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Colonialism and slavery

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Colonialism and slavery


Diaspora is a population that scatters and traces a separate geographical location. When a group of people moves involuntarily from their original homeland to the current geographic location, we refer to them as members of the diaspora.

The description, of course, individually as the African diaspora’s exploration, portrays several meanings to the learners. Firstly, it has a design of engaging learners studying what pertains to the Africans and the African diaspora. The topics and subtopics that the discipline covers the culture of African communities and their influences on the world’s existing cultures and beliefs. Secondly, the course’s commitment is seeking to prepare the learners, especially those exploring the discipline for the future by instilling in them with moral and intellectual requirements for initiating transition and flourishing such change. Thirdly, since the course builds its foundation around three factors, such as globalization, inter sectionalize, and social justice, the discipline equips learners with comprehensive knowledge and skills. The program is an interdisciplinary study it pertains to learners’ increase and elementary education school. The high number of classes scheduled for the course is vital to the foundation of human history as it provides social change to society as a whole.


John hopes franklin is an American historian and educator who advocated for his scholarly reappraisal of the American civil war era with the importance of black struggle that contributes to the modernization of American identification (Britanica, 2015). He was essential in fashioning the legal brief of which later led to Supreme Court decision outlawing [public school segregation.

Henry Lewis gates is an American literary critic teacher, a historian and filmmaker, and public intellectual who was a professor and a director in the Harvard

University. He conducted much research and later discovered the earliest literary works of African- American writers.

The narrator of ACLU was Nadine Strossen.

John hopes franklin and Henry Lewis gates used a literacy method to answer the question for a change. At the same time, Nadine Strossen employed a lecture method to answer the question she was answering.


a century is one hundred years, while 1300, 1500 is the multiplication of the first two digits by 100 years. The franklin DVD consist covers the American warfare era and the beginning of justice to all human races in America.


The major countries comprising of Western Europe are Belgium, France, Ireland, Monaco, United Kingdom, and Netherland, Luxembourg.

A colony is a country that is wholly or partially under the political control of another state.

13 original colonies of new land include:

ü New Hampshire,

ü Massachusetts,

ü Connecticut,

ü Rhode Island,

ü New York,

ü New Jersey,

ü Pennsylvania,

ü Delaware,

ü Maryland,

ü Virginia,

ü North Carolina,

ü South Carolina,

ü Georgia


Original indigenous of the new world are:

ü Massachusetts,

ü Connecticut,

ü Rhode Island

ü New Hampshire

Question five

Chattel were slaveholders who had the determination to own the slaves they bought during the slave trade permanently.

Within the continent of Europe, there was a group of missionaries that did not welcome the act chattel slavery; hence it was rarely practiced. Most countries in Europe protect their citizens against any harm; hence the initiation of chattel slavery could lead to war by such nations. European slaves were expensive to acquire than Africans; therefore, it proved challenging to practice chattel slavery in Europe.


Before slavery, Africans had not explored the green land. (Bettman, 2019) Confirms that Christopher Columbus transported the first Africans in the 1490s during his mission to Hispaniola, which is currently the Dominican Republic. It is not clear whether these first Africans were free or were under slavery conditions.


The two famous Africans in the United States of America are Estevanico, a slave from morocco. Estavanico was part of the group that led an expedition to the Mexican governor in 1536.

Crispus Attucks, the son of slaves, fought in the war of revolutionary.

Q 7


Triangular trade is a type of deal that involved between Europe, Africa, and America.

Most people consider triangular trade as the first chattel because traders acquired slaves from African communities and could sell them to Europeans in America who could later own them.

Part B

The countries of triangular trade were: the United States of America, African, and England

The traders from Europe could move to Africa to obtain slaves and later take them to America to sell them. After selling the slaves, they moved back to their mother country, England, to prepare for another Africa journey. The movement formed a triangular shape; hence it was named triangular trade.

Part c

The trade was England to Africa and Africa to America and America back to England.


Part d

Africans could kidnap their fellow Africans and sell them in exchange for European goods. Most African leaders also punished their subject by selling them to slave traders in exchange for products such as mirrors and sweets.



The middle passage was a period between that salvers took to reach America from the African continent (Britanica, 2019). During the transatlantic trade that involved plenty of slaves, some survived while others died before arriving at the new land. At least two million slaves killed while in the middle passage, as this represented ten to fifteen percent of the salves who died. According to (History, 2019) in one hundred slaves who arrived in America, forty before the destination.


Part a

Once the slaves arrived in the green land, their masters expose to severe harmful activities that could affect them psychologically (Guenther, 2016). The slaves received a small amount of food from their masters who owned them for life, resulting in their starvation. The starvation of slaves could have stagnated their growth mentally since they were hungry most of the time, especially to children and youths. The captives had to receive various frustrations from the period maters who could constantly subject them to significant workload hence leading to ever fatigue on their part. Those who were unwilling to respond to the need of the masters could face physical, mental, and psychological torture that was dangerous to their lives. The excess oppression from the masters to the slaves could initiate anger motions that more frequently led to emotional behaviors on slaves.


African slaves were essential in the Caribbean to provide labor to the growth of colonial cash crops. The plantations required personal work to assist in the production process.

