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Annotated bibliography and examples

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Annotated bibliography and examples


Some research might be in an annotated bibliography for various purposes. A quality bibliography would have the elements of citation detail. Readers get assisted in finding the citation of the works they are going through, quickly. There are both descriptive and evaluative comments when one is using annotated bibliography. Also, the nature and the value of the work cited is assessed through the annotated bibliography. Therefore, readers get more information about further research in their fields. Various annotated bibliographies have different entries that researchers should note. Mostly, the APA style is used for all the annotated bibliography researches done, accordingly. This discussion has used three types of research, which are quantitative research, qualitative research, and mixed-method research.

Jones, C., Whitfield, C., Seymour, J., & Hayter, M. (2019). ‘Other Girls’: A Qualitative Exploration of Teenage Mothers’ Views on Teen Pregnancy in Contemporaries. Sexuality & Culture, 23(3), 760-773.



Teenage mothers are always considered as social problems for various reasons. Most young mothers drop out of school and end up being hopeless and with no plans in life, thus being considered a problem. Also, people cannot understand the attitude of teenage mothers amongst themselves. Thus, peer support reveals how the philosophy of teenage mothers amongst themselves is useful. Health caregivers who give support to young parents must be aware of the attitude building amongst adolescent mothers.


The author was considerate of how teenage mothers relate to one another through their attitudes. There was a correlation between health caregivers and teenagers. The medics had the duty to ensure the mood amongst teenage mothers is positive. The study would be more useful if other factors rather than attitude were considered too. Teenage mothers should get motivated to be positive and live a life like other human beings. Though encouraging adolescent mothers to live should not be a factor of elevating the number of teenage mothers.


This study gives the best use of the qualitative model, which is a correlation. The research can be executed since the variables can be available. Getting teenage mothers and health caregivers to provide accurate information and anticipated manipulation is an easier task. The societies will get solutions in regulating teenage pregnancy in various ways through the research. Thus, the quantitative method of analysis is best for use.





Hoeeg, D., Mortil, A. M. A., Hansen, M. L., Teilmann, G. K., & Grabowski, D. (2018). Families’ Adherence to a Family-Based Childhood Obesity Intervention: A Qualitative Study on Perceptions of Communicative Authenticity. Health communication.



Both psychological and physical health complications contribute to childhood obesity. There are also effective interventions, which are family-based used to access the causes of obesity. Communication can be the best tool used to check the change in behaviours of children, to access their obesity nature. The knowledge of the change in behaviour is obtained from the experience the families with obesity children have with their health care providers. The distribution of care opens more chances of understating the conditions that contribute to obesity.


Obesity children can be assessed through their behaviors at their homes. The author has given communication as one of the methods used to check the obesity level of children. Also, the writer has asked readers to check on other matters that can be used to note the change in character for children with obesity in various families. Interviews are used for families to get the right information. Health caregivers are also asked some questions regarding the same condition.


This study gives the best execution of a qualitative model, which is an interview as the mentioned above discussion was used in getting more information about changes in the character amongst children with obesity apart from communication. Parents always want the best for their children and will provide the right information during the interview. The health care providers will also give valid details because they want an improvement in assessing obesity children. Obesity is not a simple illness; thus, detailed research must be done.


Hammett, J. F., Karney, B. R., & Bradbury, T. N. (2020). Adverse childhood experiences, stress, and intimate partner violence among newlywed couples living with low incomes. Journal of family psychology.



Both health and well-being are factors that reflect in the relationship between partners. The mentioned elements contribute to other aspects like violence and harassment. Thus, checking on the mental health and distress among in the links are methods of eradicating such weird acts amongst romantic partners. Researchers currently use protective elements and notification of risks to reduce hostility amongst partners. Partners fall into stress if they do not solve their issues, accordingly. Thus, the study gives a logical way of handling partner issues.




The study explains the problems that accumulate amongst partners who have low income. Stress is the ultimate issue that faces such families. In addition, the children get affected and fall into depression and other factors that affect their mental health. Researchers have the obligation of regulating such occasions within families. The issue is not stopping people from getting marriage before landing on their huge salaried jobs, but mitigating stress amongst low-income families. Eradicating stress within such families is achievable.


