DOWNS SYNDROME 1. The authors research the factors that influence the quality of life in individuals with down syndrome. They utilize a retrospective cohort research design through the issuing of…

A CASE STUDY FOR FLASHMOBZ   Introduction             This paper captures a case study on the FlashMoz Company. The company deals with mobile phones and accessories and it operates in…

Data Modelling Data modeling is the technique used in the documentation of information in a software system. It is merely a skeleton representation of how information in a system database…

The emergent of covid 19 was unexpected and had a significant influence on my daily life’s thinking and behavior. It wasn’t comfortable accepting, but with the continuous increase in the…

Ethnomedical Systems The United States is home to various multi-ethnic societies who have different needs to hold and appreciate their native cultural beliefs. For instance, in 2006,12.5percent of the total…

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