Behavioral Change Model
The preferred health model that would apply to Mike’s family is the Behavioral Change Model. This model takes the preventive approach and looks into lifestyle behaviors that directly impact health. It encourages individuals to adopt a healthy lifestyle, use preventive health services, and take full responsibility for their health (Barnes, Hanson, Novilla, Magnusson, Crandall, & Bradford, 2020). This health model best suits Mike’s family because every family member has a unique medical condition; for instance, Mike has ulcers, his wife, Elizabeth, has diabetes, and their children also suffer from different conditions. Since each condition requires different treatment and drugs, it would be best if each member took the responsibility of their health; taking appropriate prescription, doing healthy exercises, and adopting behaviors that would help prevent other diseases (Barnes, Hanson, Novilla, Magnusson, Crandall, & Bradford, 2020). Furthermore, the model provides health information that would help each member switch to more healthy behaviors and actions.
Barnes, M. D., Hanson, C. L., Novilla, L. B., Magnusson, B. M., Crandall, A. C., & Bradford, G. (2020). Family-Centered Health Promotion: Perspectives for Engaging Families and Achieving Better Health Outcomes. DOI: