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Case Study: Organizing A World Class Sporting Event Emphasising On Lean Project Management  

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 Case Study: Organizing A World Class Sporting Event Emphasising

On Lean Project Management



Table of Contents

Introduction. 3

  1. With regards to an event – ICC World Cup Tournament identification and elaboration. 3

1.1 The processes from PMBOK or PRINCE 2 that will be used to assist with stakeholder expectation management 3

1.2 The main stakeholders for the Cricket World Cup event by conducting the stakeholder analysis using the power/ interest grid. 5

  1. Elaboration of the terms in context to the ICC World Cricket tournament: 9
  2. Voice of the Customer (VOC) 9
  3. Critical to Customer Requirements (CCR) 10
  4. Critical to Quality (CTQ) 11
  5. Identification of the processes from Organisational Project Management (OPM), Lean Practices, Agile Practices, Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC) Methodology. 11

Conclusion. 11

References. 13





The study is focusing towards organising the world cup by ICC World Cricket tournament in the year 2020, which will be held in India. International Cricket Council (ICC) is considered to be the governing body of cricket throughout the globe (Fletcher and Malcolm, 2017). The study involves planning the cricket event with the help of lean project management. In this particular study, the role is to act as a project manager in order to deliver this significant world sporting event successfully. The report is required to be provided to the organising committee. Hence, various tools and methodologies in regard to the project management has been used such as Prince2, Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC Methodology), Organisational Project Management and PMBOK. The study reflects on the various essential aspects forming part of organising the world cricket event that includes a stakeholder and the implementation of the lean project management.

1. With regards to event – ICC World Cup Tournament identification and elaboration

1.1 The processes from PMBOK or PRINCE 2 that will be used to assist with stakeholder expectation management

Taking into consideration, the Prince2 methodology which helps in the event management process (Esteki et al., 2020). The six main steps which is involved in the process of stakeholder management will help in recognising the stakeholders involved in cricket world cup 2022 event that will be taking place in India.

  1. Stakeholder identification: In this step, the main individuals are recognised who have the power to impact on the event world cricket tournament or will be impacted by the event in either direct or indirect manner. The project manager can indulge in preparing some questionnaires in order to recognise the stakeholders who are a part of the cricket world cup 2022. The below figure provides better understanding on the group of stakeholders and the sources from which they will be identified.
  2. Creating and analysing the profile of the stakeholders: In the next step, the profile of the stakeholders is prepared which will include data and insight concerning their interest, power an attitude towards the event. It also involves determining the effect of the stakeholder’s power belonging to each group. The methodology includes the power element along with the emotional element. In case of the cricket world cup, the group of stakeholders considers ICC as the significant organisation for the event. It has been found that it holds high level of power with high interest that is attached with the success of the ICC event.
  3. Stakeholder engagement approach: The step includes evaluating the manner using which the ICC World Cup 2022 will involve the stakeholders in the event. At the same time, making discussions about the related responsibilities through communication and delivering the significant messages. Further, there is requirement of setting a criterion for all the recognised stakeholders. For example, it will involve set of standards and rules like insight that is needed by the stakeholders in context to the event and also the information which is expected to receive from the stakeholders. It also involves communication method, frequency and the format at the time of the project while recognising the people who will act as the sender and receiver for active communication concerning the project.
  4. Engagement planning: The communication modes and methods are decided in this step. It also involves the frequency of communication and its timing in context to the project. ICC world Cup 2022 will be planning the engagement of the stakeholders by selecting the sender of the messages during a particular activity. It is highly essential to choose the individuals who have the capability and skills of communicating well and have the image which will permit the audiences to believe the sender.
  5. Involving the stakeholders: In the step, stakeholders will be involved in the project of organising the ICC World Cup 2022 event. It involves execution of the process of engagement and the communication that has been planned through the stakeholders. On the other hand, engagement of the stakeholders cannot be stated as the single step process. Instead, there are various stages in the process of stakeholder management which will lead to stakeholder engagement. For example, when the stakeholders will be identified and their profiles are evaluated, it will be considered to support in stakeholder’s engagement. At the same time, if requirements of the project are communicated properly, it will serve as the highly significant element of engaging the stakeholder.
  6. Measurement of the effectiveness: In the last step, the process of stakeholder management is measured to understand its effectiveness and contribution towards event. This can be done by confirming the involvement of the significant stakeholders along with assuring that all the important information is available. At the same time, ensuring to cover the crucial medium of communication for the event.

