Article Annotation
Article information
Brohi, Noor Ahmed, et al. “The impact of servant leadership on employee’s attitudinal and behavioural outcomes.” Cogent Business & Management 5.1 (2018): 1542652.
Preliminary Analysis
The main objective of this article is to assess whether the managerial leadership style eliminates employees’ Intention to sell directly and indirectly through psychological stability. The nature of the research is casual as it combines both types of research, quantitative and qualitative. The paper uses a theoretical framework and hypotheses development. The authors of the article suggest several hypotheses such as; the style of the principal leadership is negatively linked to the Intention of the teachers to turnover. The paper embraced the model that promoted the mediating impact of psychological protection on the management and relationships between employees. The study suggests that, in contrast with the effect of teachers, the influence of principal on students is secondary; the dynamic style of management is seen as necessary. According to the article, excellent leadership skills make a manager more proficient at setting clear goals for his team give them challenging yet achievable targets and inspire them in various spheres of work. They are leaders and not just micro-managers. They give employees space and the freedom to be more creative and productive at work.
Methods and Empirics
The prime mode of data collection utilized by the article is a questionnaire-based survey collecting responses from 255 teachers. Collection of data is the selection and measurement process in a defined, systematic manner of information much about variables of interest which enables anyone to respond to identified research issues, test hypotheses and assess results. The four-step used by the article in the data collection process is; setting the objectives, collecting the set data, analyzing the data and finally interpreting the data. Measurement technologies involve topics of interest to those interested in the research and application of simple measurements. For instance, the article used different measures in its intended subject like; Servant leadership, Psychological safety, Employee regulatory focus, Intention to leave, and Control variables.
The article target population is the employees working in both the private and public sector. This is why the researcher was conducted among the schoolteachers working in private and public schools in a developed country. A sampling technique is the term of another method for the collection of the entities of the sample; the research method used by the paper is cluster sampling technique to collect data from target respondents. The large proportion of the information about a specific sample size is given in a well-targeted population. Still, the relation between the sample sizes must be such that a population of this sample can be included in true conclusions. The article further used hypothesized research model in data analysis and the results. The sample used in the study effectively represented the population’s characteristics. Employees in both the private and public sector are the target populations. Besides, measuring instruments for data collection were the survey used.
The research was used to analyze the survey findings and experimental implementation performance. The researchers sponsored the analysis with a proper methodology of reliability and validity. The author strives to ensure the reliability and validity of the information of the study by conducting a correlation analysis on the relationships between all variables to confirm their direction and sizes. Furthermore, the article used three alternatives measurements model that were all tested and later compared with the baseline model of five-factor. The article used several tools in analyzing the data. These tools included; SPSS and AMOS version 23. Qualitative analysis was conducted to test the structural model of all measures used in this study. The five-factor baseline model consisting of servant leadership, psychological stability, promotional emphasis, prevention emphasis and turnover intention has shown that data matches very well hence indicating the reliability and the validity of the study.
Critical Review
Servant leadership is a theory of leadership, in which the leader’s primary goal is to help. It varies from the traditional leadership under which the leader focuses on the success of his business or organizations. Increased efficiency — Employees with high job satisfaction tend to reach higher productivity regardless of the employment title and the pay grade. Increased income – Maintenance of safety and productivity by workers will result in higher revenue, lower costs and better performance. Functional leaders may motivate workers to stay in the organization, offer valuable ideas into progress and make them more informed about work by creating a sense of organizational psychological protection. Such behaviours will also affect and improve the team and organizational efficiency. The more focused the leader on responsibility, accountability and precision, the higher the chance they will motivate the prevention focus of subordinates and encourage subordinates to pursue more self-evident ideas about who people feel or should become. The principles that guide servant leadership include; Stewardship, Foresight, Conceptualization, Persuasion, Awareness, transformation and integration, Empathy, Healing, and Listening. Listening is essential in servant leadership, as leaders are known as decision-makers are expected to heal because healing contributes to improvement and transformation. In reality, it is arguable that the leadership of the servants is the single most crucial leadership approach. And this method cannot be overlooked by any leader.
Employee job satisfaction regulates the relationship between the leaders of the employee and mental and emotional security, and regulatory focus increases the connection between management styles and psychological safety. The servant type of leadership is not the only leadership style. There are plenty of them. Therefore, looking at a variety of scenarios and evaluating what the team wants in each one is instructive. This helps us to decide which leadership is for the team and when it is correct. Managers will always serve their employees if they consistently use a leadership style that meets their team’s needs. Absolute completeness is non-negotiable. The concept for servant leadership covers the idea of management. Therefore, moral and ethical leadership must be exclusive. A leader servant must also dedicate himself to cultivating team members. One should always be alert to solutions to help them improve their expertise, strength and competence. And, instead of telling it, the style will be a coaching style. The leadership of servants is about ensuring that the team sees the difference between systemic change and the effect of the individual. They instil in people a more profound sense of obligation and commitment, allowing them to move beyond their tasks. The article is useful because it will expand my research on the aspect of different leadership styles that leaders can use in management. Based on the article findings, top management is detrimental to the reason for turnover. Attributes or leadership characteristics which distinguish them from other leadership styles with a focus on tasks or results share the strength with all the employees at the organization.