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Child Trafficking for Sexual exploitation

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Child Trafficking for Sexual exploitation




Abstract 2

Aim 2

Background 2

Methods 2

Keywords used 2

Findings 3

1) Introduction 4

Background 4

Aim and Objective 4

2) Methodology 5

Selection Criteria 5

Search Methods 6

3) Discussion 7

4)Conclusion 10

5) References 11













The current systematic review determined the reason associated with child trafficking. Moreover, to address the question that “what makes minors (including females and kids) more vulnerable to trading”? Further, the current study would determine the prevention efforts at the individual and government level to upgrade the life quality of victims.


International Labour Organization (ILO) guesstimates approximately 1.2 million kids are marketed on every year. Further, 21 million adults and kids are confined to force slavery. Out of that, one in five is below 18 years of age. Children trafficking have been recognized as a grave crime that occurs worldwide. From the past few decades, the ramification and pervasiveness of this cruel act have increased to international eminence because of a dramatic rise in public and research action. Various elements can tip to the children vulnerability for commercial sexual abuse and trading, and these reasons can be classified as associated family risk,   children specific risk, socio-economic associated risk and environment allied risk reasons (Greenbaum, Dodd, M., & McCracken, 2018). An effective technique is to find out the root cause to minimize the risk factors. Moreover, imparting education at school and society level would be an effective procedure. This study has been conducted to bridge the literature gap in children trafficking.


The current review was accomplished by undertaking a thorough literature review. The data was collected through Science Direct, CINHAL Full Text, MedLine Full Text, The Cochrane, PubMed and Embase.

Keywords used

child trafficking, children and women trading, child labour victim, sexual exploitation and begging, sex trading and sexual exploitation and Trafficking.



Innumerable elements can tip to the children susceptibility for profitable sexual mishandling and trading, and these reasons can be classified as family associated risk, children specific risk, socio-economic associated risk and environment allied risk reasons. Awareness programs at the community level and pamphlets distribution on Trafficking would be helpful in the prevention of trading. State policies should be clear ad loud against the culprits. Moreover, laws should be strict against criminals.



















1) Introduction 


The children and women trafficking for sexual abuse is low risk and high-profit trade for the individuals who establish it, but this trade is damaging to the children and women who are forced to be misused in serfdom like situation. UN Secretary-General calls sex industry trade as worldwide plague and outrage. Moreover, this trade is piloted all over the world. Following the literature, Asian or Eastern European people are maximally associated with children trading. Further, there is escalating evidence that children’s Trafficking for sexual abuse, along with connected human rights exploitations and health concerns, is the noteworthy issues in America- that will worsen until the vital measure is taken.  However, exact statistics regarding child trafficking is difficult to evaluate, International Labour Organization (ILO) guesstimates approximately 1.2 million kids are marketed on every year. Further, 21 million adults and kids are confined to force slavery. Out of that, one in five is below 18 years of age.


Aim and Objective 

Consulted articles including (Rafferty, 2013) and (Jakobsson, & Kotsadam, 2013) highlighted the reason associated with human trading. Moreover, minor people must know their rights and understand the motive of criminals. Further, society should be careful and look for the symptoms associated with an individual who is the victim of this brutal act.  Therefore, it is essential to undertake a thorough study to determine the associated reasons, symptoms and prevention regarding human trading. Therefore, due to the literature gap, the current review would be aimed to discuss the idea associated with children trafficking and related sexual abuse as child trafficking and associated sexual exploitation is alarming.

Though trying to accomplish the above-stated study aim, the following questions would be responded:

  • What are the causes of Human Trafficking?
  • What makes minors (including females and kids) more vulnerable to trading?
  • Is there any government or non-government measures to prevent this brutal act?
  • What are the impacts of sexual and mental harassment on an involved person’s life?


2) Methodology

This section is aimed to elaborate on the implemented methods for gathering and amalgamating evidence or literature selected for this review. The current study had commenced to critically reviewing the existing literature to formulate structure literature/articles review. This design had been undertaken to gather a thorough understanding of human trafficking reason and impact on a person’s life. A structured literature review is an amalgamation of narrative and systematic review (Kohler Riessman, 2013). The basic principle of a systematic review is to clear the research aims and objectives. Followed by, defining the thorough selection criteria.

Selection Criteria

Selection bias is the major error source while performing the systematic review. Such error occurs when the researcher chooses articles or literature as per their pre-considered concepts regarding the study question. Therefore, inclusion and exclusion criteria should be included in the study to overcome the selection bias (Maltby et al., 2014).


Inclusion criteria

  • Literature those were available in the English language were included in this study, as student researcher can only understand research that has been available in English.
  • Qualitative studies that were exploring the cause of children and female Trafficking. This eligibility criterion was directed associated with the current research.
  • Investigating the laws that are directing against the children trading for some, reasons including prostitution, adoption, child labour and drug trafficking.
  • A qualitative study is evaluating the relationship between minor populations (poverty laden) with the prevalence of trading.



