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Christian Education

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The Christian Education

Before the birth of Jesus Christ, Judaism was the primary religion of the Israelites. However, when the son of descended to earth in human form, lived for thirty-three years and died, the new religion was in the offering. When Jesus Christ rose from the dead, he empowered his disciple to preach his gospel across the four corners of the world. Consequently, as the disciple taught from one city to another, the apostles established the Christianity religion, the followers of Christ. Over the years, the anti-Christ followers have caused turbulent time for the Christian. (Society of Biblical Literature, 2016). In spite of the hardship and persecutions, Christ followers have endured Christianity remains one of the primary religion in the world. In that account, people of all diversity taught Christianity across the globe in churches, schools, and homes. All Christian base the foundation of Christianity from the teaching of Jesus Christ and his that regard, the design, framing and assessment of the Christian education foundation has its bases on Christianity(Society of Biblical Literature, 2016). The foundation of Christianity has a considerable impact on children as they develop from a tender age to adulthood. Besides, Christianity education principals have implications on Earlier Childhood Learners.

The teaching of the childhood of Jesus Christ influence the children to be obedient to their parents. According to the story of Jesus as a child, he accompanied his parent to the temple for the annual celebration of Passover. The parent returned home without him, on reaching home they realised they Christ was not with them. They went back to Jerusalem and found their son in the temple, teaching and discussing with the elders in wisdom and in-depth knowledge. Jesus obediently informed his parent about the importance of him doing God’s work. From the account of Christ childhood, the children can acquire knowledge of how to live with their parents in complete obedient. When the children are taught the teachings of Christ at a younger age, they will be able to emulate Christ life (Bible, 2009).

The miracles of Jesus Christ in the Bible impacts the child to have a total dependency on God since he can be able to provide for them. For example, the miracle of Jesus feeding more than five thousands men with five loaves of bread and two fish is an illustration of the God who can provide exceedingly beyond the limitations of human nature(Society of Biblical Literature, 2016). That miracle teaches the children always to have the culture of trusting God as they grow. The children will be able to face challenges of life with confidence.

The sermon on the mountain is one of the primary teachings of Christ that has a significant influence on children as they grow. Jesus taught the followers various principal of life. For example, he explained to the disciple that the meek people would inherit the kingdom of God. He uses the allegory of children to represent the meekness (Bible, 2009). On that account, the children can emulate the teachings of Christ on the sermon and live desirable lives. When a child embraces humbleness in his or her life, he or she will be able to excel in her studies and command a lot of respect from people around him. Humbleness allows the students to excel in their studies because they will listen keenly to what their tutors are saying and if they make any mistake, they will be able to accept the wrongdoings and avoid repeating the errors.

The Bible teaches that human being was the only creature that God created on his image. From the amount of creation story, the children learn where they originated and what is God requires them to do. Also, the young ones will grow appreciating their existences since they will be able to understand their origin and the significance of their existence. In that regard, the children will avoid killing one another or committing suicide (Bible, 2009). They will be able to understand that life is sacred, and only God is allowed to take the breath away. Christian teachings to children will, therefore, encourage children to avoid any suicides and manslaughter.

The story of Saphira and Ananias is a fundamental lesson for children who engage in lying. The teachings reveal that God abhors lies, and he cannot cordon such behaviours (Bible, 2009). The education prepares the children, therefore, to live an honest life and to avoid lying to their parents and teachers. The incident creates awareness for those who tend to lies. In that regard, the fundamental teaching of Christianity can help to eliminate the dishonest people in the society. When values of honesty and truthfulness that the lessons impart on children will ensure the eradication of vices such as corruption and cheating malpractices in the community.

The account of Jesus crucifixion also reveals critical lessons that people should emulate. For instance, the prayer at the Gethsemane reveals the sacrifice that Christ was offering to humanity. Despite being the son God, he fervently prayed without seizing while his disciples were asleep. In that account, he taught Christians that to succeed one has to pray continuously .moreover, the narration of his russification is an example of how one should persevere when awkward moment ensues ( Bible, 2009). The principal teaching is, therefore, fundamental to children as they develop into adulthood. Consequently, they can be able to persevere without complaining all the time but instead thanking God in every situation they are facing, whether good or bad.

Jesus taught people the significance of offering tithes and helping those who were in impoverish sate. When a woman in the temple provided a coin in the temple praised the woman because he had issued all he had at that particular moment. The woman portrayed selfless character while giving (Bible, 2009). The incident of the woman giving tithes is a fundamental tithing in Christianity that helps Christian to be selfless individual in society. When teachers provide such teachings to children at the earlier stage of their life, they will be to treat other people well without malice. Also, they will be able to assist those who are in need since they have a clear understanding that God reward all those who give selflessly.

