Reflection Journal
Autobiographical Video Reflection Journal
My names are (Insert all names), and I am pursuing a Doctorate degree in (Insert course). At the doctorate level of education, research on real-life issues is done to establish inductive strategies to address the social problem. The topic I am passionate about is binge drinking among the youth in America.
Binge drinking among youth has become a social problem in America. Despite the fact that the minimum drinking age is 21 years, the number of youths aged between 12–20 years indulging in binge drinking is on the rise (Windle, 2016). Binge drinking exposes youth to harmful health behaviors and is one of the main risk factors for death and disability among the youth.
Studies have established that in the years 2011–2015, 4,358 youths aged between 12–20 years died due to binge drinking-related causes (Windle, 2016). As a social researcher, there is a need to establish localized community-based initiatives to reduce the social problem other than relying on theories that generalize the problem.
The motivation behind establishing community-based initiatives to address binge drinking is because Binge drinking among youth is done at home and community level since most of the youths who indulge in the vice are below the legal minimum drinking age. Thus, since binge drinking is done at home and community level, community interventions would best address the growing social problem.
Study findings from this research will go a long way in filling the existing knowledge gap on community-based initiatives to address binge drinking. My intrinsic motivation to establish community-based initiatives to address binge drinking is in line with Walden’s mission of social change for if the study findings are adopted at the community level, binge drinking will significantly reduce hence assist youth to have a healthy life.
Windle, M. (2016). Drinking over the lifespan: Focus on early adolescents and youth. Alcohol research: current reviews, 38(1), 95.