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Aspects of Project

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                                       Executive Summary


         In this era when the whole world has become a window, and all the computers are connected with each other. A good networking design provides the base for a high level of services and security over the network system for the efficient ICT system. The ICT system is an extension of the Information Technology services that takes the advance utilization of communication technologies such as wireless technology, wired communication to provide the services to the users at the enterprise. Along with this, it also requires the necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage, and audiovisual system that provides the facility to the users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate the information conveniently. Along with this, network security is another essential requirement for an efficient system. In this process, encryption is a beneficial approach to achieve this objective. The network encryption technique provides the method of hiding the information from the external users in such a way that it can be saved from any kin\d of misuse or destruction of content. This technical paper will present the network design using the features of the Linux and encryption technique for the case study provided in the assignment.












Table of Contents

Executive Summary 2

1.0 Introduction 3

2.0 Problem study of the case study given 4

3.0 Network Topology proposed 5

4.0 Review of existing Network security plan with purposed network security plan 5

4.1 Key benefits of the Encryption are as follows- 6

4.2 Network Operating System- Linux operating system 7

4.3 Documentation Reports to be included 8

5.0 Checklist of services to be provided on the server 9

5.1 Detail of the testing the server for security 9

6.0 List of personal required for server installation 9

7.0 WH &S Checklist (health and safety checklist) 9

8.0 Procedure of clean and restore at the premises work area 10

Recommendation and conclusion 10

Conclusion 10

References 11









1.0 Introduction

The term ICT is a service that converges the audiovisual and other network technologies for providing better services to the users. In this era, there are various technologies and methods are available for setting the network for an enterprise.  Selecting the appropriate techniques and network supporting operating system is a complex task as these technologies, tools, and operating systems play a pivotal role in the inefficient working of the overall network system. Currently, adoption of advance technologies such as cloud-based virtualization systems, big data-based techniques, advance software applications, utility-based applications, and other policies has become necessary to perform the work in a better way and according to trends of technology. Long with this, it is also highly required that the network design should be flexible, resilient, and adjustable to changes needed in the future with a high level of network security is also expected to provide.

2.0 Problem study of the case study given

Geeks 4PC is an IT training firm and is facing many problems due to expansion and an increase in workload and lack of communication among the staff members. The storage capacity of the existing Windows 2000 server file system is limited. The staff members are requesting the administration to update the current network system and provide better facilities for communication among the staff members (Davidekova, 2017).

The organization has 50 staff members and are arranged in these four groups as follows-

  1. Administration
  2. ICT manager
  3. Managers
  4. Trainers

Key problem areas-

  • The limited budget of $3000 for networking and upgrading of existing network infrastructure systems.
  • Data security is not up- to mark it requires to work on them.
  • The data migration from the existing server to the new server is highly required.
  • The internal email system is not supportive of the current infrastructure requirement.
  • The internal intranet news page is required to be updated on a timely basis.
  • The trainers are demanding for the new share file system.
  • There are no proper policies /procedures defined for the working of the server system.
  • The organization does not have a backup system.
  • The organization also lacks an efficient security system (Erol-Kantarci, 2015).


3.0 Network Topology proposed


                            Network Topology diagram


4.0 Review of existing Network security plan with a purposed network security plan

Network security is an activity that provides the map for the safety of the usability and integrity of the data over the network system.  An effective network security plan offers the provision of protection against any potential threat over the network system.  According to the specification provided, the organization has no proper network security plan. It is suggested to adopt the encryption technique for delivering a high level of security to the users (Han, 2015).

Encryption is a method of encoding information or content in such a manner so that only an authorized person can view the data. There are various encryption algorithms available that help in providing a high level of security to the system. Most importantly, the encryption technique not only provides the facility for protecting the information but also help in developing the methods for alerting from near-future problems over network security. The encryption software converts a large amount of data in the encrypted form and the form of encrypted text or digits in a convenient way using the appropriate algorithm for it.

4.1 Key benefits of the Encryption are as follows-

  • Protection of Database over the network

By using various encryption technologies, the high level of security to the data over the network system can be provided. It helps in restricting the external hackers as well as internal hackers from accessing the data of the organization. The transparent encryption technique is the most popular and widely adopted encryption technique that provides the facility to encrypt all the data at rest in one go.

  • Email Security

The encryption technique provides the security for the email security system that offers the protection of the email containing the sensitive data. The messages in these emails are encrypted, and further, they are decrypted by using the decryption method or key. The public essential encryption methods, along with the digital certificates, are popular encryption methods that reused for providing the Email Security system.

  • Data in Cloud

Adopting cloud services has become very popular due to the advance technology available in an economical way. But Data on the cloud has a security problem as either using the public or hybrid cloud system; the data is kept on the third-party server system that is prone to a security violation. So, adopting the encryption technique for storing the data over the cloud is very useful to gain security overcloud.

  • Help in Online payment

In this era of digitization, when most of the amount is done digitally through card and other modes. The encryption techniques provide support in this respect too. Various specially designed algorithms for digital transfer of cash are used in achieving this objective. One of the popular algorithms used in this purpose is AES-256.


