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Australian Education System

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School plays a significant role in the development of children, and this is as a result of all the policies and practices put in place for schools. From a young age, a child is guided on how to socialize and create friends while at the same time, learning how to communicate. Each step in a child’s developmental phase should be conducted and natured to ensure that children achieve their full potential. It is important to note that school policy is vital in ensuring that there are laid out procedures of behaving in schools (Raskauskas, Gregory, Harvey, Rifshana, & Evans, 2010). Teachers are also guided on which preferred practices benefit children at different stages effectively. School safety is also another essential issue that can be addressed when analyzing the whole school environment. This paper shall be divided into three segments, roles of parents in the Australian education system, implications and political strategies for education in children or adolescents, and also educational paths that students can consider to take up.

Australian Education System

The Australian education system is one that ensures that children from a young age get all the foundations necessary to grow up. Children are different from each other, and teachers and parents must identify what motivates them. Care for children is essential for their growth and also helps them relate better with others. Social skills are necessary for children as they help them open up and compare with others easily. The school setting in one place where children spend most of their time and those in charge of schools should ensure that they are safe and beneficial for students (Allodi, 2010). Through the implementation of policies to better the school and also safety measures, schools across Australia will benefit greatly.


Self-Efficacy and Student Engagement

Self-efficacy and student engagement are core to a child who is beginning school. A child should be able to remain engaged in school activities, which provide them with a timetable of what to do during the day. Parents and teachers should work hand in hand to ensure that their students are aware of what is expected of them in school and also guided on how best to interact with other students. Growing students require positive reinforcement to motivate them to be able to continue relating with other students well.

Roles of parents in the Australian Education System

The caring and the concerning nature of parents to their children. The parents provide the basic needs of their children for them to pursue in their academic field (AL-Jabari, n.d.). The guardians or the parents give the school fee of their children to facilitate their education, which usually creates a pleasant atmosphere among the students. They motivate the students to achieve their dreams. The school policies are essential to the realization of the student’s goals. It is due to this reason that the students are disciplined to work hard in their academics to achieve the targets in life (AL-Jabari, n.d.). The new policies create the bonding of the school. Through curricular activities such as dances and athletics are essential for the development of the school. This is because the students will interact with each other and hence improving the interpersonal relations between the students of different schools.

In the Australian education system. The involvement of the parents’ schooling is encouraged. In all roles concerning parents with their children, it is upheld. It is the role of each parent to ensure that their children have all the requirements they need as far as the academics are concerned. Moreover, parents also play a crucial role in correcting their children (AL-Jabari, n.d.). In addition to that, parents have a more significant role in making sure that their children are performing well in school. This goes a long way since childbirth since parents are the first teacher’s children encounter in their lives. It is important to note that parents have the most significant roles to play when it comes to children’s performance in school.

The first and primary role is for the parents to be role models. It much helps the students follow what they see. It is easy for them to do what they observe. Parents easily inspire their children in all ways by leading the way in how they behave towards them. It is more important to note that it will be comfortable handling children in school who have had a good upbringing. This calls in the role model status of the parents, as described above. Apart from that, the other role parents play in a child’s Australian education system is, involving them in classwork. It is one of the activities left out by many parents. It brings in disadvantages whereby the parent neglects their duty of following up what the child is learning in school. Parents need to involve in all kinds of activities with their children. This is because the children feel loved, supported and confident in whatever they do in school. It later increases the morale of the child to continue studying and bring in an excellent performance. An example of an activity parents can get involved with their children is reading together. This activity helps the child connect more with the parent and an addition to that, improves their vocabularies in different subjects. It also has the unique way of adding knowledge to the child since the parent comes in with additional information apart from the one in the classroom. A second example of an activity is when parents give their children assignments. The assignments help in providing the student with a lot of information out of the class. The tasks to make them filled in spirit to continue learning more and being the best in their subjects. Another importance of administering assignments is that it covers a lot of coursework within a short period of time. This makes the student be ahead of the teacher hence good performance in all subjects covered. As a parent, guidance as a method of containing the child’s performance is encouraged. This is because most of the children need emotional support that most teachers don’t provide at school. Due to self-efficacy, most children find it possible to identify their tasks in school; however, much they could be challenged by different factors. The ability to believe in themselves outdoes almost every negative thing they could be going through. It is easier for the children since their education system calls in parents to support them.

