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Chapter III: Research Question

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Chapter III: Research Question


The research question was identified as what, in addition to gifts and talents, make for a qualified worship leader? The sub-questions framed for this study are as follows:

What are the correct intentions for the music ministry?

Have the changes in musical styles and other significant church worship changes over the years altered the way we worship?

Answering these questions requires exploring the biblical purpose of music, knowing the importance of planning, and developing effective relationships. It also involves examining the issue of dress codes and knowing when to stop ungodly music. Music plays an integral role in edification and worship as it reinforces the scriptural truths within our minds while drawing our hearts closer to God. The challenges affecting Christian music are how worshippers can make it both functionally and Biblically effective such that it is both socially and musically acceptable without contravening the Biblical principles. Christ-honoring music should have a robust biblical standpoint while remaining aligned to the Holy Spirit. Therefore, there is a need to reevaluate our worship to ensure that worship leaders are unashamedly defending the truth. Music should not be separated from God’s holiness, whereby it is degraded to a matter of preference and personal taste. In all aspects of the Christian walk, holiness should play a central role.

The present music ministry can be said to mirror Apostle Paul’s evangelistic strategy, whereby he offered that some characteristics and foreign culture can be accepted so that there are more opportunities for evangelizing. However, Paul is not encouraging the faithful to act outside Yahweh’s commandments. Instead, he asks them to find ways of lawfully evangelizing tom persons from various cultural traditions but within God’s Commandments. The problems arising from music in contemporary times can be attributed to over contextualizing. Such that how the church ministry is administered strays the message from its true intent. Therefore, worship leaders should strive to balance by using technology to support their message instead of having technology distract them from presenting the Bible ‘s truth. Over contextualization manifests when worship must have the latest look, the newest feel, or the trendiest beat to lure seekers. Overall,  it is dangerous to focus on contextualizing instead of concentrating on the truth as it can adversely affect the purpose of worship music. For instance, Tshabalala and Patel explain that praise and worship have been used by youth faithful as a coping mechanism, transforming, uplifting, and creating a sense of connection among worshipers.

Understanding the Biblical history of music ministry can help identify the changes in musical styles and other significant changes in church worship over the years and how they have altered the way we worship. The music ministry traces its roots from the Bible, whereby music ministers share the same unique roles given to the Levites as outlined in the Old Testament. Thus, it is vital to consider the music ministry as a spiritual ministry instead of entertainment and social activity. The Biblical foundation of worship was designed by God to minister to worship Him first and foremost in the prescribed plan he placed in His Word. For instance, in the present days, some churches seek responses from the audience rather than focusing on worshipping God. Thus, a historical understanding of the biblical history of music ministry can provide an understating of how worship has changed across the ages. There is much to be learned from today’s era of music and how it aligns Biblically.

Worship leaders are also confronted by dress code issues whereby it denotes both inward and outward appearances. In the church, unique clothing has always been used to mark encounters with God. In various instances, Yahweh gave specific guidelines as to what religious attire would entail. The earliest instructions concerning symbolic clothing to be used in religious settings is found in Number 15: 37-41, where God instructs Moses to tell Israelites to attach tassels along the hems of clothing. These tassels served as reminders that they were to abide by the Lord’s command and not their desires.

Additionally, God gave instructions about the clothing of persons who served in his temple that ould set them apart from other people. In Exodus 28: 2, he instructs that there should be special attire for that would “dignify” his work. Present-day ministry leaders, including worship teams, are required to wear modest clothing as it shows reverence to God, temperance of spirit respect for others and their cultures and humility. Concerning inner attire, the way we live, dress, act, and worship not be only guided by human-made rules. Instead, worship teams should have a yearning for the truth and a passion for Godly things because God identifies us by our hearts. This way, worship leaders can always be wary of their heart’s attire.

Many churches are now finding themselves gazing towards the sphere of popular music and popular culture as a possible means through which they can remain relevant and reconnect with younger generations. 1 Corinthians 9:22, Paul writes

: “To the weak, I became weak, that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all

people, that by all means, I might save some.”  (1 Corinthians 9:22 KJV)

However, the music should remain inherently sacred. Sacred music has been described as functioning as cues associated with moral principles through ritual participation and cultural socialization. Associative learning emanating from music means that it can influence behaviour. Accordingly, music should be stopped or re-alignment when it ceases to be edifying.

The importance of positive relationships in the church ministry cannot be overstated as they can enhance the congregants’ experience while generating positive spiritual outcomes. Excellent relationships can be developed through communication, unity, trust and servant leadership. In his book on Christian servant leadership, Gary Roberts asks Christian leaders to embrace servant leadership as the God – endorsed and God – directed means of attaining the fundamental missions of Christianity. Servant leadership provides an excellent opportunity for honouring God as it the only leadership style that balances between mission achievement, molarity and advancing the interests of everyone, including those of subordinates.

Concerning church organization, it requires well-coordinated teams. Chatira and Mwenje, in their article about church management, point out that support lines should be established, people selected and trained and materials acquired to accomplish the church’s vision and mission.  To that end, the worship leader should find staff that can alleviate their workload, including secretaries, treasurers and fundraising coordinators. Worship leaders are also required to plan effectively. Thomas advises Christian leaders to embrace Jesus’ leadership which was based on establishing close mentoring relationships, which helped them accomplish the tasks that he purposed for them. Overall, making a qualified worship leader requires exploring the biblical purpose of music, knowing the importance of planning and developing effective relationships. It also involves examining the issue of attire and knowing when to stop ungodly music.


