Knowledge is power! Perhaps the most famous quote among the literate population of the world, it holds within it an undeniable truth; knowledge is power. As a child, I aspired to get an education to achieve my dreams and make my parents proud. I fantasized about the destination without understanding the journey. As I grow older, I have learned a lot, and my perspective has changed; now, I know how life can change and that it is okay to adapt to these changing circumstances. Everyone wants to make an impact and leave a legacy of their existence on humanity; college provides an opportunity to equip yourself with the skills and expertise to make a mark on the world. Going to college is essential to learn formative life lessons and how to gather and apply knowledge for a better life.
All in all, college is a crucial stage in life that I want to enjoy, learn from, and always remember later in my life. I chose to attend college at this time because it is the best time to develop my career options, gain new skills, and identify and contribute to meaningful research. Some people choose to go to college after serving in the army to change careers; others go back to school to start their professional life. Some come to college for the knowledge and never leave, enjoying academia and the pursuit of knowledge. Whatever reason brings one to college; one clear point persists; college is an essential prop with which one can alter the course of their life.