Arm Wrestling with My Father”
For this assignment you will use the reading “Arm Wrestling with My Father” to make a claim about a relationship in your life with a parent or a close adult that in some ways resembles or opposes Manning’s . To support this claim, you will describe and analyze a certain aspect of that relationship or a certain vivid moment in this relationship. You will also choose an aspect of Brad Manning’s relationship with his father from the reading in The Brief Bedford Reader. This probably means that you will spend about 2 paragraphs on each example, in addition to a clear introduction and conclusion. ~6 paragraphs. When you choose a relationship to describe, be sure that the evidence is limited (you won′t have time or space to describe lots of scenes in that relationship; rather, you′ll need to choose one or two aspects/events/situations that can represent that relationship well). You can insert an anecdote or two, but make sure to describe how this person makes you feel, what actions provoked these feelings, and how these actions left an impression on you. It may be a walk in the park, a fishing trip, a death in the family, a school event or another stressful situation. Likewise, when you choose an example from Manning, you should reword the examples he provides in order to point out why that relationship was important to him. You can paraphrase and put ( Manning page) after the paraphrase, or cite the direct quote. You will need to do the following writing tasks: • Include a clear thesis statement about a relationship in your life that compares to Manning’s relationship to his father. • Define and describe the quality and durability of this relationship as a result of the events/situations described. • Provide clear examples from the readings and clear examples from your life. • Come to a clear conclusion You will also need to make sure that the following formatting requirements are achieved: • Be properly formatted (see your syllabus for details) • Be at least 3 full pages in length (reach the very bottom of page 3 or move on to page 4. Do not spread out your heading to make it take up additional space. Do not leave gaps between paragraphs.) Your paper can exceed the recommended length (within reason) but must meet the minimum. Note: You may use ″I″ in this essay!