Community Care Application
Question 1
Employee turnover is a crucial issue that impacts all types of organizations. Specifically, it is a great matter of concern for health care facilities. Various steps can be undertaken to determine the reasons for employees leaving the organizations. Engaging employees by talking to the CNAs is a great starting point in seeking to understand the reasons for high turnover rates. Speaking to the CNAs presents an excellent opportunity to identify the issues that result in many of them leaving the care center. Also, talking to the employees can be facilitated by open-ended questions through anonymous online surveys, third-party surveyors, focus groups, or casual conversations (Miller-Merrell, 2014).
Self-evaluation is also a vital factor that contributes to determining why employees are leaving the care facility. The aspect of self-evaluation calls for the critical and unbiased consideration of the situation at the workplace. As the Director of Human Resource, it is important to use the guidance and opinions of the employees to connect the dots and determine their reasons for leaving (Miller-Merrell, 2014).
Moreover, it is crucial to determine the type of issue that is causing the turnover in the organization. To identify whether it is an issue regarding the management, labor market, or compensation, it is necessary to look at and assess the situation of other care facilities as well as asking specific questions to the employees. The team members can be asked questions such as whether they are satisfied with the compensation or the management. Feedback from the employees on these matters would be crucial in identifying the causes for them leaving.
Question 2
In identifying the issues, various questions can be asked to the team members. Working conditions are crucial in determining employee turnover. Therefore, it would be necessary to inquire about the level of satisfaction with the overall working conditions of the CNAs. The conditions could be characterized by the compensation, the workload, the support from the management, and the supervision. The questions should be different for each role. This is due to the differences in experience within the complexities that are presented in care facilities.
Various strategies can be implemented to address the employee turnover challenge presented at the care facility. Providing a comprehensive wellness program is a significant strategy that could assist in combating the burnout and fatigue that the CNAs are prone to at the workplace. Wellness programs can help the employees counter their trauma and stress, which could be a factor contributing to the high turnover rate at the care facility.
Furthermore, the focus can be presented on employee experience and engagement. Encouraging staff engagement can be facilitated by pursuing ways of gathering employee feedback for the identification of their wants. Listening to employees pave the way to undertake necessary actionable changes such as scheduling flexibility and better benefits. Listening and acting upon employee feedback helps to address critical issues that may successfully aid the successful retention of the staff.
Transforming the onboarding process can also serve as a great strategy to the turnover issue. It is ideal for structuring organizational processes to accommodate the fast and efficient integration of new employees. This would enable them to adapt to the work environment, core values, and corporate culture. Moreover, the necessary training and mentorship programs can be provided to promote an effective onboarding process.