Blue Ocean Thinking
To goal of the online system is to
add value to the current teaching methods by reducing face to face communication and integrating new features to produce a product that appeals to key stakeholders of online learning. Following the Covid-19 epidemic, there is need to reduce face to face interaction. The proposed hybrid system will reduce look to face communication by leveraging on online technologies such as Zoom to substitute face-face classroom lecturers. On the other hand, virtual meetings through techniques such Zoom will be enhanced.
Virtual technologies such as Zoom will increase the value derived from the hybrid system by enhancing engagement between teacher and students.
Hard copies of learning content will also be reduced in preference to electronic learning materials which can be accessed from any point. The strategy will reduce costs to both learning institutions and students. Blue ocean strategy emphasis on providing value by creating or offering products which have not been offered by competitors.
The inclusion of materials from advanced courses and conferences. Will add value to the online system by providing students with an option of going dipper in some of the courses. Similarly, the system will also add community interactions by encouraging Massive open Online courses community (MOOCC). Using the Students will be assigned an online community study group based on their career stage and geographical area. Using the system will add value by enhancing collaboration through shared value with the society and thus promote the college name. Industries want students to have understood the practical side that the job market demands. MOOCC will, therefore, help in creating value by engaging industry experts in the development of the curriculum.
This will expose the student to real market expectations. Furthermore, the MOOCC approach will assume a holistic approach to education and thus reduce competition by enhancing cooperation.
Finally, the system will promote connection by keeping instructors engaged with students even after the end of the course to find out how they are applying what they have learnt.
Using the hybrid online system will provide a more interactive method that will address the current challenges occasioned by the Covid-19 epidemic. Through the addition of virtual meeting features, encouraging community contributions through massive open online functionality, the system will help in reducing costs and adding value. Eliminating hard copies through use electronic material will also play in lowering cost and thus promoting the functions of the system.