Popular encryption techniques-

Some of the famous and widely used encryption techniques that are going to help provide the security in providing support to the Geeks4PC   training center will be as follows-

  1. a) Symmetric Encryption method

In the symmetric encryption method, a single key is used for encrypting and decrypt the data over the network system, and this key is required to share with all the authorized users.

  1. b) Asymmetric Encryption method

In the asymmetric Encryption method, the two keys are used; the first key is called public key that is shared with all the authorized users and another key that is known as the private key that is kept by the key generator. The public key is used for encrypting the data, and the private key is used for decrypting the data.


The most widely used algorithm used in the Encryption mechanism are as follows-

  1. Advanced Encryption standard symmetric algorithm
  2. River Shamir Adelman (RSA)
  3. Triple data encryption data algorithm
  4. Two fish algorithms (Shaw, 2016)

4.2 Network Operating System- Linux operating system

A suitable network operating system provides the facility of enabling the network facilities to work in an efficient manner.  The several problems discussed in the case study can be eliminated by using the appropriate network operating system. The Linux operating system is strong networking supporting operating system that provides a strong method for not enabling the good networking over the network system but also provides the facility of strong networking but also helps in creating a strong Firewall system and other security features for the network system. The primary benefit of the Linux operating system is that its main version provides the facility of both Networking and personal computer operating system features (Roztocki, 2015).

4.3 Documentation Reports to be included

The documents that are going to be included in the security plan will be –

  1. Network hardware and software requirement report– This report will address the details of the version of the Linux operating system to be used, Firewall software detail, Hardware components included, antivirus details, file management system details, and other relevant details regarding network topology and network diagrams.
  2. Network policies– This report will provide detail about the network policies that users are going to follow to work on the network system.
  • User manual – This report will provide the detail of the user’s help for working on the network system with required troubleshooting practices to follow by the user (Rodríguez-Gil, 2017).
Operating SystemRed hat Linux operating system
  Server SystemRed hat Linux server system
   CPU Socket1.3 GHz (64 – bit Processor) to 3.1GHz(64-bit Processor)
  Memory (RAM)2 GB to 8 GB
Hard Disk and available storage space160 GB hard disk with the 60 GB Partition
Network AdapterGigabit EtherNet Adapter (10/100/1000 T PHY /MAC)
Internet Some functionalities require the internet to get operated.
RouterA virtual router that supports the IPV4 NAT
MonitorVM Monitor mode extension
Host RequirementsUEFI 2.3.1c for secured booting

TPM v.2.0 for platform security

IOMMU (Intel VT-D) for providing direct memory access

Licensing RequirementsLicense as prescribed by Linux open society (Oladipo, 2015)


Cost – as per standard price -$799


5.0 Checklist of services to be provided on the server

  • The database system through Mysql supporting SQL server system
  • Mail server system supporting the send mail, Qmail, IMAP, POP3, Postfix
  • Web technologies support
  • Firewall creating service
  • Encryption mode services
  • File server support –Samba, NFS, FTP LDAP: Open LDAP
  • Data backup support
  • Salesforce application for Data migration (Ip, 2015)

5.1 Detail of the testing the server for security

For testing, the server for security following tools will be used-

  1. Testing the DNS services with bind tools
  2. Testing the security of routers, firewalls, switches, load balancers, and other aspects through Acunetix.
  3. Bug checking tool like Bugzilla (León, 2016)

6.0 List of personal required for server installation

Personal fees
Network Engineer$900
IT technician$700
Assistant IT personal$300
Testing Engineer$650


7.0 WH &S Checklist (health and safety checklist)

  • Availability of proper equipment for drilling through walls for cabling etc. in the building.
  • Complete list of dangerous places and equipment in the building through proper signaling
  • Full specification detail of electrical supply range and power system.
  • Proper facility for installation at higher places through cabling.
  • Alarm system in case of risk.
  • Proper storage for cables.
  • Labeling of all equipment.
  • Restricted entry at the installation area (Keliiaa, 2016)

Hazards can occur

If proper WH &S checklist is not followed, then several problems such as wall braking, electrical shock, hurting to staff members, and risk to life can occur.

8.0 Procedure of clean and restore at the premises work area

  • To dispose of the plastic boxes in which server hardware is brought, firstly, they will be kept in proper bags, and then they will be arranged at the plastic disposal bins provided through community cleaning services where they will be recycled.
  • To clean the off-cut cables again firstly all the cables will be stored in bags, and then they will be given to electrical wires recyclable workshops.
  • To dispose of the old hardware such as to monitor, etc., will take them to the hardware center in-case some parts can be reused will be stored rest materials will be disposed of according to recycling guidelines (Jalendry, 2015).
  • The spare equipment will be stored for future networking and maintenance.

Recommendation and conclusion

  • It is recommended to develop proper documentation of network details.
  • To develop a proper checklist of required equipment.
  • To develop proper checklist safety and hazard evaluation.
  • To develop networking policies.
  • To develop user manual.


