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Executive Summary

Media planning refers to a procedure of media outlets identification and selection. By definition, media is how information is conveyed. There are different factors that individuals consider while selecting the media to place their paid advert. The efficiency of the media outlet is a pivotal factor to consider. Due to advancement in technology, there are many media outlets. They include newspapers, TV and magazine, among others. Nowadays, individuals possess mobile phones, which are essential for communication.

There is Wechat, which is an essential mobile app and could be used by businesses to advertise their service. In China, Breath of life is one of the media ads developed by McCann. It is a tool that was developed for the GlaxoSmithKline. Breath of life is the first COPD self-testing tool to be ever developed (Shaw, 2019). It aims to raise awareness as well as increase the diagnoses of the sickness in China. The breath of life uses the famous WeChat platform to permit the users to breath directly into their smartphones to produce a lung capacity reading. The sound wave produced is represented by the artist tree.  The users with the poor result are motivated to go through a hospital check-up. Hopefully, they will diagnose with COPD at an early stage. This assignment provides a media plan for the GlaxoSmithKline: Breath of Life by McCann.


Situation Analysis

This is an analysis of the marketing position of the media. It involves analyzing the internal and external factors that affect the growth of the media. External factors are outside the media operation. Therefore, they affect the performance of the business. Internal factors are within the business and could influence the operation of the business. SWOT analysis could be used to analyze the situation of the Breath of life. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors, while opportunities are threats.

  1. Strength

Strengths are capabilities that could assist an enterprise in performing better in the market. The breath of life is a top-notch tool. This is one of the strengths of the advertising media. The tools assist in creating awareness about COPD. According to Synder (2019), in China, 100m adults are affected by COPD. Therefore, individuals will use the ad. Secondly, a breath of life is the only tool that has ever been developed to test COPD. Therefore, it does not face stiff competition in the market. Individuals will use the tool.

Moreover, the tool is not sophisticated to use. It involves the use of the smartphone for self-test. Therefore, individuals will use the tool. Furthermore, according to a digital marketing case study (2020), the ad involves the use of the Chinese culture (blowing-ink art). Therefore, the individuals embrace the ad making the media more successful. The breath of life ad is interesting to use. Besides, individuals could share to spread awareness of the advert. Therefore, encouraging individuals to use the advert to test.

The spread of the information is essential for the breath of life advert. Any media aim to convey information to users. Also, the advert about the breath of life is well explained. This enhances the understanding of individuals. Thus, encouraging individuals to use the tool. Lastly, the breath of life involves the use of technology. In this century, individuals are enticed by anything that involves the use of technology. Therefore, individuals would adopt the method for testing COPD. Also, it is not expensive to use the tool. Therefore, the tool would gain popularity.

  1. Weakness

Weakness is internal factors that affect the operation of the enterprise negatively. They influence the performance of an enterprise. The breath of life tool involves the use of Chinese culture. As a result, other cultures may not embrace it due to cultural differences.

  1. Opportunities

Several opportunities assist the breath of life to grow (Helms & Nixon, 2010). In this century, technology keeps on advancing. Therefore, it could take advantage of the technology for its expansion. The campaign would be strengthened to reach every part of the world. Through, the creation campaign would understand the health essence of the breath of life. Also, a paid endorsement would be used to increase the understanding of the breath of life advert. This is because celebrities are among individuals that marketers use to promote their goods and services. Therefore, using celebrities to advertise the breath of life would be significant.

  1. Threats

Breath of life is a diagnostic tool for COPD. It aims at increasing awareness of the diseases. Therefore, it is operating in the media industry, which is highly competitive. Also, government taxes could impact heavily on the performance of the breath of life. This is because high taxes will reduce the revenue the developer and the clients gets from the tool.

Marketing Objectives /Strategies

Every company needs to have clear marketing objectives for it to attain success in the market (Katz, 2016). This case is not exceptional for the breath of life. It is operating in the media industry. As a result, it needs to have marketing objectives for it to be successful (Helms & Nixon, 2010). The objectives set for the media to determine the goals of the media. The media objectives provide a framework in which decision is made. Marketing objectives play many essential roles in the media. The main role is to communicate about the services offered. Therefore, they need to SMART to be attained. By specific means that the objectives need to be clear. This enhances the understanding of the objectives. Thus, it will be easy to achieve. Measurable means that objectives could be measured. This provides a framework to assess whether the objectives are achieved. Also, the achievable requires the objectives to be in a position to be attained. Realistic objectives are real, while time bound means that they could be achieved within the planned time.