The study has applied the stress-generation model to get what contributes to stress amongst families with low income. Families with good salaries have lighter problems too, like poor social connections. Children from families with low income get affected due to the stress their parents go through. The importance will not be significant if the families sort out their salary issues because it is the bold source of all problems. Researchers should also get in the detailed investigation and derive the best option.


Schneider, S. (2020). Associations between childhood exposure to community violence, child maltreatment and school outcomes. Child Abuse & Neglect, 104, 104473.



The performance of children at school is affected by community violence. Interpersonal violence was found to have a lesser effect on the learners’ performance. The community should execute programs that eradicate or reduce the existence of violence. Also, more focus must be given on how children get affected by violence in their environment. These children can be abused through the experience of their care providers or their encounter. Violence must be eradicated to ensure children’s performance positively elevate within various communities.


This study checked the effects of both internal and external attributes to violence on the children’s educational performance. In addition, after assessing the physical abuse, both the mental and academic performance of the victims were checked too. The variables in the research were the age of the children at school and the type of environment they are exposed to, accordingly. Also, internal and external factors played a significant role in checking the threshold of children’s poor performance.


Latent factors that internalized behaviors were achieved after data was drawn from various studies. Some of the reviews were Child Wellbeing and Weak Families. The model applied was path analysis, which was executed in assessing both direct and indirect relations to the issue under study. The children at the age of five are realized to get the more negative effect from acute environment regarding their academic performance. The results of children at age nine varies from that of children ate age five.



McDermott, E., Hughes, E., & Rawlings, V. (2018). Norms and normalization: understanding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer youth, suicidality and help-seeking. Culture, health & sexuality, 20(2), 156-172.



Coping with lesbians, gays, and queer youths in society have been a tough task. Suicide amongst these groups has hiked because a few people only understand them, accordingly. Also, members of the mentioned groups will only reach out or help when they are at their worst. The lesbians understand that very few people understand their predicament and get to normalize their condition. Also, some cannot express themselves and end up committing suicide due to self-harm.


The study has applied the concept of mixed-method in understanding why the transgender, the lesbian, and the gays take away their lives. Also, face-to-face interviews were conducted to ensure that original information was derived. An online questionnaire with the basis of community elements was used in assessing the condition too. Asking for help amongst the participants come when they are at awkward moments. Researchers did an exemplary work that gave way for future researchers in the same or related field.


This study can be applied in the current community and help them figure out all related problems.  Most youths do not understand what they do and find themselves in a difficult predicament. The study will shade a light to them and appreciate their nature, to handle themselves accordingly. The community would also understand the existence of various types of people, encouraging them to speak out their problems. Such a correlation would reduce the mortality rate and suffer from silence. LGBT should be accepted in society because it is their nature.

Khatami, F., Shariati, M., Khedmat, L., & Bahmani, M. (2020). Patients’ preferences in selecting family physician in primary health centres: a qualitative-quantitative approach. BMC Family Practice, 21(1), 1-11.



Development in areas like economy, politics, and culture depend on health. Thus taking good care of the health sector will lead to more growth, which is a good thing for regions. The living standards will improve having a reduction in various negative issues like mortality rates and violence with robbery. There will be the development of infrastructure if health care is taken care of, accordingly. There is a need to have reformations on social inequalities in society regarding accessing health care services.


Family physicians have an essential role in the identification of the promotion of health in various age groups. The program would be useful if the patients are understood in their approach to identifying family physicians. The design used was a sequential-mixed method with subject groups, which were health care providers, patients, and physicians. Interviews were analyzed by the help of the framework model, accordingly. Screening the factors that affect the family physician is vital because the result contributes to a quality outcome.


The is the ability to assess family physicians for the family through various methods. The type of problems a family has would lead to the kind of physician that family can get, accordingly. Being a fellow citizen and the speciality of the family physician are bold elements that can help determine the family physician. The implementation process must be planned by experienced people in relevant ministry and get the correct family physicians, accordingly. Families need physicians that would help them through scrutinizing their problems.


In conclusion, various types of research can be expressed through an annotated bibliography. The above study has used quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method annotated bibliography. Issues related to child growth and the environment that surrounds the children are discussed. Also, the LGBT groups are considered too. The discussion surrounds health issues of various groups in the society, accordingly.

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