Fig 1: Sources of the Stakeholders

1.2 The main stakeholders for the Cricket World Cup event by conducting the stakeholder analysis using the power/ interest grid.

On the basis of the Prince2 methodology that is used for using the project of ICC World Cup 2022, various stakeholder groups are recognised in the table below which shows the main and significant stakeholders along with their extended details reflecting on the involvement of the stakeholders in the upcoming event. It also highlights power and interest. The data is aligned with the information of the stakeholder management concerning ICC cricket world cup.

Stakeholder groupDescriptionPower Interest Justification
Organisers of the eventThe organisers of the event are international Cricket Council (ICC), the Cricket Association of the host country (board of Control for cricket in India), authorities of the stadium, regional committee and the council of the host city (kolkata, Bengaluru, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, Chennai and Mumbai).HighHighThe organisers of the event are generally having higher control and power along with having high interest in the event. The reason behind this is the benefits which the organisations will receive or the losses which will be incurred through the event will directly impact on the organisers. Hence, the organisers manage the entire event of the cricket world Cup closely.
WorkforceThe employees who are working in the associations of the organisers call the event along with the group of volunteers who will assist in the arrangement of the entire cricket event.LowLowThe workforce does not have much interest and power in the event as they not included in the decision-making process. Also, the failure and success of the event is in no manner going to impact on the employees or the volunteers. Hence, the workforce only performs the given task and does not get much involved in it.
The participating countriesIt includes the cricket teams belonging to different countries who have been qualified for the world Cup event.HighLowAll the participants are found to have lower level of interest with the failure or success of the overall event. However, the participants hold high level of power as their participation and the performance would help in evaluating the failure or the success of the event project. Thus, the organisers have the responsibility to keep the participant satisfied.
Commercial affiliatesIt involves the sponsor and partners of the cricket world cup event.HighHighThe commercial affiliates as same as the event organisers involves high power and high interest and both success and failure will highly impact on the partners and sponsors of the event. Hence, there is requirement of closely managing the event.
Organisations in CricketIt involves cricket organisations such as professional Cricketer’s Association, Federation of International Cricket Association, European Cricket Council and other cricket related associations.HighLowThe cricket organisations have high level interest as it will benefit the organisations directly. However, the organisations hold little power over the event and its related decision making. It is expected to keep the organisations informed about the event.
AttendeesThe group of fans and the people holding ticket to the stadium to watch the cricket match.LowLowThe attendees have low power and low power in the decision making. Also, the failure of the success of the event will not affect on them. Hence, the attendees should only be monitored.
Supply chainOrganisations that are indulged in production of all the products that is required to support the event.LowHighThe supply chain has high level of interest in the event as it will benefit them directly. Moreover, they do not have any power involved in the decision-making process. Therefore, must be informed about the event.


Table 1: Profiling the Stakeholders

On the basis of the above table 1, the group of stakeholders have been recognised and is included in the stakeholder matrix shown in the figure 2.

Fig 2: Stakeholder Matrix

2. Elaboration of the terms in context to the ICC World Cricket tournament:

a. Voice of the Customer (VOC)

Voice of the customers is referred as the profound and comprehensive study of collecting the preferences, demands, expectations and aversions of the consumers. It is essential tool for the research of the market (Aguwa and Monplaisir, 2017). It helps in meeting the needs and requirements of the customers and increasing customer satisfaction. Voice of the customer assist in management of the structure of the organisation and consider the elements on the basis of priority for the satisfaction of the customers. In context to the ICC World Cup tournament, there are so many associations, organisations, businesses and viewers. It is highly essential to take into consideration the expectations and the requirements of the consumers. Also, their interest cannot be compromised. Therefore, the model of Kano is used to recognise the needs of the consumers as well as their expectations in the future.