The major countries forming the Caribbean are:

ü Cuba

ü Haiti

ü Dominican republic

ü Puerto Rico

ü Jamaica

ü Guyana

ü Suriname

ü France

ü Bahamas

ü Belize

ü Netherlands

ü United kingdoms

Major crops in the Caribbean

ü Sugar cane

ü Cotton

ü Rice

ü Maize

ü Bananas

ü Tobacco

There were several plantations of the Caribbean plants that required labor for maintenance and sustenance. It was the farmers’ responsibility to look for cheap and affordable work that made Africans qualify. As a result, Europeans and other Africans could raid human slaves from African villages to recruit them to fee slavery to employ in the plantations.


The names of European countries that colonized Caribbean countries are: Spanish and British.

Part A

Colonial powers restructured the cultural beliefs of the members of the community of the Caribbean and as they instilled their culture to bring order. The colonial powers, such as the British, viewed their culture as more superior to their subjects; hence the subjects had to adopt. Most colonies of Britain took the English language as it was the original language of their masters.

Part B

There were several reasons for the abolition of slavery. The closure of slave markets, French revolutions that advocated for liberty, equality, fraternity in 1789 to stop the slave trade.

The introduction of the use of machines that replaced human labor in plantations of the Caribbean. The argument of some economists that portrayed slaves as less promising. Missionaries also argued that the slave trade was inhuman, and there was a need for its abolition.


In 1619 the first twenty African slaves arrived in American colonies after the white lion, an English privateer, headed by john Jope anchored in the James River. (Bettman, 2019) affirms that the first Africans arrived in green land about 400 years ago. The slaves worked in the plantation farms as laborers, and they also worked in European homes to help homestead jobs and house chores. The traders sometimes could raid African villages to get slaves for free as African leaders could also sell their subjects at a lower price. In the green land, slaves were relatively expensive compared to Africans hence earning the traders excessive profits. The massive advantage qualified the slave trade as a promising.


The major crops in the south were:

ü Tobacco

ü Sugarcane

ü Cotton

The produce was majorly cash crops compared to the original food crops such as maize burley that thirteen states of America. They also grew beans, potatoes, quinoa, and manioc. After the arrival of colonial powers looking for raw materials for their industries, there was the introduction of cash crops that formed the major plantation in the green land.

Q13 the regions includes:

ü Louisiana,

ü Mississippi,

ü Arkansas,

ü Tennessee,

ü Kentucky,

ü Missouri

ü Texas region

The southern part of the United States of America had fertile soil that enabled cash crop growth. The southern region also enjoys favorable climatic conditions that encourage the growth of the cash crops.


Culture refers to customs, and art achievement s that particular nations, people obtain. During the plantation period, the citizens of green land adopted the superior culture of the colonialists. Slaves incorporated the language of their colonial master as they were to abandon their original language. The new language could enable them to communicate effectively to the whites. Since the slaves were the inferior being in Greenland, it was their responsibility to adopt their master’s values and beliefs.


Farmers grew food crops that the laborers consume in the plantations. Plantation majorly were cash crops that the colonial powers exported to Europe for manufacturing. Farmers in Greenland were innovative and grew other animal feeds that could sustain the animals and, in return, provided animal products. Farmers actively participated in the production of cash crops that they exported to Europe in exchange. Farmers divided their land to their young children to prepare them for early farming to ensure continuity.


Plantations farms in America had laborers and the supervisors as well. The whites considered laborers to have insufficient knowledge and skills about plantation farming. At the same time, the slaves were also facing oppression from their masters, and if they were to work on their own, they could destroy the products as a way of paying back. The whites needed to assign their representatives to supervise the progress of the work and the outcomes of the crops. The whites acted as supervisors as well as the overseers of the plantation project.


During the colonial period in America, Christian religious groups became so influential since a more significant population of Americans were from Britain. Slaves also established strong religious believes since they were experiencing violence and social inequality from their masters. During colonial power, America experienced a mixture of religions that ranged from Quakers, Catholics to Lutherans. The slaves became quickly intertwined into the faith of their masters because they were a weaker race. They became converted to Christians and formed part of a more prominent congregation in churches due to their population, rapidly increasing.

Q 18

Slave codes were laws and regulations that regulate the behavior of slaves. Even though there were many codes, but the groupings of these codes could appear in two. The Virginia slave codes and Barbados slave codes. Each region could develop its slave codes to minimize the slaves’ rights and hence sustain the dominance of the white over slaves.

Part a

There were various effects of these codes on African slaves. The slave had no right to access to western education. Being illiterate made the slaves ignorant and was not to understand the personal rights. Slaves had no reason to marry white whatsoever. The restrictions of marriage could make the black Africans to views the colonialists as a superior being to whom nobody could compete. Slaves’ codes did allow the slaves to gather together since they could gang up against their masters. The restriction of gathering maintained power of colonialists to Africans as well as making them to feel inferior being. The slaves faced severe death as killing was a normal punishment which could make them fear and respect their masters. Slaves’ codes restricted the slaves from trading in the market. Trading could make the slaves reach hence compete their masters in the society. The systems restricted the slaves from moving away from the plantations. Such restrictions deprived the Africans of exploring the green land


Slaves had to fully accept that they were slaves and had to do everything about slaves. The whites abolished Slave gathering, there was no movement outside the plantation zone, and any misbehavior could be punishable by death.


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