APA format guideline
I read the APA guideline handout and gained a lot of insights into the APA writing format. First, I concluded that a page cover is an essential part of the APA format. The page cover needs to have a running head, title of the paper, course title, professor name, name of institution, and the date for submission. After examining the guideline handout, I realized that it was specifically designed for formatting a research paper. As a result, an abstract is also an essential aspect of a research paper submitted in APA format. Therefore, our final research paper for the class will need to have an abstract, introduction, body, and conclusion, which were all emphasized in the handout provided. I also learned from the guideline that it is vital to give proper credit for all information incorporated from sources. Therefore, citations are an essential part of the APA format, and students should cite the authors’ names and year for any sources used. Avoiding plagiarism does not only involve citing sources used but also paraphrasing and the use of quotations. After reading the guideline handout, I concluded that it did not cover all the areas needed to format a paper in APA format. That is why it referred students to the class text from Writing and Research for those requiring additional information regarding writing out numbers, citing different sources, and other APA format issues. The handout further provided an excellent example of how to reference sources in APA format. I think that the guideline handout was very reliable and effective in educating students on how to format papers in APA as it touched on some on the crucial parts needed to be addressed. I believe I now have a solid understanding of the APA format thanks to the guideline handout provided.