Business and management: Individual reflective assignment
Business and management: Individual Reflective Assignment
The nature of the challenges faced during the implementation of the project
Teamwork is relatively one of the avenues that schools use to assess students during academic years. Notably, in most cases, students are placed in groups to work together based on a specific topic. In this instance, the professor assigned my group mates and I the responsibility of developing a new venture creation model. However, one of the main challenges we faced was communication challenges since we had no privilege of choosing our team members. Additionally, we had a limited timeline to deliver the project since the professor gave us five days to deliver the work.
Consequently, since the concept of venture creation is relatively new to me, I had to spend more time grasping the idea before embarking on any research. In addition, as a group, it was challenging to incorporate the BMC model and VP into the pitch. Further, we were required to pitch in new ideas that the group can present to viable investors who could provide financial aid to actualize the project. Because of the set deadline, we decided to work as a group rather than assigning duties. At the formative stage of the assignment, most team members refused to contribute to the project.
This prompted Tahla to allocate each member a section of the assignment and each member presented his or her findings. For instance, Hamad participated in the discussion as he helped in the development of ideas, whereas; I developed the transparent masks ideas. The challenge with dividing work among the group members is that each member only focuses on their assigned area, and this limited the possibility of brainstorming on the different ideas gathered in the course of study.
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, schools have embraced the ideology of online learning. However, this caused many challenges during the execution of the work since most members were silent during the group work and failed to share any conclusive ideas that could enrich the project research. Working virtually requires maximum attention and discipline. In retrospect, most members take advantage of the situation and fail to accord the needed utmost attention during the execution process. This affects the quality of the work since it is a research study; all members ought to participate.
Arguably, with technological advancements, one can work at the comfort of their home. Nonetheless, unlike the other group members who worked from home, I worked from the office and later attended the group meetings and classes virtually. Hence, due to my fixed schedule, in certain circumstances, I seldom added ideas to the project. Additionally, I am a mother of four children and equally working; this made it difficult to contribute to the group work since it is challenging to balance all these critical aspects in one’s life. The spread of Covid 19 has prompted countries to lockdown the states and nation as a containment measure. Thus, this has led to time constraints for not only meeting but also, evaluating the efficacy of the project.
How the group addressed the challenge
One of the critical strategies that we undertook as a group in the formative stages of the research was to find a theme for our study. We opted to focus on the Covid 19 pandemic that has changed the cause of our daily livelihood. Upon brainstorming, the group assessed the possible opportunity using the SLEPT analysis. Further, we developed a vision for the future implications of developing the smart mask and the commercial opportunities likely to arise because of the changes identified. During the brainstorming stage, we also used mind maps to refine the opportunities, and this helped in determining the scope of the work. Through brainstorming, the group members were in a better position to contribute to the group work.
With a set idea in place, all members understood the BMC model and VP, and this made it easy for the members to pitch ideas to the group in the development of the project. Arguably, with a set working plan, it helped the group meet the set deadline for delivering the work. Further, Zamzam developed PowerPoints to breakdown the study in a way that all members could not only understand the project but also, accommodated all the job done for more natural referencing.
On a personal level, I would reflect on the study of a specific day and findings that the group had made in the course of the research. Yancey (1998) argues that reflection is essential since it helps one evaluate the progress made in the study and whether they attained the set goals. With consideration, one is in a position to bring practice and theory since reflection is goal-driven (Yancey, 1998, p. 9). In this instance, by reflecting on the impact of Covid 19, the group believed that developing a smart mask would be a viable solution. Additionally, reflecting as a group helps in identifying the goals of the project and ultimately understanding the models required.
Besides, Ryan (2011) explains that reflective skills are essential as it helps in improving the student’s lifelong learning process (Ryan, 2011, p. 1). Additionally, there are different levels of reflection, and this helps in increasing the ability of a student’s understanding of the complex issues that may arise in the course of the research. Notably, the five levels of reflection include; reporting, responding, relating, reasoning, and reconstruction (Ryan, 2011, p. 2). Thus, in the instance that the group puts all these reflective measures in place, there are in a position to deal with the challenges in the area.
For instance, the reflective strategies enable the group to identify the loopholes that Covid 19 brought and for this reason, opted to develop the SMART mask. Equally, with a well-structured PowerPoint in place, all the members were updated on the progress that the group members made. With quality organization, the group was in a position to deal with the time constraint. Lastly, as we brainstormed and came up with ideas, we understood the strengths and weaknesses of each member. Ultimately, this helped us deliver a fantastic pitch within the given timeline.
Impact the challenges had on the business idea and prospects
The quality of any group work is dependant on the input of all the group members. However, during the job, we not only had a limited timeline but also, mostly three students joined the group discussion. Thus, this affected the two primary assignments, the presentation pitch to support materials. Additionally, the limited timeline and the minimum reach done adamantly affected the creativity in the development of the project.