Selecting the appropriate technologies and network supporting operating system is a complex task as these technologies, tools, and operating systems play a pivotal role in the inefficient working of the overall network system. Currently, adoption of advance technologies such as cloud-based virtualization system, big data-based techniques, advance software applications, utility-based applications, and other policies has become necessary to perform the work in a better way and according to trends of technology

Request for confirm mail

It is requested to the ICT manager to send the confirmation mail as early as possible.













Davidekova, M. &. (2017). ICT collaboration tools for virtual teams in terms of the SECI model. . International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy, 95-116.

Erol-Kantarci, M. &. (2015). Energy-efficient information and communication infrastructures in the smart grid: A survey on interactions and open issues. . IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 179-197.

Han, J. (2015). Platform business Eco-model evolution: case study on KakaoTalk in Korea. Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity, 6.

Ip, R. K. (2015). A Study of the Uses of Instant Messaging in the Government Offices. In International Conference on HCI in Business, 96-105.

Jalendry, S. (2015). A Detail Review on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology , 23.

Keliiaa, C. M. (2016). Data Governance-ICT Modernization Impacts to Business Operations (No. SAND2016-11059C). Sandia National Lab.(SNL-NM). Albuquerque, NM, United Stats.

León, O. A. (2016). Relationship between the use of ICT and the degree and type of diversification. . Procedia Computer Science, 1191-1199.

Oladipo, F. O. (2015). Re-Engineering Campus-Wide Internet Telephony Using Voice over Internet Protocol. International Journal of Networks and Communications, 23-30.

Rodríguez-Gil, L. G.-Z.-d.-I. (2017). An open and scalable Web-based interactive live-streaming architecture: The WILSP platform. IEEE Access, 9842-9856.

Roztocki, N. (2015). Information and communication technology in transition economies: an assessment of research trends. Information Technology for Development, 330-364.

Shaw, U. &. (2016). A Survey Paper on Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP). International Journal of Computer Applications, 16-22.


















Aspects of Project


Institution Affiliation

















Aspects of Project

What is a project, and what are its main attributes?

A project alludes to a series of operations that aim at creating a unique service or product. Therefore the actions that are taken to complete the habitual activities cannot be deemed projects. For example, if the project lasts less than three months and encompasses less than 20 employees, it may not meet all the criteria to be called a project.

The main attribute of the project is the availability of well-defined goals and objectives. These can be defined in terms of cost, scope, and time. For every project to be successful, it must have clear goals and objectives to guide the team.  The other attribute is that a project must begin somewhere and end at some point. The project could be utilized to develop a standard operating process for the manufacture of a new product. Once the established process is approved, the project must end, and the regular business continues. The project must have a written budget, which is capitalized. This would not be the case with normal business operations. The importance of a budget in the project is to guide the project manager on the effective use of the available resources and provide some insights to the organization, thus allowing it to prepare accordingly (Meredith, Shafer & Mantel, 2017).  Besides, if the project involves creating a new product, the prototypes must be produced before mass production. In most cases, the project fits in the project life cycle. This includes a series of events and activities through which a project must undergo before it is completed.

How is a project different from what most people do in their day-to-day jobs?

The project may entail investigating, combining, and organizing information outside the spectrum of regular activities, whereas daily jobs are delineated with a variety of functions of the department. This means a project may require strategic planning, which is not the case with normal business activities. Besides, the deadlines and goals in the project are defined with a specific scope which either missed or met, and this is not the case with daily activities. In a project, there must be a budget for all the activities and operations while the daily jobs are barely budgeted. The project is a determined task to be accomplished in particular time limits with its pluses and minuses. If there is timely and effective completion of a project, the merits are enjoyed by the organization, while inadequate and untimely completion results in demits. In contrast, daily jobs have no consideration for such limitations.

Discuss the importance of top management commitment and the development of standards for successful project management. Provide examples to illustrate the importance of these items based on your experience on any project.

The project usually includes the use of financial and non-financial resources of an organization. This presents the need to acquire permission from the top management to execute the project. Besides, the senior management approves or rejects the project based on different reasons. The standards ensure that the project team complies with the environment and quality requirements for successful outcomes. The uncertain and unique projects require authorizations from the executives before it is started (Kivilä, Martinsuo & Vuorinen, 2017). For instance, if a company wants to introduce the enterprise risk management program to manage risks that face its business effectively, the senior management must support and approve it. Besides, the standard is established to control and guide the use of monetary and non-monetary resources needed to complete the project.

Discuss the unique challenges that an IT project presents

The IT project presents the issue of poor communication between the teams, and this can act as an obstacle to the achievement of the goals. Communication is the key to the success of any project, and this means that if the project team does not communicate effectively, the project may depict undesired results. The deadline is another serious issue that project managers deal with since they are expected to deliver positive and quality results within a short deadline.



























Kivilä, J., Martinsuo, M., & Vuorinen, L. (2017). Sustainable project management through project control in infrastructure projects. International Journal of Project Management35(6), 1167-1183.

Meredith, J. R., Shafer, S. M., & Mantel Jr, S. J. (2017). Project Management: A Strategic Managerial Approach. John Wiley & Sons.

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