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Beginner’s Guide to Bison Hunting

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Beginner’s Guide to Bison Hunting

Are you about to go for bison hunting? There are many factors that you should consider. To start with, you will realize that the bison, or what is commonly known as the American buffalo is usually hunted by Plains Indianas people who reside on the vast grasslands of the Interior Plains of North America.

In fact, this activity was an essential economic activity for these residents in the yesteryears. This has made bison hunting to be a nostalgic pursuit among many hunters out there.

An Overview of the Bison

Earlier on, these animals used to be plenty in number. However, over time, they vanished, only leaving a few on the grasslands of Interior Plains of North America.

It is estimated that over 15 million bison lived on the Great Plains at the end of the Civil War. However, 30 years later, only less than a thousand of them were left in the United States and Canada.

The North American bison are quite large; similar to the size of the wild Asian or Australian water buffaloes. A mature male bison can weigh an average of 1600 pounds, while the female bison weighs 930 pounds.

Bison Hunting Tips and Tricks

The North American bison hunter is more likely to deal with freezing temperatures. It is worth noting that Bison are usually hunted during winter when their heavy coat is at its best.

Also, they are mostly hunted in locations that are experiencing winter. You are likely to experience low temperatures and sometimes while it’s snowing.

What Do You Need

Warm Clothes

Since bison are normally hunted during the winter season, you need to put on as many layers as you can. Here, you need to wear a warm jacket and a good pair of gloves that will keep your body warm as you start hunting. However, when the temperatures become hot, you can remove these clothes and remain in light clothes.

Some of the jackets that you should consider here are the:

  1. Legendary White Men’s Canvas Cross Trail

This is one of the most functional hunting jackets that can keep you warm even in inclement weather. You will note that it comes with a heavy-duty 10 ounce sanded canvas. Also, it comes with as many as 210 grams of insulation. The shell is made of 100% cotton while the lining and the fill are made of polyester. Therefore, there is no doubt this jacket will keep you warm.

  1. Carhartt Men’s Quilted Flannel

This is another comfortable jacket that can never hinder your moves when you are hunting the bison. It is made of 100% cotton. This means that it is breathable and will make you feel at ease even when you are in your hunting mission.



  1. Sights

If you are going to hunt the bison, you should consider using a low power scope. This greatly facilitates fast, short, and medium-range shooting. Bison are very large animals and can occupy a large piece of land when they are many. Therefore, there is no need for a lot of magnification since you will have a wide field of view.

The fastest and most accurate type of iron sight is the receiver mounted aperture or what is commonly known as the ghost ring sight. It is worth noting that Lyman and William’s models are available for most riffle models.

William Ghost Ring Sight

Ghost ring sights normally have a thinner rear sight than most typical peep sights. This speeds up target acquisition and obscures less of the target. As a result, more light will reach the eye of the shooter and thereby enable the shooter to shoot more accurately.

This ghost ring sing coms with two fiber green dots on either side of the aperture. You will realize it is meant to be used with fiber optic front sight. It combines the excellent low light performance of a fiber optic muzzleloader sights with the precision of a peep sight. Also, it is lightweight, relatively cheap, and very easy to install.

Lyman Receiver Peep Sight

To start with, Lyman has been known to make high-quality centerfire peep sights that have precise elevation adjustments. Their line of muzzleloader sights is not an exception. If you are using the traditional Lyman muzzleloaders, you should consider using these sights.

This sight is rugged and precise with minimal protrusion. It is actually machined to hug your receiver for the lowest line of sight. It comes with an adjustable aperture for a large field of view and quick target acquisition. With this sight, you will be able to shoot your target bison more accurately.

  1. Rifles and ammunition

Chances are, this is not your first hunting escapade in your life. There are many types of riffles that you can use as you go for hunting.

Ordinary rifles might not be ideal for hunting the bison. This is because bison are large animals and can be quite tough. Most of them are classed as a thick-skinned game. Therefore, they deserve to be hunted with serious caliber rifles.

The best choice for a rifle

Ideally, you should go for something that packs more than enough power. For instance, a .50 caliber/175 grain round rifle or something larger can be very effective during this hunting escapade. Therefore, a reasonable choice in rifles will be more suitable for hunting. With a good rifle, you can be sure about its power and reliability. Here, your safety will not be at stake.