The knowledge of create is one of the primary features that the Bible emphasise. The creation account of the Bible, and throughout the books of the bible narrates essential aspects of God. The scripture points out that god is a powerful, merciful, and loving, slow to anger and present in our lives. When children can comprehend and understand who God is, they will be able to revere him and always strive to obey his commandment. Therefore, the Christian teaching foundation imparts a child with relevant knowledge of the creator. This knowledge is vital since the child will not live carelessly, but rather, he or she will hate evil.

God also exhibited his love for humanity by sending his son to die on behalf of the sins of all the people in the world. The understanding of the value of human life and the measure God has to take to save humankind is an illustration of how God cares for humanity and the desirable intention he has towards them. For example, God has prepared a dwelling place for all those who follow his commandment faithfully. In that account, God intends to humankind can be understood by a human being (Bible, 2009). When the teachers teach the children the purpose of God in the life of people, the children will grow appreciating the value of their life and the extending to which God loves all humankind.

The Curriculum Design

When designing the earlier childhood curriculum, experts should consider the theology of the curriculum. First, the expert should ensure they establish the relationship between the teacher and the student in classrooms. By so doing the inter-cultural relationship between the student and the teacher can be determined easily (Evans& Kosec, 2012). The education expert should design the curriculum in a manner that ensures student and teacher relationship will be cordial. For example, you cannot teach the Christian lesson to an Islamic community. The teacher relationship with a student will be hostile.

The education expert should also design a curriculum by gauging what the student will gain at the end of the learning process. For example, if the experts want to impart the learners with moral values, they should ensure the course work entails theories and relevant illustration of the virtues. For instance, if the student is to gain the virtues of love, the lesson should tailor the experience in such a way that they incorporate the incidences that demonstrate God devotion to humanity. Consequently, the result of the student is essential.

The designers of the curriculum should also design the curriculum to ensure it relates to the daily activities of the student’s life. Some community practise the worship of other gods such as the moon, bulls and son. In that account, such students are involved in rituals that are contrary to Christianity (Evans& Kosec, 2012). Consequently, when teaching such a child or student, the teaching will not relate with what he does or believe in and the student may opt to avoid the Christians the lessons (Society of Biblical Literature, 2016). The curriculum design should relate to the community culture, religion and customs.

The role and the preparation of the tutor in the curriculum should be put into consideration when designing the curriculum. The curriculum should give the tutor ample time of development; that is, the curriculum should be flexible to give room for the tutor to familiarise with what he or she will teach the students. If the curriculum is so rigid, the teacher may not be able to achieve the goal of the curriculum. The experts should define the role of the teacher in the entire syllabus by providing guidelines and the training the teacher should undergo to achieve the objectives of the curriculum (Horgan, 2010). The curriculum should provide the relevant teaching guide and the qualification of a person who should teach such a curriculum. Also, the curriculum should define the person will supervise the tutors to ensure the curriculum is illustrated well by the tutors.

The modality in which the lesson the tutors will use to present the experience is crucial. The education expert should, therefore, design a curriculum to ensure that the language to that the tutor will use the student can understand. The curriculum should also entail how the tutors will impart knowledge to the students. For example, the tutor can use narration, practical experience, storytelling and visual analysis. In that regard, the curriculum should establish how and when the lesson should be taught to ensure the curriculum achieves its objectives and students gains the relevant skills.


Curriculum assessment

After the implementations of the curriculum, all educations should collect the relevant information to gauge what was the curriculum intended to achieve versus what the relevant stakeholders have achieved. First, after obtaining the relevant data of how the implementation of the curriculum has been fairing (Lewin-Benham, 2011). The education expert should asses its performance by assessing the plan the curriculum had laid to achieve its objectives. The expert should answer the question, has the program of the curriculum been successful? If so, the curriculum is on the right course (Evans& Kosec, 2012). Besides, the expert should also research students’ interviews and questioners to establish if the result is favourable.


Christian education is essential teaching to the society because of the virtues and the values that the teaching imparts to the learners. The learners can have suitable virtues such as patience, love obedience and honesty. When students gain such attributes and values, they can positively transform society by advocating for peace and love for all humanity. Moreover, to ensure that the tutor and students achieve the desired goals, the government across the globe should design, implement and asses the curriculum. The activities will ensure that all the education stakeholders meet the objectives of Christian religious education. Furthermore, they will provide the proper utilisation of resources by all the parties involved.




Bible. (2009). Mossman: minds.

Evans, D., & Kosec, K. (2012). Early child education: Making programs work for Brazil’s most important generation. Washington, D.C: World Bank.

Horgan, T. D. (2010). Apostolic faith in America. Grand Rapids, Mich: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. for Commission on Faith and Order, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.

Lewin-Benham, A. (2011). Twelve best practices for early childhood education: Integrating Reggio and other inspired approaches. New York: Teachers College Press.

Society of Biblical Literature. (2016). The HarperCollins Bible commentary.





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