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The test is divided into two different section Section 1: Numerical 30 Marks Section 2: Theoretical – 20 Marks




Total Marks: 50



Section 1 – Numerical


  1. We have about 10g of Iron(II) ammonium sulphate crystals. We mix these and make a


20cm3 acidified solution of this. Approximately 21.25cm 3 of potassium dichromate(VI) (0.02 mol dm-3) is needed for oxidation of 25cm3 of. the solution made.

Given the formula of crystal as442

The value of a+b+c+x is?



  1. We have an iodine solution (25cm3). It is titrated with sodium thiosulfate (0.1 mol dm-3). With this, around 17.6cm3 of iodine solution reacted. The concentration of iodine is

then found out to be x mol dm-3 and y g dm-3.


Evaluate: (y – x)?



Section 2 – Theoretical





  1. We have the following reaction as an instance of Rigorous addition that yields labeled carbon at unexpected position:















Explain the mechanism of above reaction. Use appropriate figures to support your answer.


The solution must be classified under the following heads:


  1. Title Page


  1. Table of Contents


  1. Introduction (brief about the product used and product formed)


  1. Mechanism


  1. Uses of the compound obtained


  1. References- Harvard Style




Formatting guidelines:


  1. Font Size (Heading) – 14


  1. Font Siz (Content) – 12


  1. Line Spacing 5


  1. Font – Times New Roman


Word Limit: 500 Words

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