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I agree that “What is strategy?” was a long read but a necessity to grasp the concept of strategy fully. Through his many real-life examples, I understood the importance of strategy better and saw its effectiveness through the organizations that he used. Mrs.Pannell, on the other hand, is a prime example of when passions and purpose meet business, and we see her coming up with innovative strategies that set her apart from her competitors. Though simple, her strategy yields good results because she develops it, keeping in mind what her consumers what and enjoy about her flower truck to what the market offers.


For a business to carve out its own niche its must have a unique business strategy and effective leadership. I agree that any business owners must be on top of the latest trends in their area of business to ensure that they are providing up to date services or goods. Indeed in the case of Mrs.Pannell, who came up with a unique idea of having a mobile flower shop “flower truck” instead of having a stationary shop. By doing this, she can have the first-hand experience in deducing her customers‘ needs and scouting the best locations for her business. Also, her flower truck gives her costumers the unique experience of creating their bouquets by picking their flower stems. Mrs.Pannell I believe has mastered the art of creating an efficient and effective business strategy


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