Exclusion criteria

Studies/articles did not focus on children trafficking was not included in this study. Moreover, the items that were not published in English were excluded. The studies published before 2011 were not included in this systematic review.


Search Methods 


Databases involved for obtaining evidence contained Science Direct, CINHAL Full Text, MedLine Full Text, The Cochrane, PubMed and Embase.


Keywords used

Keywords deployed while searching and gathering the evidence consisted of children trafficking, children and women trading, child labour victim, sexual exploitation and begging, sex trading and sexual exploitation and Trafficking.


Search Limiters

The conducted examination was restricted to finding literature/articles that had been available in the English language. The analysis was further restricted to comprise articles/literature with complete texts and those that had been printed between 2011 and 2019.


The search mechanism, along with the keyword deployed while searching evidence is as follows:

Children trading 





Women trading 





Sexual exploitation and begging
Sexual exploitationTraffickingchild labour victim
Sex tradingchild labourProstitution




3) Discussion 

Children trafficking have been recognized as a grave crime that occurs worldwide. From the past few decades, the ramification and pervasiveness of this cruel act have increased to international eminence because of a dramatic rise in public and research action. The foreign official papers commerce with the children trafficking are the 2000 UN Protocol to Prevent, Especially Women and Children, and Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons. The chief international tool dealing with the children’ trading is 2000UN Palermo protocols. Children trading can be defined as recruitment, transfer, harbouring and transportation of children for the exploitation purpose. The ILO magnifies upon the definition by declaring that exploitation and movement are the prime facets of children trafficking. The Rights of the Child defines the child as every human that are below 18 years of age. Various elements can tip to the children vulnerability for commercial sexual abuse and trading, and these reasons can be classified as associated family risk,   children specific risk, socio-economic associated risk and environment allied risk reasons (Greenbaum, Dodd, M., & McCracken, 2018). Poverty, low education, sexual abuse history, parental figure absence,  community network weakening, HIV infection prevail within the families, social exclusion and prostitution practice among the families are categorized under family interlinked risk factors that can lead to children trading. Children associated risk factors include homelessness, expulsion from school; consumerism, child maternity; drug abuse, domestic violence victim; child labour victim, child pregnancy; need to work for money and low confidence. Further, high population, living in slums or street, access to borders or ports and movement of criminals are some of the socio-economic factors that can contribute to child trafficking (Fedina, Williamson, & Perdue, 2019). Further, environmental factors include sex tourism existence, organized crime, corruption, poor laws or enforcement of the law, criminal preferences for adolescents or young children or people who are suffering from HIV/AIDS. The demand facet of sex trading remains invisible. Further, demand not mentioned or not analyzed; therefore, it is easy to overlook that individuals are traded for the sexual harassment to satisfy the demand of the purchasers not of traffickers. The high demand for children and women in strip shows, massage parlour, escort services, pornography, street prostitution and brothels is what makes the children trade for sexual exploitation so profitable. The aspect of supply is the furthermost transparent. People living in poor conditions and have minimal options to support their families are more vulnerable as these people get easily trapped by traffickers’ fabricated assurance of good-paying jobs (Greenbaum, 2015).


The child can be the trade for varieties of reasons including forced labour, sexual exploitation, armed force usage, for drug trading, adoption and begging. Most of the rights are interlinked. The child trafficking objective of forced labour, sexual exploitation and begging are intertwined. In most of the scenarios, the boys or girls are traded for sexual activities, and the traders get monetary benefits associated with every act of sexual abuse. Further, the children are forced to indulge in pornography or sex shows either private or public. In many countries, illegally people are engaged in trading of children’ sex tourism. Measuring sex tourism practice is difficult because of its convert and criminal nature.  The ILO estimated that most of the girls who are engaged in street vending or domestic services are more susceptible to twitch into commercial sex trading. Young girls under the age of 12 years are pliable and can be trained to the prospective role as prostitution, further, can be highly prized for virginity, as many customers are eager to recompense a premium. In many countries, children below the age of 18 years can volunteers to join the armed force.

Further, state parties should take all the measures to ensure that people below 18 years of age should not be involved in hostilities. In spite of these measures, ILO estimated that every 10 of 1000 of boys and girls are forcibly recruited in the army (Parreñas et al.,2012). Girl soldiers are susceptible to sexual violence. Along with sexual harassment, children can be used for drug trading. Children are mostly trafficked to train them to be drug dealers or couriers. Because of the illegitimate nature of Trafficking, kids are canned as criminal instead of getting proper assistance from the government. Recently ILO reported that mostly Afghan kids are involved in the heroin trading. Kids who are involved in drug dealing are most susceptible to include in drug addiction also. Children tangled in drug trading are at higher threat of engaging in sexual assault or prostitution. Children may be kidnapped from orphanages or parents can be tricked for the adoption purposes. Disreputable adoption organizations then trade the kids abroad; there they can be sell for the household jobs and begging. Forced teen begging involves in the action of requesting money on the street. As per the current UNICEF report, 13% of the kids in Eastern Europe have been kidnapped for begging (Rafferty, 2013; Jakobsson,& Kotsadam, 2013).