Other considerations for the rifle

Also, you should ensure that you are conversant with the riffle that you want to use for hunting. Your rifle or handgun of choice should fire a 200 grain or larger bullet, which retains at least 2000 foot-pounds of energy at 100 yards. A good weapon that meets this specification is a .30-06 with a 200-grain bullet.

  • Muzzleloading rifle

Apart from the riffle mentioned above, the bison can be short using a muzzleloading rifle. Here, the muzzle loading rifle should be .54 caliber or larger or at least .45 caliber with 300 grain or larger elongated slug. For safety reasons, your muzzle loader of choice should also have within easy reach smokeless powder rifle that meets the centerfire rifle requirement mentioned above.

  • Black powder cartridge rifles

Finally, you can use black powder cartridge rifles. This riffle must fire a 400 grain bullet or larger loaded with a minimum of 70 grains of black powder or equivalent (.45-70 with a 400 grain bullet or a .44-90 with a 500 grain bullet).

  1. Shot placement

Shot placement is critical in effectively and humanely killing a wood bison. The hunter should be familiar with the weapon being used and have had sufficient practice to ensure proper placement of the bullet. Heart/lung shots are the best. Aim right behind the knee joint of the front leg for a heart shot or above the knee joint for a lung shot.

Head and neck shots are very difficult. The long hair and thick hide on a wood bison makes placement difficult. You will note that bison have thick skulls and bullets have been known to hit the skull and not penetrate. The neck is short with long hair and very thick skin, making it difficult to locate and penetrate to the spinal column. Going–away or head–on shots are not recommended.

As bison are a herd animal, they will try to remain with the herd even when wounded. Do not attempt a running shot unless required as a follow-up to a wounded animal; only take the shot if there is no chance of hitting another animal.

  1. Determine the right age and sex of the animal before shooting.

As you purpose to hunt the bison, you should be aware of the age and sex of the animal before you shoot. Ideally, it is important that you shoot the adult male bison to ensure the long-term sustainability of the bison hunt. However, determining these characteristics is not easy especially in a forested habitat that have deep snow with no other animals for reference. However, this table can help you distinguish between a male and a female bison:




Sex Organs

Penis sheath present but may be difficult to see in late winter.

No penis sheath but may have tufts of belly hair and appear similar.

Horn Bases

Generally larger bases than cows; range from 10-15 inches in circum- ference; small bulls similar to large cows.

Generally smaller bases than bulls; range from 4-10 inches in circum- ference; large cows similar to small bulls.

Adult Horn Shape

Adult horns point upward or curve inward on older bulls, similar to cows; appear to taper quickly from base to tip.

Adult horns generally curved but may point up, similar to bulls; appear to taper quickly from base to tip.

Yearling Horn Shape

Point at a 45º angle from head but longer and larger bases than yearling cows.

Point at a 45º angle from head but shorter and smaller bases than yearling bulls.

Head Shape

Wider, more blocky forehead than cows; smaller bulls may appear similar to larger cows.

More narrow forehead than bulls; large cows may appear similar to small bulls.


Often two-tone; light & woolly front shoulders, darker on back; may be single color.

Often single-color coat; can be two-tone.

Body Size

Mature bulls larger than cows; young bulls may be same size or smaller than cows.

Mature cows smaller than mature bulls; mature cows may be same size or larger than young bulls.





  1. Get the right accessories

When hunting for a bison, there are many accessories that you should carry. These include;

Scouting hunting knives.These knives will help you slaughter the bison after hunting it.

  • Laser rangefinder

This device usually uses laser beam to determine the proximity of an object. It can therefore help you determine how close a bison is.

  • Compact roof prism binoculars

For you to have a better view of these creatures, you need to have a pair of these binoculars with you. Here, you will be able to see these animals at close range despite them being several kilometers away.

  • Shooting sticks

With a shooting stick, your shots are likely to be more accurate. The added stability helps to give you a clean and ethical shot anytime that you want to shot the bison. Also, these sticks helps you to shoot over an area that has vegetation easily.

  • 4 large tarps

These ones can help you wrap the meat after skinning the bison.

  • Compass

For you to know the direction of a certain location, you need to have a compass. This can help prevent chances of getting lost when hunting the bison.

