Career Development in “The Devil Wears Prada”
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“The Devil Wears Prada” is a comedy-drama film from 2006 directed by David Frankel. The actions of the two characters carry the film; Miranda Priestly and Andrea Sachs. Miranda is a renowned fashion magazine editor, while Andy is her assistant (Frankel, 2006). Andy lands the co-assistant job in the hope of using it as a stepping stone to get better employment in the publishing industry as a journalist. Andy had the previous disregard for the fashion industry. She assumed that the industry was too shallow for her liking. However, according to Miranda, some so many other girls would kill for the same position that Andy landed in co-assisting (Frankel, 2006). Andy, on the other hand, planned to keep up with the stressful job for just a year. She planned to take in the humiliating treatment and unnecessary demands while waiting to land the job of a writer or reporter in another establishment.
In the beginning, Andy is clearly out of sync with the fashion world that she works in. Andy is a stark difference from other people working at a fashion magazine like Emily Charlton, who was Miranda’s senior assistant. However, Andy makes an effort to better fit into her present profession by seeking help from someone conversant with the fashion world. Andy seeks out Nigel to show her what to do (Frankel, 2006). In no time, Andy shows progress and begins to dress more stylishly to fit with her role as a co-assistant in a fashion magazine. She also makes more effort to accommodate the excessive whims by Miranda. However, the newfound drive that Andy expresses in relation to her career brings personal problems with her relationship.
On the other hand, Miranda also faced challenges with her career. For instance, at one point, Andy realizes that it is possible that Jacqueline Follet could replace Miranda as editor of Runway (Frankel, 2006). Andy feels bad for Mirada and wants to let her know of the impending change.
In the end, Miranda manages to come out on top of the whole scenario. Miranda makes Jacqueline the new creative director to replace Nigel, who already had another job offer. Andy had no idea that Miranda already knew of her impending loss of position (Frankel, 2006). Miranda sacrificed Nigel to keep her position as the editor of Runway. However, Andy seems not to agree with the way that Miranda handled the matter. Miranda goes on to point out that Andy did the same thing with Emily when she agreed to take the trip to Paris. At that moment, Andy realizes what she has done and dramatically leaves her position at the fashion magazine. Andy tries to make amends with her relationship with Nate, who now has a job in Boston (Frankel, 2006). Andy also lands another job at a major publishing corporation in New York. The editor tells of how a reference from Runway and specifically Miranda made it clear that hiring Andy was a great idea. Towards the end of the film, Andy passes by Runway and happens to see Miranda (Frankel, 2006). Even though Mirada does not acknowledge her greeting, she seems pleased with Andy as she secretly smiled to herself.
Both Miranda and Andy went through considerable career development during the plot of the film. Taking the stance of a career counselor, there are specific approaches that are employed in the instance that these two characters are to go through career counseling.
Trait-and-Factor Career Counselling
For the case of Andy, the approach of trait-and-factor career counseling is appropriate. In the past, this approach in career counseling worked for people away from their employment in the course of the Great Depression (Whiteley & Resinkoff, 1978). This kind of career counseling helped these people retrain and locate new jobs. Looking at the case of Andy, it is evident that she does not primarily feel like she is meant to work in the fashion industry. For Andy, using this career counseling approach could help her just the way Nigel tried to. For the first career counseling session, it is best to employ effective intake procedures. During this stage, the session includes getting to know details about Andy, knowing what she wants to do with her career. Getting adequate background information on Andy and her career expectations help with the planning of the career counseling sessions.
During the second session, it is best to carry out a diagnosis as per the trait-and-factor career counseling. The diagnosis sets aside the relevant facts from the irrelevant ones (Whiteley & Resinkoff, 1978). At the end of the diagnosis, it is possible to know of the client’s assets and liabilities. For Andy, the diagnosis in the second career counseling session makes it possible to know what aspects of her career objectives are relevant and not. The diagnosis in the second session also helps with knowing what Andy’s resources are and the responsibilities that she is tasked with. During this second session, it is also best to start building a rapport with Andy. Building a rapport will make sure that Andy is forthcoming her feelings concerning her career growth and objectives.
During the third session counseling session, the third step is employed; the process. Data is gathered concerning Andy’s career interests, her social life, her capabilities, and her attitudes. During this third session, it is possible to know why Andy might not feel fulfilled in the fashion industry. It is also possible to tell if Andy has skills and capabilities suited for a career in another field, aside from the one she is in. All this is part of making effective use of the assessment. From a practical assessment, the third counseling session yields desirable outcomes. In the long run, the counseling sessions should resolve the problem that Andy faces. Andy should no longer feel like she cannot attain her career objectives while in the fashion industry. Andy should decide to look for another job that she feels better suits her needs. This counts as a realistic and fulfilling career decision.
Psychodynamic Career Counselling
For the case of Miranda, psychodynamic career counseling is the best option. This approach to career counseling precisely indicates the importance of theoretical commitment (Whiteley & Resinkoff, 1978). This theoretical commitment is displayed in two ways: through a developmental procedure and career choice that encompasses the needs of the client. For the first session, a diagnosis of Miranda’s case is advised. However, before the diagnosis is carried out, it is wise to carry out an effective intake process. During this intake process, the counseling session is informed of the background information on Miranda’s present career. Getting background information on Miranda’s present career helps Miranda function productively during career counseling sessions. The second bit of the diagnosis in the first session is deterring if Miranda has any identity problems. However, unlike Andy, Miranda seems to know exactly what she wants for her career. She is doing exactly what she wants, and she is excellent at it. The other sub-step during the diagnosis in the first session is establishing any gratification conflicts. With Mirada, this could be the reason why she acts overbearing and demanding towards her co-assistant, Andy. The following step is considering a change orientation. As noted, Miranda seems comfortable with where she is career-wise. As such, the step involving client dissatisfaction might not be needed.
