between Collins and Charlotte was typically an example of unequal marriage; because there was either judgment or mutual understanding.  The reason why Collins married Collins was because of social security. Later on, she had to suffer for their unequal marriage. The technique used here is to give us a vivid picture that people might get married and regret later because of their own poor decision.

3.5 Familial Love (Elizabeth and Mr.Bennet)

Although Mr.Bennet surely loves all of his daughters, we can see that at one point in the novel, Elizabeth is called Mr.Bennet’s favorite daughter, Mr.Bennet once said, “They are all silly and ignorant like other girls, but Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters” this was a shred of typical evidence that Mr.Bennet liked Elizabeth more than other girls. Mr. Bennets gives Elizabeth advice, and this indicates that they have a familial love. This kind of love has also been portrayed where Mr.Bennet was very upset and confused when Mr.Darcy went to him to ask a hand of marriage with Elizabeth. He was so mad that and couldn’t believe that Elizabeth was going to marry the man that she once hated the most. But because of the familial love between the two, Mr.Bennet had a strong belief that Elizabeth’s judgment and decision to marry Mr.Darcy are right. And he eventually said that despite Mr.Darcy’s faults,” This would be nothing if you liked him.” It is a lovely and endearing relationship between a father and his daughter.

3.6 Familial love (Elizabeth and Jane)

Jane Bennet is a gentle-natured, sweet woman and is Elizabeth confident. You will always find talk about their relationship with boys, like the way any sister would do; they still support each other despite them having different personalities, whereby Elizabeth is sometimes too judgemental, and Jane is the type of person who will always see well on people. Elizabeth is a powerful woman who you can’t easily persuade. Despite this all difference in them, you will see both of them keeping each other on the cheek, this is a true familial love portrayed between the two sisters.

Love is also portrayed between the two when Elizabeth went to stay with Jane Netherfield when Jane fell ill. After Elizabeth read the letter from Jane explaining how sick she is, Lizzy says,” I shall be very fit to see Jane-Which is all I want.” Elizabeth knew that her sister is staying in a house that is full of people that she is not familiar with, and she might be struggling a lot; she went to see her sister immediately. With this kind of Action, it is apparent that Elizabeth would do anything for her sister, out of love and loyalty.


3.7 Marrying for beauty, not Love (Mr. and Mrs. Bennet)

Jane Austen talks more about the human psyche, though not directly. She gives us a lesson on how to stay calm in a particular situation. Hence, her novel also shares the mannerism theme. Austen portrays Mrs.Bennet as a woman who is ridiculous and absurd. She lacks manners, and she is a mean kind of woman and humorless. But Mr.Bennet, on the other hand, is a person with a good sense of humor. The traits he possesses is different from that of Mrs. Bennet. This implies that he married her because of her beauty with an expectation that she might change with time and become a good wife. But for more than twenty years they are together we have seen anything enjoyable. We can only find the marriage, but love is not there at all.

We can see that at the start of the novel, Jane Austen compares the difference in them, whereby Mr.Bennet has good humor, whereas Mr. Bennet has a weak understanding; she is stupid. At the same time, he is intellectual, and she is liberal, whereas he is illiberal, and He is broad-minded, whereas she is narrow-minded. This is a clear indication that these two couples have a different character, but they are staying together. Mr. Bennet realizes that he has made an enormous mistake after his marriage. It is, therefore, he tries to veil his disillusionment via books. He always enjoys making fun of her wife. While Austen’s view is that there’s no man who wants this kind of enjoyment via marriage. Teasing life partners and cracking jokes is an alien to love relationship. Respect is a crucial thing when it comes to love, according to her, this is evident that we should always choose partner whom we have same likes and have the mutual feeling because they will forever haunt us in future. This is the worst kind of love that has been shown in “Pride and Prejudice.”

3.7 Familial love (Mr. Darcy and her sister)

Another person who demonstrated how much he loves her sister is Mr.Darcy, and this is known when Darcy helped out his sister when Wickham is telling Lizzy about his relationship with the Darcy family. This is evident when Austen wrote,( He also has personal pride, which with some brotherly affection, makes him a very kind and careful guardian of his sisters, and you will hear him generally cried up as the most attentive and best of brothers”( Austen 76). Here people are told about someone whom people thought as the antagonist to be a loyal family member. With this kind of statement, people are introduced to the other side of him that signifies that he might be a better person than was initially thought.




  1. Conclusion

With the styles used in the novel, we learn a lot through some characters, and we had learned that love does exist at first sight; this is portrayed when we analyzed Jane and Bingley’s relationship, and these two people fell in love on the first time they met. They danced, and they start complementing each other. We can see that Bingley exclaimed to Mr.Darcy that Jane is the most beautiful person he has ever seen. And at the same time, Jane told Elizabeth that she is so surprised that Mr.Darcy danced with him. This was a clear indication that love, at first sight, does exist.

It is also evident in the novel that, Marriage and Love are the things that go together, this was a style used by Austen to teach us that before you marry or get married, make sure that you are in love with the person but not the material possession. This is evident when Mrs.Bannet is determined to make sure her daughter gets married to a very wealthy family, and this will guarantee her daughter’s financial stability. This is the person who is not into the feeling of love.

The relationship in the novel also shows that wealth should not be put first, we should always put love and happiness first compared to any other things, when you enter marriage without the feeling of love, the probability of that relationship to be unsuccessful is very high, and this is portrayed from charlotte and Mr Collins and Lydia and Wickham relationships. If they had put love fist, they would have a happier marriage and life.

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