Noteworthy, the main focus of this project was to develop a smart mask since wearing a mask is the current norm. The primary aim of the smart mask is to improve human interaction and enable facial recognition. Besides, there is a need to meet the set deadline since we got approval from the Ministry of Public Health of Qatar. Moreover, with pandemics, medics tend to work on vaccinations, and this would limit the timeline that people would be expected to wear masks during the interactions. Hence, any delay diminishes the actualization of the project, as many stakeholders are involved.
Additionally, we are working towards developing a smart mask that is unique and guarantees quality to the customer. Thus, this prompts the need to have quality knowledge focusing on the finances needed and the overall market (McLeod, 2017). Besides, Kolb’s asserts that learning is a continuous process, and his theory is useful in the development of new ideas based on new experiences. Arguably, education helps in the development of knowledge-based on a transformative experience (McLeod, 2017). Thus, time constraints and communication barriers adamantly limit the possibility of the group members incorporating the experimental learning cycle propagated by Kolbs. The four preliminary learning cycle includes; concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation (McLeod, 2017).
The primary purpose of incorporating Kolb’s experimental learning process during group work is due to the complex nature of the research. For instance, the set learning elements according to this group include; project selection, Business Model Canvas, Value Proposition Canvas, effectuation, and pitching. Although it is more effective to divide the work among the group members, the impact is that there are no concise thoughts since it is an individual submission. In any group work, the quality of the work presented is dependent on the level of interaction among the members involved.
Besides, since we intend to actualize our project, we ought to have a bigger picture, and as a result, this involves evaluating the external factors such as inflation. However, with five days to present the work, one could easily miss out on such valuable information. Noteworthy, it is essential to evaluate the future growth plan. With the recent pandemic, we may be forced to embrace technology, and this is important at any stage of the research work. Arguably, the reluctance of the group members to participate makes it challenging to meet the deadline. Also, online group work is not suitable for all topics and requires additional self-discipline and management skills. Fundamentally, the lack of quality research would affect the sustainability and growth of the set project. The other impact of online learning is that it limits practical based learning. Hence, as a mitigating factor, all the group’s creative ideas depended on sloid statistics.
How would we approach each stage differently in future?
Notably, given an opportunity to re-do this assignment, there are specific issues that we could do differently to enhance the quality of the work presented. The first process would involve getting to know the group better as this would help in identifying their strength and weaknesses. Necessarily, this can help the group members understand the complexity and importance of the group work. Notably, Zamzam made powerpoints for easier reference of all the members.
Noteworthy, understanding the strength and the weakness of each member helps in dividing the work to each group member. Developing a smart mask requires more input, and also, there were precise instructions that the professor gave to the students. Vankooten (2016) asserts that meta-awareness is an essential component in a student’s learning process. Importantly, meta-awareness refers to the deliberate attention towards the contents of conscious thoughts, and this leads to high-skilled thinking. In this instance, meta-awareness would be useful in helping the group understand the complexity of the project (Vankooten, 2016).
For instance, incorporating meta-analysis in the research study helps the student develop analytical skills that are relatively useful for every work. Additionally, the study explains the facets of video learning which is vital in creating a conducive learning environment (Vankooten, 2016). Equally, any research study that explores a student’s strength and weaknesses is more likely to yield positive results unlike one where all students are expected to undertake the same work under the same condition (Vankooten, 2016).
Also, in future projects, we will consider assigning a group leader for the group work. In most projects, a group leader plays a vital role as he or she helps in the execution of the project. Arguably, a group leader offers guidance to the members and further ensure that their purposes are fulfilled. Since we used an online platform for the work, a group leader would have helped in improving the morale of all the participants and ensure that they attain their set objective. Also, with an assigned group leader, they could motivate the members to perform well, and this would help solve the problem of only a few members attending the online meetings.
With the limited time constraint, the most effective way to ensure we meet the deadline would involve dividing the work. However, in future assignments, there is a need to distribute the task from the first day. The work would be divided according to each group member’s expertise. This would help the group have a clear strategy on how to proceed with the research and attain its goals within the stipulated timeline. Notably, assigning each group member a specific part of the project enhances accountability, and further, it helps in strengthening the group’s communication skills. Also, this makes it easy for the group leader to hold each member accountable in the instance they fail to deliver their work within the prescribed timeline.
Lastly, it is equally essential to create the powerpoint slide on the second day after the work is assigned. Primarily, this would help the group members understand the concept of the work. Also, with powerpoint presents the chronology of the work, and ultimately, this makes it easy for the group member to identify any loopholes that may present itself. Also, with PowerPoint, the members could highlight the pre and post-launch strategy relating to the implementation of the idea to develop a smart mask. Thus, having identified most of the shortcomings that occurred during the group assignment, we will work towards incorporating the above strategies in future research work.