For the second session, career counseling should involve a building of rapport. This part of the counseling process might not be easy; keeping in mind Miranda does not seem like someone approachable. It is for this reason that the whole of the second session might involve building a rapport with Miranda. In order to get past the possible attitude hurdle, it would be wise to approach the counseling session from Mirada’s point of view. Talking about things that she likes and probably showing appreciation for her achievement might make the rapport building effort better.
During the second session, the process part of the psychodynamic career counseling takes place. The process takes place in three minor steps. During the initial step of the process, the terms of the counseling sessions are set out as well as exploration concerning the case of Miranda. The exploration makes sure that the counseling session does not include any superficial examination (Whiteley & Resinkoff, 1978). The session has to include the real and actual events that are taking place in the career life of Miranda. This stage places importance on the psychodynamics involved with the making of a decision in a career. Using the case of Miranda, it is definite that she is in a position that needs her to make multiple significant decisions. For instance, Miranda had to decide to sacrifice Nigel in order to keep her position as the editor of Runway. The second sub-step in the process is helping Miranda make a critical decision. This choice involves a possible change in Miranda’s personality. However, this is not likely to be possible as Miranda seems to be at comfort with herself and who she is. During the second counseling session, psychodynamic counseling can involve giving Miranda the option of engaging in sessions that help her work on different aspects of her personal development. The third sub-step of the process stage is to make sure that Miranda is open to working to attain a change in her career. At this point in the career counseling session, it is hoped that Miranda will at least consider a change in her personality. This change in personality is set to help her make her career even better than what it is at the moment.
Following the second session, career counseling can make good use of the assessments. Miranda can be informed of some of the ethical breaches that her strong personality might bring her to. For instance, Miranda may have mistreated and acted in an over domineering manner over her subordinates once or twice. Andy notes that part of the challenges she has in working as a co-assistant is to deal with Miranda’s unfair treatment.
In the third session, the outcomes of career counseling should be delivered. However, with this approach, Miranda should receive the results of the counseling for every stage (Whiteley & Resinkoff, 1978). At the end of the career counseling session, Miranda should have help with making changes to her personality. The choice of changing her personality is given priority because her personality seems to be her most significant role player in shaping the direction of her career growth. In the long run, it is possible that Miranda might not showcase significant career deficiencies as compared to Andy. For Mirada, she knows that she is happy with her editor job at Runway. Miranda is comfortable working in the fashion industry. Even when Andy is making an effort to get another job away from the fashion industry, Miranda does the unthinkable to protect hers. The broad goal of this career counseling session for Miranda is to experience a change in personality. Miranda can be talked into taking personal counseling sessions. These counseling sessions do not have to be centered on Mirada’s career. Instead, the focus of theses counseling sessions should be on Mirada’s personality. After all, her personality seems to impact her career significantly. Looking at the broader picture, a change in personality or arriving at a significant career decision is part of the expected outcomes of psychodynamic career counseling.
During the counseling sessions, aside from the intake procedure, the employment of rapport building skills, and efficient use of evaluation, the sessions should also involve the integration of ethics.
In the case of Andy, it is possible that she did not exercise ethical reasoning when she hastily left her position at Runway. When leaving her work as Miranda’s co-assistant, Andy did not hand in any prior resignation notice. When Andy left her work, she did it on a whim and in a spur of the moment decision (Frankel, 2006). It is rather lucky that Andy did not pay legally for the way that she chose to leave her assisting work. As such, during the counseling sessions, preferably during the second session, it would be wise to talk to Andy about her stance of ethical reasoning. Andy was lucky to get a useful review when Miranda was called to offer an official reference. In other cases, Andy could have been punished for the way she left her work and given a poor review leading to a lack of employment. In the case of Miranda, her treatment of other employees might also need ethical guidance. Even though Miranda is placed in a higher position as compared to most of the people she works with, she needs to realize that there is an ethically sound way to relate to them. There is a way that Miranda can give out work responsibilities and ask for help with work without necessarily sounding demanding and overbearing. With ethical guidance, Miranda is informed of ways to be a better co-worker. The improvement as a co-worker is a sure way for Miranda to stabilize if not improve her career in the fashion industry. For instance, it is possible that Miranda might have kept a resourceful and efficient co-assistant by her side if she was nicer.
In the end, the film “The Devil Wears Prada” gives an insightful journey of people intent on making their careers better. On the one hand, there is Miranda, who seems content with where she is at the moment. Miranda does everything in her power to ensure that she keeps her position as an editor at Runway. On the other hand, Andy does not seem content with where she is. Even though Miranda notes that so many other women her age would kill for a career opportunity like the one she had, Andy is not contented. Andy thinks of her present job as a stepping stone.
Nonetheless, Andy makes an effort to be good at her job while she is at it. In the case that each of these characters is to go through a career counseling program, then different approaches are employed. For Miranda, an approach centered on personality change and development is suitable. For Andy, an approach to making career decisions and adapting to present situations is suitable. With both counseling sessions, the characters need to go through the procedural session involving the intake procedure, the building of a comfortable rapport, the effective use of assessments, and the integration of ethics. At the end of the sessions, it is hoped that the two characters will attain personality change or be able to make bold and sound decisions concerning their careers.
Frankel, D. (Director). (2006). The Devil Wears Prada [Motion Picture].
Whiteley, J. M., & Resinkoff, A. (1978). Career Counselling. Monterey: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company.