Cash Flow Analysis
Cash flow is a document that is used to indicate the flow of money in an organization. It indicates when money comes in and when it goes out. This document helps an organization to monitor and track its money sources and money usage. Cash flow can also help an organization to make better choices when budgeting for its money. In the budgeting process, cash flow can help an organization predict the amount of money expected to be in an organization and at what exact time. Managers should use cash flow analyses to make their organizational decisions. Cash flow is an essential document in every organization.
Challenges Caused by Lack of Cash Flow Forecasts and Working Capital Analyses.
Poor budgeting decisions are greatly attributed to a lack of cash flow forecasts and working capital analyses. When managers fail to forecast their cash flow and analyze their working capital, they are likely to make and approve unrealistic budgets. Cash flows should inform the managers about the amount of money that should be expected at a particular time. Failure to check the cash flow in decision making can result in having a budget that is too high for an organization.
Late payments are another consequence of not using cash flow predictions. The cash flow predictions should inform a manager when the organization is likely to have enough money to pay its debts, employees, and suppliers. With information from the cash flow predictions and working capital analyses, a manager can determine when the organization can make its payments. Late payments can result in fines and a lack of trust among the employees.
Managers should analyze their organizations’ cash flows and working capital predictions to help them make better financial decisions. Cash flows can enable the managers to predict when the organization can have money to conduct its transactions. This knowledge can help the managers to make better budgets and organize how to make payments well. Cash flows should be used to make predictions when making financial decisions for an organization.