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Business Trends and Issues

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Business Trends and Issues

Based on the national gun control laws, the Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968, had the requirements that legal residents should be eighteen years and above to be allowed to purchase short guns. Additionally, other firearms are supposed to be purchased by residents who are 21 years and above. These laws are essential since they impact business activities’ security in many cases in the right way. First, gun control helps one to feel safe. The person owning a legal gun is capable of protecting himself or herself in case of any threat that may arise. In connection, one doesn’t need to depend on any other help since he can defend himself fully. Another benefit of proper gun control laws, the rates of homicides and suicides are limited. Additionally, effective gun control laws can mean restricting the usage of guns in some cases. This creates adequate security of activities such as business activities and group events.

Gun control laws limit freedom of owning ammunition for a particular category of individuals. It is essential since it reduces the rate at which there are unintentional shootings, mainly in the business activities that may cause harm. This helps the government in reducing its expenditure on medical services and also charges. Additionally, researches have proven that those individuals owning guns tend to be more violent. When the government gets involved in national gun control, it reduces the risk of any harms that might be caused by those owning guns. Thus, in my view, the government should involve national gun law regulations since they have the best impacts on the safety of business activities.

Work cited
Stevenson, D. D. (2020). The Complex Interplay Between the Controlled Substances Act and the             Gun Control Act. Ohio State Journal of Criminal Law, Forthcoming.


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