Reflections on the learning
The goal of this group work was to develop a new venture creation, and our group opted to create a smart mask in the wake of increased covid 19 cases. Currently, the pandemic has spread rapidly across the globe and for this reason, there is a need to develop mitigating factors such as social distancing and wearing masks. Arguably, there is an increase in the demand for masks, and the smart mask is an innovation that intends to enhance human interaction and enable facial recognition. Notably, the experience during the course work was quite informative since we managed to develop the smart masks that were not readily available in the market.
However, at the beginning of the research, I believed that it would be easy to work with my group members as we develop the smart mask. This was premised on the fact that we created a working business canvas and Zamzam created PowerPoint. Ultimately, the goal was to highlight the reason for undertaking the project and further, breakdown the concept of the study to allow for more natural understanding. Nevertheless, as we started the research, the outcome was different in that, we had to spend a substantive amount of time learning and applying the theories in research.
But, in the course of the work, I was relatively overwhelmed due to the extensive workload and the limited timeline given to present the work. Additionally, over the years, we met physically for all our group works, but this time we were forced to work online. Notably, a lot of challenges arose as a result of this as some of the members opted not to participate. Besides, with no set strategy on how to proceed with the group work and this prevented accountability. Thus, the research study did not go as I had anticipated at the beginning.
Reflective learning is an essential component of any study since it helps in highlighting the loopholes and the possible improvement that could be incorporated to improve the future project. Jill (2011) the study advocated for developing an online platform to enhance student’s thought process. In essence, a student doesn’t need to reflect during the class period as schools should encourage self-reflection (Jill, 2011, p. 49). This comes in handy in the current situation where learning strategy has shifted to an exclusively online platform.
According to Vankooten (2016), there are four rhetorical concepts relating to meta-awareness that is important in undertaking any successful study. The first step involves developing the process, and this includes planning the working, relaying the message, getting feedback and working on revision (Vankooten, 2016). Upon establishing a working plan, it is essential to create a working technique for the research study, and later, the student should be in a position to relay their understanding with regards to the set topic. However, in the long-run, the students should consider intercomparativity, and this involves evaluating the similarities and the differences in techniques and the rhetoric (Vankooten, 2016).
Notably, our research study did compare to the four rhetoric concept relating to meta-awareness. For instance, according to the first slide, Zamzam introduced the group members and our project mandate. Further, the slide presents information about the product that the group is developing, and at the planning stage, there is a set business canvas. The business canvas highlights our customer segment, the value proposition, the channel and the strategy of maintaining customer relationship. With such valuable information, we were in a position to analyze the technique that we could use in the actualization of the project.
For instance, we identified our competitors, such as Honeywell International and Kimberly-cloud worldwide Inc. Ultimately, this would help in identifying the customer niche and the plan that we have in place in the instance where a vaccine is developed, reducing the need for developing masks. Besides, our company has gained early traction from the Qatar Foundation, and we ensured that all the documentation is in place. Importantly, we did not focus on one strategy; instead, we integrated different techniques in actualizing the project.
However, in the future, we could approach the research differently by having a set strategy depending on our goal. Ultimately, this would help in enhancing accountability among all the group members. Also, I now understand the importance of a group leader during the planning and implementation of the project. In that, they not only provide guidance but equally ensure that we work within the set timeline. Additionally, in as much collective participation is essential in any research study, it is similarly useful to divide the work among the group members. This is helpful in instances where there is a set timeline for the project. It is critical to have a practical guideline, especially during this covid 19 season where there is a disruption in the normal learning process.
I would not approach the same experience using the same strategies that we used since we failed to consider the complexity of the research. For instance, any new venture creation involves four steps, namely; introduction, developing a business model, refining, and assessment development. Besides, during the implementation process, it is essential to incorporate critical thinking skills. Also, before starting, we should have researched the different types of new ventures in the market and the process of integrating the BMC model and VP into the business pitch.
Further, we could have asked the professor for more time since time constraint was one of the main contributing factors to most of the challenges we faced. For example, I already have four children and working during the day. Hence five days is not enough. Also, at the onset of the project, we spent a substantive amount of time deciphering the concepts of the study that are important in the actualization of the project.
Besides, we had a lot of disagreements due to differing ideas of the approach as at most, only three members attended the meeting. Hence, as a mitigating approach to the challenges we faced, I believe we should have approached the research differently. Lastly, I have learnt the importance of planning before starting any group work since it provides the insight needed during the implementation process.
Jill, J., 2011. Promoting Self-Regulation and Critical Reflection through Writing Students’ Use of Electronic Portfolios. International Journal of ePortfolio, 1(1), pp. 49-60.
McLeod, S., 2017. Kolb’s Learning Styles and Experiential Learning Cycle. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 6 August 2020].
Ryan, M., 2011. Improving reflective writing in higher education: A social semiotic perspective. Teaching in higher education, 16(1), pp. 99-111.
Van Kooten, C., 2016. Identifying Components of Meta-Awareness about Composition: Toward a Theory and Methodology for Writing Studies, s.l.: Composition Forum.
Yancey, K. B., 1998. Reflection in the writing classroom. Logan, Utah: USU Publication Press.