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Caregiver Discussion Post Response

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Caregiver Discussion Post Response

I agree with you that the best health care is provided at home compared to the care provided at the hospital. I think this is because the caregivers at the home center their entire focus towards one patient, unlike in the hospitals where many patients require the same care and attention. You can agree with me that there is a high prevalence of home-based health care at hospital care expenses. In furtherance to this, you can agree with me that home-based health care, in a way, has decongested the hospitals, but again the question is, does the home health care provide quality, safety, and effective services? Another problem that concerns me from your discussion is who asses some of the caregivers given the responsibilities of taking care of patients at home with the exclusion of nurses and doctors assigned to care for patients at home by hospitals? In my opinion, since the government is responsible for recruiting the caregivers, it should be responsible for assessing the eligibility of the caregivers

I have learned from your discussion that most of the caregivers work for the family members while others work for the government. I have come across some people who have had to leave their jobs to care for their elder adults.  I wondered why they would give up their jobs, and yet it those jobs they rely on only to realize they are the caregivers paid directly by the government. Responding to the caregivers’ assessment, there are government programs that are available for those willing to be caregivers, but one must be qualified and eligible.

However, this brings out my other concern about what are the qualifications and eligibility of those people willing to be caregivers and looking forward to being paid directly by the government. According to (National Research Council 2011), programs by the government enroll caregivers to different specialties depending on qualifications and eligibility. In my opinion, these caregivers handle complex cases with sophisticated medications. In response to your discussion, my recommendation is that professional developments and training should be considered in the future to improve the quality of home health care. Further, since caregiving’s job tends to be undermined in society, I would like to know the money and finances given to caregivers in their specialties. I think this will be of fundamental essence in comprehending the areas that need amendments in-home health care to enhance the qualities of health services offered at home. This will positively impact the transition (Werner et al. 2016) from hospital healthcare to home health care.


National Research Council (US) Committee on the Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care. The Role of Human Factors in Home Health Care: Workshop Summary. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2010..

Werner, N. E., Gurses, A. P., Leff, B., & Arbaje, A. I. (2016). Improving care transitions across healthcare settings through a human factors approach. The Journal for Healthcare Quality (JHQ), 38(6), 328-343..

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