The target audience for the breath of life are individuals who need COPD self-test. The objective of the breath of the life ad is to reach many audiences. Therefore, it will use celebrities to reach many audiences. Through us of the celebrities (paid advertisement), the media will be able to achieve its objectives. Also, another objective of the media would increase its awareness. This will help in reaching many audiences. Therefore, it will gain popularity, which is essential for the media. It assists in increasing its sales.

Always marketing in any industry aims to increase awareness of the products and services that the company provides, which is essential for the companies. Increasing awareness ensures that the target audience uses the services and products, therefore, increasing sales which in turn increases the revenue. There are no media that would like to operate at a loss. They all need to gain profit or even work at a breakeven point. For instance, hiring celebrities to advertise services requires the use of money. Celebrities are well-known individuals. One could use different types of celebrity advertisements. They include paid, organic and created endorsers.  Celebrities are individuals who are well recognized. Therefore, it draws the attention of many individuals. They could be a specialist in a certain field. Since the breath of life is a medical advertisement, it will involve the use of health experts who convey a message about the use of the app to many individuals.

Role of Communication

Communication plays an essential role in media advertising. Communication is an essential element in any enterprise since it helps in achieving marketing goals. Therefore, the breath of life uses communication to attain its goals. The communication is facilitated by the celebrities in the health field who assist in efficiently conveying information. First, communication assists in creating awareness of the media adverts. This is essential for the breath of life. It ensures that the target audience is aware of the advert. As a result, it increases the target audience to know the existence of the breath of life tool. Therefore, they will use the tool to reduce the death caused by COPD in China. Different platforms are used by media to advertise. Therefore, the breath of life uses the WeChat platform for self-test of COPD. Individuals also could share their results. Therefore, encouraging others to test. This will ensure that information concerning the breath of life will reach many individuals. As a result, increasing the awareness of the breath of life.

Secondly, communication in media advertising educates the target audience about the products and services offered (Khajeheian, 2017). Therefore, in the case of the breath of life, communication will play s role in educating individuals on the use of the breath of life. The adverts will show how individuals use the tool. Therefore, communication is an essential tool.

Thirdly, communication will assist in influencing the individuals interested in services. For the case of the breath of life, it influences the intention of the target audience to use the tool to test the COPD. The advert for the breath of life will show how COPD affects individuals and, therefore, provide on how one will go about self-testing. Since it involves the use of technology and the procedure is not complicated, the individual will be interested in testing.

Lastly, communication in advertising influences the decision of individuals to use goods and services. It motivates audiences to use the services. In the breath of life, communication will assist in motivating the audience to use the tool for self-testing. It will be essential since it increases the use of the tool.


Media Objectives

The media need to have objectives. The objectives are essential since it will help the media to achieve its goals. Therefore, achieving the core purpose of the media. Having SMART marketing objectives will also ensure that the media have SMART media objectives. SMART media objectives will ensure that the objectives are achievable (Coulter & Sarkis, 2006). Also, it provides a good framework in which the objectives are accomplished. Also, the media will be attained at an appropriate time since there will be a well-established plan which ensures the smooth moving of activities and information in the media. Therefore making the media more efficient.

The objectives of the media include the following:

  • Increase awareness of the breath of life tool by 60% across the world within one year
  • Gain customer satisfaction of above 70% by 2021
  • Earn 100% growth in revenue by 2021
  • Reduce death by COPD by 80% in China by 2021.


Media Strategies

Media strategies refer to the plan of action that assist in reaching the target audience and also to enhancing the entire audience conversation rate (Kelley, Sheehan & Jugenheimer, 2015). In short, media strategy, assist in achieving the media objectives. Therefore, each objective will have a strategy that will help to achieve the objective. There are two forms of media strategies. They include media scheduling and media mix strategy (Phillips, 1966). The breath of life will use both media mix strategy and schedule strategy.

It involves the use of different channels for promoting services.  Mix strategy is the best strategy to choose, though, it is essential to select the right combination to communicate with the customer and have a great impact. The media mix involves allocation for many channels (Chovanec, 2017). It could include display media, cinema, broadcast and digital media, among others. The use of many channels for advertisement will be essential for the media. It will result in combined efforts in advertising. The information will reach many audiences. Therefore, it will create awareness of the breath of life. People will use the tool, therefore, reducing the death rates in China.

The media scheduling strategy will assist in meeting the media objectives. The breath of life will need to use a continuous media schedule. This is a type of strategy that runs steadily with little variation. In this type, the advertisement could be heavy or even light (Farwell, 2014). The adverts may run on the television may be thrice per day or once on the radio. The strategy is suitable since it is beneficial for non-seasonal products. In this case, the breath of life is not seasonal. The audience needs to educated, reminded and encouraged for the tool to occupy their mind. They need to understand the procedure for testing. Also, the have to understand when to go for hospital check-up.