In the case study of the ICC World Cup tournament, there is requirement to ensure that the customers get the unique and quality experience. For the same reason, various programs must be conducted in regard to the voice of customers. This will provide an opportunity to determine the demands and requirements of the customers. Certain techniques include tic-toe sessions, surveys, interviews, etc. Hence, having a knowledge about both the future and the current expectations and needs of the customers. At the same time, making changes accordingly in planning the project for productivity improvement

b. Critical to Customer Requirements (CCR)

The customer’s requirement is linked with the products or services offered by them, the added corporate social responsibility, integrity, product delivery and quality and its expenses (Jackson and Laws, 2018). It is significant to recognise the needs of the customers who will be forming a part of the ICC World Cup 2022. It is essential for the ICC and its event team to make the planning and prepare the strategies which will be aligned with the customer’s demands and requirements. The most essential requirement which has been recognised is to ensure that the stadiums where the cricket match will be taking place is completely secured and safe. The customers have the interest in the match if it is taking place without any chaos or issue. As the political turmoil and the terrorism is rising, the fear and trepidation of the people have also increased. Hence, secured environment is needed to be provided to the customers which is possible by high level security. In the stadium, cops and security guards are needed to be available who will be keeping consistent surveillance throughout the match and sometime before and after the event as well to ensure complete security and safety.

Another essential requirement, is that the customers have more interest in quality safe and healthy food. Keeping this in mind, at regular intervals refreshing drinks should be available for the customers so that they stay energized and their interest in the game remains consistent. As the match will be taking place in India in six different cities which includes Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Chennai, Bengaluru, Kolkata and Lucknow, both local and international cousins can be served in the food stalls without charging much. Also, there should be the system of booking in advance for the tickets. The reason behind this is the popularity of the ICC World Cup which will result in huge rush. Moreover, consistent promotion of the event and the venue of the Cricket tournament must be advertised and promoted with the help of a public relation team. At the same time, on the regular basis the customers must be kept updated. The project management will support the customers to have the knowledge about the game schedule, price and discounts as well as some other activities. Also, it is the responsibility of the workforce and their organiser to keep all the six stadiums of India where the ICC World Cup 2020 will be taken place clean along with the availability of garbage bags.

c. Critical to Quality (CTQ)

The parameters of Critical to quality is the internal quality which is aligned with the customers’ needs and demands (More et al., 2018). The critical to quality concept as same as the critical to customers because the focus is on the quality improvement of the services to be rendered to the customers. Hence, it is highly essential aspect.  In the event of ICC World Cup 2022, the priority is the quality of the event and the related services which will be provided to the customers.

3.  Identification of the processes from Organisational Project Management (OPM), Lean Practices, Agile Practices, Lean Six Sigma (DMAIC) Methodology.

The organisational project management practices include the four main processes which includes affiliation, essence, process and object. These processes will help in using as a business approach (Szabó, 2016). It has ability to align the requirements of the project along with the organisational abilities. Hence, ICC can adopt the approach for gaining higher profitability. Furthermore, Lean Six Sigma include six processes of DMAIC which is define, measure, analyse, improve and control. It will help the project management team of ICC to improve the overall quality by defining its objectives as well as the plan of the project and focusing towards issues (Kornegay, 2020). It will also help the team in identifying the stakeholders and analysing their requirements. On the other hand, the Agile method might not be suitable for the event of ICC as it needs high cooperation level among the various teams that is working for the event. At the same time, the activities and the processes should be conducted together which will require supreme level of motivation (Kaiser et al., 2017). It is based on multitasking and programming pair. Hence, it is not highly advisable to ICC for the event.


It can be stated that the entire planning of the event is needed to be done within the time period of 1 year so that there will be complete one year to execute the event project of ICC World Cup 2022. The project management team and its capability have Vital role to play in overall success of the event and customer satisfaction along with the other stakeholders. Therefore, to ensure that the objectives are gained in respect to the satisfaction of the customers, the management team of ICC cricket tournament have the requirement of emphasising on the voice of the customers which involves accessibility of the food, maintaining cleanliness and the safety of the people. In addition to this, the critical quality is based on the various measures and parameters. Therefore, certain project management techniques have been used such as OPM, DMAIC Methodology which has proved to be effective for the ICC cricket tournament event. However, considering the complexity of the event, it can be stated that Prince2 will be helpful in contributing towards the success of the event.




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Kornegay, A. L. (2020). Manufacturing Production Companies Can Gain Strategic Global Advantage Using Lean Six Sigma. In Sustainable Business: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 1538-1557). IGI Global.

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