  • Norton Sonic II earplugs

These are to be worn when one is shooting

  1. Know the perfect time or season

For you to be successful with bison hunting, you should know the right time to hunt these big animals. In the perfect season of hunting, you can be sure that you will get your target within a short period. For instance, in Alberta, most of this region can only be traveled in winter when the creeks and muskegs are frozen. Here, the hunter can travel up to 100 miles in a day by snowmobile searching for fresh tack of the bison. Once found, these tracks can be followed by foot. In Alaska, the best time to hunt the bison is between September and April for the best hides.


  1. Locate the herd

The bison normally like staying gin a herd. Therefore, you have to locate a herd for you to shoot one or two bison. When trying to locate the herd, you should be vigilant enough by position yourself in a prime glassing area. Choosing a glassing area might not be as easy as you might think. This is because you have to know the characteristics of an area where a bison has visited before. It can be how the area smells or the kind of droppings you find around that place. You will realize that the bison usually leaves an immense amount of sign wherever they go. This enables it to easily recall a certain location even if it had visited that place several years ago.

How to Spot a Glassing Area

For you to succeed, you should ensure that your glassing area demonstrates recent or current use by a herd. The good news is that many indicators can show that a bison was recently in that particular location. These include a wet, sloppy dropping. Also, it you see tracks that were laid down in the wake of recent snowfall, chances are that a bison was there. Finally, you can use your sense of smell to determine if a bison was there or not.

In most cases, the place will stink. However, if the herd was there several months ago, the place might not have a bad odor. Therefore, the place can smell cleaner and this can linger for several days assuming there is no rain

  1. Do not go alone

You might be tempted to go alone to hunt a bison out there. This might seem to be a good idea but it can be detrimental. Ideally, you should be accompanied by a few friends. However, all these people should have a riffle and be strategically located for a successful hunt. Also, they should be passionate about hunting. This will increase your chances of shooting and killing a bison. Remember that this animal is big in size.

  1. Carry an insect repellent

In hunting preparation, you should not forget to carry an insect repellent. This is one of the essential tools that you should have as you go to hunt the bison out there. The main role of this tool is to keep harmful insects at bay when you are hunting. Some of these insects include the mosquitoes, fleas and so on.

  1. Camp away from the location of the bison herd

Since you might have to spend a day or two hunting, chances are that you might have to camp in for the night. As you camp, you should keep a distance from these animals as they might free away.

  1. Be patient

There are instances when the herd of bison will come closer to you. You should not be in a hurry to shoot any of the animals. Rather, you should take time and study the movement of these animals. This will decrease wounding and increase your chances of putting a tag on a bison.

Also, after shooting the bison, do not be in a rush to reveal yourself immediately. If you reveal yourself after shooting the bison, the herd might chase you in an attempt to protect the wounded bison. Sometimes, they might all retreat and thereby fail to make a kill. It is always advisable to reveal yourself several minutes after the rest have left the scene.

  1. Hunt with a guide if you can

If you have never hunted a bison in the past, you might have a difficult time tracking them down. It might take you several hours for you to shoot one successfully. By going with a guide, you will be able to improve your chances of finding the bison.

Also, this personnel can help you move the bison once you shoot it down. Sometimes, you might have a difficult time doing this on your own, considering that it might weight 1000 pounds or more.

  1. Ensure that you are licensed

Hunting just like everything else is normally regulated by the government of that particular state. Therefore, you need to have a license for you to hunt a bison. It is important that you check your local rules and regulations for you to avoid being fined or charged in a court of law.

Some of the states in the United States that allow you to hunt the bison include:

  • Alaska

The odds of drawing a bison tag in this state are very low but they have no point system. This means that you can have a random chance of drawing just like anybody else. However, it is important that you do your homework prior to applying as some of these units can be on private land. For instance in Alaska, the Delta unit is known to have the best access to bison. Other places you might find the bison is the Copper River, Delta junction, Farewell and so on.

This state usually has the most complicated draw process of any other state. However, you can accumulate more than one point annually for your bison hunt. Here, the draw odds usually run between 1% and 10%.Some of the places to find bison here include; the House Rock Valley Herd and the Raymond Wildlife Area.