The following is the summarized media strategy that the breath of life will use:

Media objectiveMedia strategy
·         Increase awareness of the breath of life tool by 60% across the world within one year


·         Mix strategy: television, content writing, smartphone  and billboard
·         Gain customer satisfaction of above 70% by 2021


·         Schedule strategy: continuous TV ads
·         Earn 100% growth in revenue by 2021


·         Mix strategy: TV ads, content writing, YouTube, magazines and billboards
·         Reduce death by COPD by 80% in China by 2021.


·         Mix strategy and schedule strategy: TV ads, smartphones, websites, content writing, billboards, magazines, internet, radio and smartphones and continuous schedule strategy.


Strategy Process


Media Tactics

Media tactics refer to the specifics means that are used to achieve the strategic goals. It is fundamental to use tactics that relate to tasks (Farwell, 2014). The essence of media tactics assists in achieving the media objective by making the media strategy successful (Juntunen, Ismagilova & Oikarinen, 2019). From the media strategy, several vehicles could assist in achieving the media objectives. This section describes the vehicles. They include the following

  • Television ads: this involves the use of television to advertise about the breath of life. It is an essential tool to advertise since most individuals watch television daily. Therefore, it will reach a wide range of audiences. The ads will be advertised thrice per day. Therefore, it will assist in conveying information about the breath of life. Television ads are expensive. This is because they involve the use of celebrities to make advert who are valuable. The impression of television ads will be calculated in GRP.

Therefore, Impression = GRP x population universe, so GRP=impression /population universe

  • Content writing: content writing involves writing about the breath of life. It will include information on how the tool will be used. It will aim at educating the audience on how to use the tool, its significance and how to understand the results.
  • Smartphone: it is an essential tool for the breath of life. Individuals could use the tool since they could install the WeChat app. In the WeChat app, people will use the breath of life for self-testing. In this century, almost everybody over 18 years has a smartphone. Therefore, the smartphone will be an efficient means to use.
  • Billboards: billboards could involve having a procedure for self-testing. The billboards could be placed in an adjacent place where many individuals visit, for instance, the market. Through this, the information will reach many individuals.
  • Magazines: magazines could be written talking about the breath of life. Once people read the magazine, they will have to understand the breath of life, and it’s essential. Therefore, it will increase awareness about the tool.
  • Radio: there is a certain percentage of individuals in China who listen to the radio. Radio adverts would be used to advertise about the breath of life ad. Therefore, increasing awareness and the number of people who have tested themselves.
  • YouTube: through internet YouTube could have a live video of an individual doing self- test. The video will aim at educating the target audience. Therefore, it will increase awareness across the world.


Media Budget

Media budget is among the essential component of media planning. It is essential to ensure that the media budget aligns with media objectives.

Breath of Budget Media Budget

Budget ($)Budget ($)
TV ads606515
Content Writing210216


Media Flowchart

The media flowchart is an essential document in the media plan. It conveys fundamental information powerful that it is used as a primary document used in obtaining approval to spend money on an advertising campaign (De Kindiq, 2017). It is a form of a diagram that represents a workflow within a media. The activities are put in chronological order, from the first activity to the last one. The diagrammatic representation shows a solution model to a certain problem. The diagram below is a media flowchart for a breath of life.

Media flowchart.


Testing & Evaluation

Media testing involves measuring the performance of different media plans before making a decision (Tolv & Teper, 2018). Media evaluation refers to assessing the effectiveness of the media plan. There are different approaches in which media plan is evaluated. They include: preplan analysis, post buy analysis and custom consumer research and ROI impact.

Preplan analysis: one of the ways to ensure that money of the client is not wasted is to analyze the media plan before as well as during launch. In this case, some changes will be made as to the media plan run. There are several reasons why the changes will be introduced. They include economic trends, consumer response, competitive pricing strategy and product impression. In preplan analysis, the media is checked its performance. It explored whether the media plan will achieve the desired objectives.

Post buy analysis: in postbuy analysis, it appraises whether the individuals are watching the ads. Also, it analyzes whether the ads ran at the scheduled time.   In this case, one has to check whether the media plan is bringing any revenue. Therefore, a summary of the estimated cost and actual spending is created.

Custom consumer research: this is an approach that research on the impact of the media on the customers. It analyzes whether the media plan had brought any change to the customers. For instance, whether the media plan has increased the awareness of the breath of life.

ROI: This is an approach that analyzes the ROI of the media plan. It appraises the income that the media plan has contributed. For the case of the breath of life, the impact of using the advertisement will be analyzed, whether it is of any essence.






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