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            Conceptualization is the process of defining and agreeing on the definition of a concept. When researching a particular subject, the researcher’s first research on the existing definition of a concept, both generally and academically, then uses it to conceptualize on their topic. Conventionalization describes a perception by relating it with another derived opinion. This means that the description given to an object in its characteristics distinguishes it from other objects focused on the use of a unit (Anderson, 2020). The conceptual definition is the detailed description of adjustable conditions with the correct use of specific ideas. The conceptual definition is used to specify the meaning of the terms used in research.  The purpose of conceptualizing is to refine and specify an abstract concept.

Operationalization is the development of a specific research definition that results in experienced observations representing a concept. In operationalization, variables are strictly defined into considerable factors. The purpose of operationalization is to be clear thus, the variables must be defined. An operational definition is the description of an investigation process for transforming a variable into numerical values. In a study, the operational definition does not define the research but associates itself with it (Anderson, 2020). The operational definition exposes the specific details for the procedure taken in qualifying a variable. Operationalization describes specifically what is meant by a particular concept. The conceptual definition is how accurate a process is, and the process which the researcher has chosen is measured.   Mostly, operationalization is usually similar across all studies but differs in specifications.



Conceptualizes Race

            Over the years, there has being a debate about whether race should be used as a variable in research and its implications on health benefits. The conceptualization of variables is the superior understanding of a variable that is important to realize before understanding how it is used. In this case, the conventionalization of the variable rate is the rational process of defining the meaning of race (Smith, 2008). The conceptualization of race is more social-based that genetic and biologically based.

The following is an examined research of how investigators define the concept of race. The research was conducted involving several southern university investigators to discuss the use of race as a variable in research. Data sourced from the interview were analyzed using the constant comparative method, pattern investigation, and identification of similar themes.

Results of the interview carried out of conceptualization of race were that each investigator had a different view on the definition of race, from social to biological (Smith, 2008). Other findings from the interview were that investigators think critically about using race as a variable in their research, but that phenomenon is not consistent in their professional work.

Conclusions from this research are that the print media plays a key role in moving the debate about the use of race as a variable is research forward and should participate more in shaping the process. When making a race report, investigators should provide a theory showing racial differences in their research. The debate on conceptualizing race is fueled by the need for researchers to define issues of race and ethnicity specifically.



Operationalizes Race

            The operationalization of race is important because it aims to eat, identifying all the races and ethnic groups, and ensuring the right representation. By operationalizing race, it ensures that no race is left out or misrepresented, thus ensuring equal distribution of opportunities (Camacho, 2020). More research should be carried out to ensure that all the races and ethnic groups are captured.

Citing the case about Hispanic people who for long have been misrepresented and ignored when formulating census forms, the government should invest more in research initiatives to identify the exact identity of the Hispanic people. Inaccurate operationalization of race can cause great disadvantages to the misrepresented group, such as economic, social, and political.


Census Bureau Changes

            The 2010 United States census brought about several changes, as discussed. Two thousand ten census changes were made to improve the accuracy of ethnic and race data. In 2010, people did not select a race category, which was about 6% of the population who selected “other race,” and a big majority was Hispanic.

In the case of the United States with a growing population, 6% of the population in ten years can be over a million people who are not accounted for (Enis, 2017). Due to this factor, the census bureau started a thorough initiative to study the ethnic and race categories for the people of America. According to census bureau officials, many people said they could not find a list of their ethnic and racial groups in the census forms, including Arabs, Hispanics, and people of mixed race.

In the 2010 census form, there were two major questions about ethnicity and race. The first question asked if one was of Spanish, Latino, or Hispanic origin. The second question had choices of one or more of the fifteen race categories: American Indians, Native Hawaiians, Asians, whites, or blacks (Enis, 2017). A separate question was about Hispanic origin and instructed that Hispanic origins are not considered as a race.

