Are you living up to your emotional intelligence potential?
Considering Emotional Intelligent as the ability to recognize, identify, understand, manage and use of one’s emotions positively in the effort of relieving stress, communicating effectively emphasizing with others, overcoming challenges and refusing conflicts, I feel that am not living up to my Emotional Intelligent potential. This is because in many cases, I find a real challenge in identifying emotions in others, so while I can identify my own emotions -reading someone else’s to take account of them is a real challenge. For example, I was interested in the idea that passion can be unhelpful, as I find that my enthusiasm and passion for service delivery can reduce any logic as my responses are more emotional.
What emotional intelligence talents do you feel you possess, that remain untapped, or undeveloped?
In real sense, it is very hard to nurture a talent without intelligence. Emotional intelligent talents should, therefore, be developed upon guiding people on their emotional concerns. Leadership is acquired through being socially competence. Social competence, which comprises of social awareness and management of relationships skills is the untapped emotional intelligent talent I possess and needs to be developed. In this point of view, I feel that my ability to understand the moods, motives and behavior should be developed further to improve the quality of my relationship with other people.
Why do you think businesses and colleges continue to ignore emotional intelligence when assessing applicant′s strengths and focus almost exclusively on measures of IQ?
For a long period, emotional intelligence has been ignored in colleges and colleges at a place of intelligent quotient because most of the institutions and business organization have failed to critically address the truth and the stigma behind emotions while assessing their participants. Furthermore, in most of the learning institutions, students are taught to be rational and not emotional.
Is there a way of accurately gauging emotional intelligence?
Measuring emotional intelligence has been faced by several drawbacks. However, there are three methods which are used in measuring the emotionally intelligent; these include Self-Report, Ability measures and Other-Report
Do you think there should be widespread use of emotional intelligence testing?
Due to the increase of challenges and drawbacks encountered in measuring and testing the emotional intelligence, there should be widespread. This is because Schools, healthcare, hospitals, and agencies of government in the whole world have started adopting Emotional Quotient (EQ) practices. According to Goleman, emotional intelligence should be considered being a worldwide phenomenon: “This is not an American movement; this is the World’s movement.”
How might such tests be standardized?
As a way of standardizing the test for emotional intelligence, social-emotional learning should be globally introduced in schools as a primary skill in the curriculum.