Benefits of Exercise
A lot of people go throughout the day without exercise. Most people think that it is not necessary or they do not have time for exercise. Others don’t know why they should exercise or what it can do for them. However, I do believe that our bodies are designed and have evolved to be regularly active. Exercise has numerous advantages, not only does it help you live longer, healthier and happier but also it affects your overall appearance and body composition which can generally impact to your level of confidence, self-esteem and worth
The first reason why you should exercise is the direct benefit it has to the heart. Cardiovascular diseases are among the killer diseases in the world. One out of every four people in America has some form of heart disease that accounts for more than forty-five percent of annual deaths in the States, some of which are preventable. The more excess body fat, the more the risk for cardiovascular diseases. Even though other factors lead to the same if you regularly exercise, you have fewer possibilities to contract the disease. Additionally, it directs effects cholesterol by reducing Low-Density Lipoproteins (the bad cholesterol) and increasing High-Density Lipoproteins (the good cholesterol), which strengthens your heart muscle and reduces the stress of the heart. Regular exercise stimulates blood supply, and the heart does not have to work as hard.
Secondly, exercise helps with weight management and better sleep. Along with proper diet, exercise plays a critical role in controlling weight gains and prevent obesity. For you to maintain your weight, the calories you eat and drink must equate to the calories you burn. The more you exercise, the more calories you lose. Besides, your muscles will develop, increasing the metabolic rate, which means that you will lose calories even when you are not exercising. In turn, you will also look better physically, thus boosting your self-esteem. Regular physical activity also makes one tired; therefore, they are more ready to sleep. Quality sleep improves the general body wellness and reduces occurrences of stress.
Thirdly, exercise acts as a stimulant for brain functioning. It helps to sharpen your thinking, judgment, and learning skills as individuals exercise, the blood flow and oxygen levels in the mind increases. As a result, it encourages the production of cells in the hippocampus, amygdala, and cerebellum, which are parts of the brain responsible for memory and learning. In turn, this process boosts your concentration levels and cognitive ability.
Another reason is that regular exercise will increase your immune system. Through exercise, your body pumps oxygen and nutrients sufficiently, which are required to sustain the cells that fight bacteria and viruses. Additionally, it means that the risks of cancer, including breasts, lungs, and colon, are significantly reduced. From previous studies, it has been deduced that these cancers are associated with weight gain and obesity. Also, regular exercise helps lower cut in your sugar levels that can aid your insulin to work better. In turn, it can help reduce the risk of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, and in case you suffer from one, it can help you to manage it.
The last reason why you should exercise is that it improves your mental health care and mood. During exercise, it stimulates your body to produce endorphins that are responsible for enhancing your mood and can make you more relaxed. As a result, you become well suited to deal with issues of stress and depression.
As an individual, you have to realize that exercise is an essential activity to your wellbeing, health and can also impact positively to your daily activities. It is better if you start to make your daily activities more active. You can start by making small changes to your schedule that eventually will become a routine. It is time to do something for yourself and your health, and exercising is one way you can achieve this goal.