Taking breaks in between the assignments and works assigned by the parent is key to excellent performance. The breaks help in refreshing the child’s mind. Once the memories are restored, it is easy for them to concentrate on everything they are doing in class LePage et al., 2020). Once they have gone through the assignments and the exercises, it is essential as a parent to give them tests. This is all about preparing them psychologically in different ways to go about exams in the exam rooms and how to pass them. It calls in parents to help their children in organizing and getting ready for exams by supporting them and giving them the right advice on how to go about examinations. This dramatically boosts the thinking of the child by making them ready for exams and remove the exam phobia, which may cause failure.

Parents have a role in gifting their children. It is the most significant way to appreciate and reward them. This is done after tests when the children have passed. It is an essential act by parents since it gives the child motivation to continue performing well. They are also encouraged to continue having self-efficacy since the excellent performance is due to the belief they have in themselves. Apart from that, their spirits are uplifted, and they feel appreciated for the superb work they have done in their classwork. This is a master trick for parents since it gives the child the morae to do better in the next exams. Last but not the least role of a parent in the education sector is, keeping healthy relationships with the teacher. It is a core relationship where the teacher and the parent have a relationship based on their children’s education. It is an interpersonal relationship that s healthy since it helps the parent know how the child is progressing in school. It is more important to note that when the connection is robust, the parent can do as many follow-ups on their children.

Another main thing when it comes to teacher-parent relationships is attending all-school meetings. This keeps the parent in touch with the teacher who spends most of the time with the child. The teachers feel good that they are recognized in the making of the child’s life through studies. It is more important to note that when the parent is in touch with the teacher, the child’s behavior and performance is being monitored. This encourages the child to be the best and always do the right things to avoid being scolded.

Implications and Practical Strategies for learning and development in adolescents and children

Putting in mind children’s studies being successful, there are different implications employed that make the education system complete. It is important to note that impact is ways in which various factors are completely involved to make learning and developments in children or adolescents perfect. For instance, in children some of the implications employed are, maintaining a conducive environment. It comes in with first providing a conducive environment whereby children are at peace with the surroundings. This is generally a noise-free zone. It helps in children’s concentration mode hence a high attentive rate to the teachers. This, later on, leads to an excellent performance by the children. Self-efficacy is critical here too because the children continue to get internally motivated for better results in the next tests.

Another implication method in children is games. It is one of the oldest tricks to make children concentrate. It is evident that children have a playful nature, and once given the toys, it is easy for them to stop crying. It helps in coordinating issues and studies in the classroom. It later leads to time management hence quality studies. It is essential to bring in the ability to get motivated in coordinating themselves in the classes and avoid crying at all times. This much help in making the study environment free from any noise pollution, which is a hindrance to quality education.

Implications can also be applied to adolescents. Adolescents are hard to handle at times because their hormones are active since they are growing up. However, that does not hinder the school systems from employing different kinds of methods to ensure quality learning. Some of the implications include; allowing them to get practical. This is the stage that most adolescents feel the urge to put into practice what they have been learning all along. It is more important to note that they need to be given the freedom to do their learning in practical ways. This enhances a complete understanding of their coursework. It, later on, increases their ability to believe in themselves; hence attainment of goals a key factor.

Another implication employed in adolescents is the use of physical paper works. This includes manilla papers, charts, illustrations, diagrams, and graphs. The paper works help them in presenting their work to other students in the class. This builds confidence and courage as they get to the peak of professionalism in their learning processes. Due to self-efficacy, the students can have the confidence that makes them stand out in their professional world. It is an added advantage to most people since their careers are not compromised. As they use the paper works, they employ arranged technical ways to present their works. It helps them in critical thinking, whereby they explain how they have come up with different concepts.

Another implication is that of group work. It helps adolescents in coming up with genius projects through brainstorming. It is a necessary implication since most adolescents can independently think and voice themselves without fear of criticism. It also gives the adolescents different ideas based on how they share new information in the groups. It helps in confidence-building since everyone gets involved in critical thinking, which makes them believe in their ideas. This encourages their confidence in all areas of their careers hence making them the go-getters.

Giving adolescents tests is another implication that best works for their learning process. Being a challenging task, they consider putting themselves in pairs whereby they revise and get to understand most of the classroom content. Tests help them know what they have not clearly understood in the coursework. That makes them pay more attention to all topics in the syllabus that they have not followed. The tests also make them work harder towards the hard subjects. This makes them advantaged since they look for ways to learn more and cover all things they could not be understanding. It is more advantageous since they are well-educated on areas of concern hence get good jobs.

Practical strategies are a vital tool, too, in making sure that self-efficacy is upheld. Some of the possible approach applied in children include; classroom communication. It is defined as the language that the teachers use towards students as they teach. Children need a gentle way of communication. This helps them in their learning process since no threats are employed. Other types of communications are used, such as family communications.

It is the primary language a child is introduced to from birth. It is the immediate language the child has with relatives. That includes parents and other extended family members. If family communications are poor, for instance, in the case the child has no moral or educational support from the parent, it becomes challenging for them in classwork. Another example is when there is child abuse or violence at home. Those are types of communications a child learns by observing, and they might affect their learning processes in the school.

A second practical strategy towards children is the classroom environment. At times it is further described as the climate experienced in a classroom. It is a strategy employed by most teachers whereby they promote the conditions being experienced in the school by the children Love, A. M et al. (2020). Teachers encourage and maintain a positive environment that favors every child. This helps in proper communication in the class since every child has respect towards each other. The situation also reaches out to parents, whereby they are encouraged to create and maintain a favorable environment for children at home. This practice highly recommends the prevention of violence at home. It helps in giving the child a peaceful mind and less psychological disturbance. In addition to that, a lot of social virtues are promoted. Some of the attributes are democracy, whereby every child has an equal say as the other. Equity and equality are other virtues upheld whereby no corruption is involved as every child is given equal rights as the other despite the gender, race, age, color, or tribe. It promotes a pleasant classroom environment that makes it possible for every child to enjoy the learning process.

In adolescents, it is clear that there are several practical strategies involved. One of the main ones is; acknowledging good student behaviors. It is seen when the peers get congratulated on the right practices they have done. It is mainly through upholding healthy relationships between adolescents. It helps in character making, which helps them in becoming responsible members of society as they continue growing. The behaviors at times are not as good, so the teachers address them openly and set what they expect from their peers. It is essential to maintain good practices among peers since discipline is upheld.

The second practical strategy in peers is time management. Whenever it comes to scheduling of different activities at different times, it is crucial to arrange them in descending order. This is where essential classroom activities are given priority. Structures of the timetable are imperative when time management is in place. It helps in preparing the peers in advance the subjects they are going to learn throughout the week without much strain Barkley, E. F et al. (2020). Every classroom activity is given its attention by scheduling a time for it. It helps in better time management hence no time wastage. It is important to note that when time is managed well, all other classroom activities will prosper. It is because of this reason that most adolescents will cover their syllabuses in time. This will enable them to have enough time for revisions hence better performance in both their internal and external exams. The two activities; that are implications and practical strategies are educational practices that are important in the learning process. They have significantly changed the way most schools operate as they have given them the best ways to deal with students of all calibers.

Educational Paths took by students

There are educational paths that students can employ to be successful in their careers. They include; having mentors. This helps students as they are in school doing studies of interest. The mentors guide them on their jobs, and that helps the students be consistent in their careers. Mentors help the students in growing their skills by guiding them. This is a critical factor since the mentors have gone ahead of the students. That makes it easy for the students since they have guidelines on how to go about different issues in their careers. The mentors serve as role models most of the time, which encourages the students to be like them. They easily inspire the students who later fight their way through to become successful.

Values are another educational path a student should employ at all times. They need to realize that, at times, things are tough on them in their careers. However, that doesn’t mean that they should quit. Instead, they should have moral uprightness, which is firmly held by values that guide them when they don’t have the energy to hold on to their careers Adams, A. M et al. (2020). Benefits are vital that they govern the way students may react towards harsh conditions in their career fields. Values help students find their way back to their careers when they are stuck on the failure side. Values help in making decisions whereby one can measure the more reliable and weaker options by comparing them. Once one can make the right life decisions with the help of values, they can quickly work in any condition in their careers.

In conclusion, self-efficacy is a great thing to be upheld in schools. And as described above, it all comes in with all parties doing their roles. Putting the main picture on parents and teachers, the two characters should be ready to believe in changing things around the school environment. It is more vital for them to know that success is possible once they are committed to their duties in the students/child’s education system. This is significantly seen when they decide to support the children in their studies in all good ways. That includes doing follow-ups in their academic reports. Rules and regulations must be put into place since they are positive ways to govern children in school. Once all those measures are employed, it is evident that the education system is in a safer place in the world.
















Adams, A. M., Wilson, H., Money, J., Palmer-Conn, S., & Fearn, J. (2020). Student engagement with feedback and attainment: the role of academic self-efficacy. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 45(2), 317-329.

Barkley, E. F., & Major, C. H. (2020). Student engagement techniques: A handbook for college faculty. John Wiley & Sons.

Love, A. M., Findley, J. A., Ruble, L. A., & McGrew, J. H. (2020). Teacher Self-Efficacy for Teaching Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Stress, Teacher Engagement, and Student IEP Outcomes Following COMPASS Consultation. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 35(1), 47-54.

LePage et al., 2020).

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