  • Montana

The odds of drawing a bison tag here is below 1%.However, there is no point system. Some of the areas where you can hunt the bison here include the area adjacent to Yellowstone National Park and some portions of the Crow Indian Reservation.

  • South Dakota.

This state has some privately owned bison hunting ranches. Also, it has a point system in place for bison tags. If you draw a trophy bull permit, you will be scheduled for a three –day hunt. For the non-trophy meat hunts, bulls and cows, one will be scheduled for a one-day hunt. If you draw, you will be fully guided by Custer State Park employees at no extra charge.

  • Utah

Bison tags here are issued through draw, raffle tags, Governor’s tag and Commissioners tag. Here, you can readily apply for either a bull or cow hunt. However, you need to be prepared because if you do not have 20 points, your chances are below 1%.

Some of the places to hunt the bison here include; the Antelope Island, The Henry Mountains, Uintah and Ouray Indian Reservation, Book Cliffs and many more.

Other states where you can hunt the bison include; Alberta, British Columbia, Wyoming and New Mexico. Most safari farms usually provide bison hunting programs that include meals, boarding, complete guide services, guaranteed hunting activity and preparation of hide and head as souvenirs, as part of the package deal.

  1. Set Out Early.

Just like you would when going to your workplace, you should leave early enough for this undertaking. To minimize the inconveniences of bad weather, you can leave early in the morning so that you can arrive at your desired destination early enough.

Since bison tend to spread out later in the day, leaving early can increase your chances of hunting these animals. By the time you arrive, chances are that they will not have spread as much as they would during midday.

  1. Stay focused

This is an important element that is overlooked by many people who hunt bison. You will realize that it’s very easy to get distracted when you are shooting this animal. As you listen to the rush of a herd of unseen buffalo coming your way, you should maintain awareness. By losing focus you might even distract a bison that might be a stone throw away from you.

What tips should you consider when shooting a bison?

It is important that you avoid taking a long first shot when shooting this animal. Instead, you should consider taking a closer shot so that you can improve your shooting accuracy. This will in turn minimize the chances of wounding a bison.

Thereafter, you can make the necessary follow-up shots easily and more accurately. In fact, you should take more time and shoot successful, rather than just shoot anyhow and up wounding the animal for no just cause.

Double lung shots

For bison, it is important to consider double lung shots. Here, you will aim above and slightly behind the front ‘elbow’ of the bison. It is important that you avoid head shots or neck shots. Bearing in mind that bison are known to have thick skulls and sometimes, the bullet might not necessarily penetrate the head successfully. The neck on the other hand is short and very thick. You might therefore have a difficult time figuring out the spinal column.

Know that bison like staying in herds

Bison like staying in herds. Therefore, when they are frightened, they will remain in a herd more. If you happen to shoot a bison and it does not fall immediately, chances are that it will seek protection within the herd.

Sometimes, you might have a difficult time trying to figure out which animal has been hit. Therefore, it is advisable that you shoot a bison that has been separated from the herd.

Essential bison shooting tips to consider

The following are some helpful ideas that you should consider when shooting this animal:

  1. Choose an animal that has been separated from its herd.
  2. Stack the animal within at least 100 yards of the selected animal
  3. Ensure that the target bison is of the correct sex
  4. Aim carefully and then make a double long shot.
  5. If the wounded bison joins the herd, do not try to shoot again. Also, avoid shooting a running bison.

Methods for bison hunting.

There are two ways to hunt the bison. These include:

  1. The traditional Native American Way

Here, you chase the bison on a horseback to the cliff, exhaust them and make them to fall. As a result, the bison will fall down in the following stampede. Once the bison fall down, it would get crippled and would thus be easy to kill it and skin it later.

  1. Modern way

Unlike before, the methods of hunting the bison have revolutionized. Currently, most hunters use modern firearms in a more planed manner. The good news is that a firearm will be more accurate and can kill the bison almost instantly.






Hunting a bison might seem to be a very difficult undertaking. However, it is not as difficult as it seems. To a beginner, it might be an uphill task but over time, you can be sure that you will get used to it. The above guide will help you hunt successfully. You will not experience any difficulties out there. More importantly, beginners should consider hunting with a guide or hunting professional. This way they will be able to get all the necessary insights and thereby increase their chances of success. Consider this guide today and you will hunt bison more successfully.






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