Chapter IV: Curriculum Design

The course, Biblical Principles of Music and Worship, will be designed for an eight-week undergraduate course study in the Worship Studies degree plan that will be hybrid

in nature. This course provides a broad overview of Christian worship and spiritual application including biblical fundamentals for ministry through music, various practical, administrative, and leadership dimensions, as well as clarification of role, self-identity, and call in the life of a minister. The course objectives will include describing God’s plan for worship in the beginning and how it relates to the church today, articulating the Biblical principles for worship leadership as emphasized in scripture, and exploring the facets of music ministry as it relates to skillfulness, integrity, and servanthood.

The required reading will be Alvin Fruga’s When They Began to Sing, as well as various handouts from the instructor. Biblical qualifications for a worship leader will be addressed. Such qualifications are worshipping in spirit and in truth, worshipping in the beauty of holiness, and living a consecrated life unto the Lord. Leading a church music ministry is w


e ranging. Instruction on church music administration as well as rehearsal techniques will also be discussed. Weekly discussion board posts, quizzes, journals, research paper, and a final project will assist in allowing the student to formalize the material, as well as their opinions on the subject. Also, collaboration will give the students the opportunity to brainstorm together on weekly material as well as the final projec





Chapter V: Conclusion

The need for qualified, trained, and equipped worship leaders has never been greater. In addition, worship leaders should possess true integrity of the heart as defined in scripture. When characterizing true worship, this aspect cannot be ignored. John 4:24 declares, “God is a Spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. Our body expresses the worship that is coming from our spirits. Worship that is according to the truth of our inward condition. It is imperative that the worship leader of the 21st century guard his/her heart. Biblical foundations, as well as practical purposes, are essential for feeding the congregation from the integrity of the heart.

This study entailed inquiring about the factors beyond gifts and talents that make for a qualified worship leader. Specifically, it involved examining what makes a qualified worship leader by exploring the biblical purpose of music, knowing the importance of planning and developing effective relationships. It also involved exploring the issue of dress code and knowing when to stop ungodly music. Worship leaders have a great responsibility of leading fellow Christians into God’s presence. However, their abilities should extend beyond their singing talent by having a deep understating of their role in worship and the present nature of worship.

Over the last two millennia, worship has changed considerably in terms of style, content and the application of technology. The review started by exploring the historical background of worship starting creation whereby, according to the book of Isaiah, humanity was created for the purpose of worshipping God. The Worship Guidelines of the Old Testament are explored, starting with the era of the Exodus as Moses was taking Israelites to the Promised Land. The role of

es as worship leaders is explored as they were willing to show total dedication is serving the Lord. David’s era highlights the importance of obeying God’s commands to the letter as Uzzah was struck dead for touching the Ark – a role reserved for levitates. There is a similar case in the reign of Saul when his daughter, Michal, is rendered childless for mocking those who worshipped God.  The Old Testament highlights the Biblical foundations of worship, which are designed only to worship God with strict adherence to his instructions.

Other Biblical perspectives from the Old Testament that were explored include vertical and horizontal ministry whereby Vertical ministry is our ministry to God in personal devotions and prayer outside of the church while horizontal ministry is leading others with words, music, and example into the Holy Presence of God to worship Him. This section also outlines the requirements for ministering in the temple as instructed to the Levites including making a decision to turn from wicked ways, killing whatever was dear to them to eliminate obstacles to effective worship, thorough cleansing for purity, carrying out burdensome duties, and have the ability to minister. Further, the article also explored the instruction of

worship found in the New Testament according to the gospels of several apostles including apostles and John.


The review also explored the issue of the attire of the choir and stopping the music. In this context, The beauty of holiness

is explained as not just in the outward appearance, but from the inside out because obedience yields holiness. The way we live, dress, act, talk, and worship should be extended the socially accepted rules made by man. Instead, worship teams should have a yearning for the truth and a passion for Godly things because God identifies us by our hearts. Consequently, worship leaders should always be wary of their heart’s attire. In summary, a worship leader should not be focused on leading the congregation and instead concentrate on what they feed their congregation depending on their heart’s attire. Further, stopping the music requires one to stop and re-align some aspects of church music to ensure that it is aligned to God’s teachings. Generally, music can be stopped in case the wrong music director is leading the worship service, wrong choir members, and in situations where the wrong type of music is used.  God requires us to have the right music minister, the right choir members, and the right songs. If all of those things are in alignment, there’s repentance, deliverance, healing, salvation and power.


The article also explored relationships and organization in the music ministry. The relationships in worship are explored in terms of the need for team effort such that everyone in the church body develops relationship currency encompassing communication, unity, trust and servanthood. Importantly, one should maintain proper support with the senior pastor, along with the Minister of Music and other members.  Organization of the church ministry requires the minister of music assigns music staff various roles to reduce the work burden. This includes secretaries, treasurers, music teachers and fundraisers. These helpers should be carefully and prayerfully chosen. It is vital to instil culture within the team such that it focuses on worship before the technical aspects of music are engaged.

This review can be used as a reference point for Bible colleges and churches as there is an urgent need to equip worship leaders with the necessary Biblical principles that will help them in effectively leading their congregants’ into God’s presence.


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