Several dynamics describe the underreporting of sexual abuse and exploitation. Trading sex to support the family are the most vulnerable people; such people do not speak about the sexual assault in the dread of losing essential material assistance.  Further, the victim does not report due to the panic of stigmatization. Victims feel that their own family or society will reject them. In individual nations, the girl does not say about any sexual assault in fear of lower their dowry price. In most of the cases, children are in doubt that if they reveal anything to their parents will not accept them and beat them too. The vulnerable population feels powerless and do not believe in police authorities also (Huda, 2006). Some sign of exploitation and Trafficking are drug addiction, the existence of older girlfriend or boyfriend, withdrawal from social activity, bizarre appearance of expensive clothing, costly gifts and items.

Further, the victim does not oppose unprotected and violent sex.  The effective way to fight against children trading is to stopover it prior it happens. A useful technique is to find out the root cause to minimize the risk factors. Moreover, imparting education at school and society level would be an effective procedure. If countries’ youth are aware then they can look for possible signs and danger associated with that. Awareness programs at the community level and pamphlets distribution on Trafficking. Getting information from the victims so that learning from victims can be utilized to stop the crime against children. State policies should be clear ad loud against the culprits. Moreover, laws should be strict against criminals( Jakobsson & Kotsadam, 2013; Varma, 2015). Existing international treaties against this brutal act are ILO forced labour convention, ILO minimum age convention and Supplementary convention on the abolition of slavery.



It can be concluded that children trading can be defined as recruitment, transfer, harbouring and transportation of children for the exploitation purpose. The ILO heightens upon the definition by announcing that exploitation and movement are the prime facets of children trafficking. Further, there is escalating evidence that children are marketing for sexual exploitation, along with coupled human rights exploitations and health concerns. Innumerable elements can tip to the children susceptibility for profitable sexual mishandling and trading, and these reasons can be classified as family associated risk, children specific risk, socio-economic associated risk and environment allied risk reasons. A child can be a trade for multiplicities including forced labour, sexual exploitation, armed force usage, for drug trading, adoption and begging. The children are obligate to indulge in pornography or sex shows either private or public. In many countries, illegally people are engaged in trading of children’ sex tourism. Measuring sex tourism practice is difficult because of its convert and criminal nature. Trading sex to support the family are the most vulnerable people; such people do not speak about the sexual assault in the dread of losing essential material assistance. Awareness programs at the community level and pamphlets distribution on Trafficking. State policies should be clear ad loud against the culprits. Moreover, laws should be strict against criminals.







5) References 


Fedina, L., Williamson, C., & Perdue, T. (2019). Risk factors for domestic child sex trafficking in the United States. Journal of interpersonal violence34(13), 2653-2673.

Greenbaum, J., Crawford-Jakubiak, J. E., & Committee on Child Abuse and Neglect. (2015). Child sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation: health care needs of victims. Pediatrics135(3), 566-574.

Greenbaum, V. J., Dodd, M., & McCracken, C. (2018). A short screening tool to identify victims of child sex trafficking in the health care setting. Pediatric emergency care34(1), 33-37.

Huda, S. (2006). Sex trafficking in South Asia. International journal of gynecology & obstetrics94(3), 374-381.

Jakobsson, N., & Kotsadam, A. (2013). The law and economics of international sex slavery: prostitution laws and Trafficking for sexual exploitation. European journal of law and economics35(1), 87-107.

Kohler Riessman, C. (2013). Analysis of personal narratives. Qualitative Research in Social Work, 168.

Maltby, J., Williams, G. A., McGarry, J., & Day, L. (2014). Research methods for nursing and healthcare. Routledge.

Parreñas, R. S., Hwang, M. C., & Lee, H. R. (2012). What is human Trafficking? A review essay. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society37(4), 1015-1029.

Rafferty, Y. (2013). Child trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation: A review of promising prevention policies and programs. American journal of orthopsychiatry83(4), 559.

Sanghera, J. (2015). Unpacking the trafficking discourse. In Trafficking and prostitution reconsidered (pp. 45-66). Routledge.

Varma, S., Gillespie, S., McCracken, C., & Greenbaum, V. J. (2015). Characteristics of child commercial sexual exploitation and sex trafficking victims presenting for medical care in the United States. Child abuse & neglect44, 98-105.



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