To address a rising concern about “other races,” another option is being considered where people would choose any race and Hispanic all in one place. Another option would be offered to give a specific description of their race, tribe, and origin. The census bureau aims at reducing the number of people who select “other races” to improve accuracy and understand ethnic and race distribution in the United States. A census bureau official stated that the “other race” option was adopted in 1980, and over the years, that category accounts for almost a third of the US population. Despite the census bureau having conducted several surveys, Latinos claim that elimination of the Hispanic option would result in less inaccurate counting of the Hispanics. The latter does not belong to the same category (Enis, 2017). In plans to test a combined ethnic and trace question, census bureau officials plan to meet with the Hispanic advocate group to get their feedback.

However, combining ethnicity and race does not reduce the proportion of the Hispanic group. According to census officials, among those who identify as Hispanic, there was a decline in the number of people who wrote their specific origin group. When race and ethnicity were combined into one question, a number of those who selected “other race” declined.

The census bureau reviled that people who identify themselves as Hispanic tend to select “other races,” thus leading to a lot of people being unaccounted of. The mismatch that causes Hispanic people to choose “other races” can be damaging and cause misrepresentation because the Hispanic population is growing rapidly (Enis, 2017). The government wants people to use offered categories in ethnicity and race because they are widely in other federal surveys such as school registration.

Race data generated from the census is greatly used to support the enforcement of civil rights and redraw congressional districts, which means that ethnic and race data should be accurate to avoid misrepresentation or mistreatment. The census bureau also needed to change the word “negro” because some respondents objected to the word, and some people suggested a separate category from Arab descent (Enis, 2017). The census bureau also needed to include specific categories for the indigenous people of Latin America. Census forms have changed over the years to include other races but did not change the category for the Hispanic group. The census bureau wanted to change the way people are classified according to origin and race because it is an imperfect enterprise.


How Changes to Variables Affect Conclusion

            When designing an experiment, it is important to know which research variables can affect the conclusion. There are two types of variables which are, independent and dependent variables. It is important to find an independent variable and use it as the core of the experiment. The dependent variable is the measurable outcome of manipulation (Deeks, 2019). It is easy to separate independent and measure dependent variables when doing physical experiments. On the other hand, variables are difficult to determine and need a complex design. Operationalization is useful when measuring ambiguous concepts that do not have a clear variable.

In subjects like biology, isolating independent variables is difficult, in such cases, controls and randomization is used to ensure that only the independent variable is changed. Scientific measurements are used to nullify dependent variables. To ensure that dependent variables are controlled and increase reliability, it is important to eliminate causal effects (Deeks, 2019). The elimination of causal effects allows the researcher to test the results of an experiment and ensure accurate outcomes.

Considering the topic of census, misrepresentation, or not having correct data has a negative impact on the misrepresented group. The data collected after the census is used in economic, geographical, and social planning. This means that if a certain group of people is not correctly accounted for, they will be left out in development issues or discriminated against because people or the government does not recognize them.



            In my opinion, the census bureau has done a lot over the years to ensure that all Americans are well accounted for. By conduction, different surveys and involving the public in the process of decision making serves as a great example of how the government should conduct its business and a way to show credibility. The census bureau shows inclusivity and progression by trying to make every census better by working more and doing more research specifically for the Hispanic people to ensure that they are well accounted for. On the other hand, I fault the government for the delay in solving the issue about the misrepresentation of the Hispanic people despite there being raised concerns about the issue.




Raeda Anderson (2020). Conceptualization and Operationalization. Georgia State University, University Libraries.

Corbie-Smith, G., Henderson, G., Blumenthal, C., Dorrance, J., & Estroff, S. (2008). Conceptualizing race in research. Journal of the National Medical Association100(10), 1235-1243.

Camacho, S. (2020). From theory to practice: Operationalizing transformative mixed methods with and for the studied population. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1558689819872614.

Liebler, C. A., Porter, S. R., Fernandez, L. E., Noon, J. M., & Ennis, S. R. (2017). America’s churning races: Race and ethnicity response changes between census 2000 and the 2010 census. Demography54(1), 259-284.

Schünemann, H. J., Vist, G. E., Higgins, J. P., Santesso, N., Deeks, J. J., Glasziou, P., … & Cochrane GRADEing Methods Group. (2019). Interpreting results and drawing conclusions. Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions, 403-431.











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