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Conflicts and Negotiation 17




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Executive Summary

Given report focuses on the unavoidable aspects of an organization and that are Conflicts and Negotiation. An effective and efficient manager should have the traits and skills that allow him to manage the situation of conflicts and negotiate the matter by keeping the interest of both the parties. The report introduces the concept of Conflicts and Negotiation by defining them and their input in an organization. The report discusses the concept of conflicts, the causes of its happening and the sources of conflicts in an organization. Using the method of literature review the thoughts of various authors have been given in the solution. The second part of the literature review explains the concept of the negotiation and its process. The nine steps of negotiation process are also added. Next, three different personality tests were taken, and their result is discussed to reflect my strengths and weaknesses. A plan to improve my weaknesses is added in the end to be a better manager that can manage the organizational conflict and negotiations occurring in the organization.




Introduction 3

Literature Review 3

Conflict 3

Negotiation 5

Reflection 8

Self-Analysis using various personality tests 8

Plan to Improve 9

References 12

Appendix A 14

Appendix B 15

Appendix C 16




A leader has many duties where he has to show his skills of leadership. A leader has to manage all stakeholders associated with the organization which may include the management of conflicts and negotiation that are usual aspects of any business. Conflicts can arise with partners, employees, managers, customers, etc. Negotiation is the technique used to manage the conflict by coming up with an amicable solution involving all parties in the conflicts. Managers aim at avoiding the conflicts and negotiation especially in the internal business operations, but external conflicts cannot be avoided to one has to manage the conflicts and negotiation with great sensibility. The report presented here describes conflicts and negotiations in details and its need for a leader. A personal reflection and improvement plan will also be addressed in the report (Ganson, 2014).

Literature Review


Conflicts are that aspect of the organization that cannot be avoided. Olukayode Longe says that in an organization when people of different characters meet the conflicts of interest arises. The reason can be the scarcity of freedom, resources, or position (Longe, 2015). For an effective management of the organization, it is important to resolve the conflicts arising in the organization. Wayne K. Spear says that resolution is important, but it cannot be forced on any one whether it is a person or at work (Spear, 2014). Conflicts in an organization can be of two types Functional and Dysfunctional. Another famous author Olu explains the difference between the two is the point that interest of the organization is met or not. The article suggests that there are some conflicts that support the organizational goals and improve employees and organizational performance, considered as functional and constructive and aims the benefit of the organization. Thus, these kinds of conflicts are known as functional conflicts in an organization. Next, it is suggested in the article that the functional conflicts are commonly found in the management circle and referred as corporative and constructive in any organization. Olu explain dysfunctional conflicts as destructive as they hinder the organizational performance (Ojo & Abolade, 2014).

Bernard Oladosu Omisore explains the conflict as a whole process in an article “Organizational Conflicts: Causes, Effects, and Remedies.” The article reflects that conflicts process is a process where there are two parties and out of which one party reflects that its interests are clashing with another party. The article divides the conflict process into five stages, and that is

Potential Opposition or Incompatibility

Cognition and Personalization



Outcome (Hotepo, Asokere, Abdul-Azeez & Ajemunigbohun, 2010).


Fig 1: – Stages of conflicts process

Source: –,_Effects_and_Remedies.pdf

Tidstrom has elaborated causes and sources of conflicts in his article, and reflects that it is important to know what is the difference between the sources, and causes of the conflicts. Sources can be defined as the reason why conflicts are inevitable in an organization and causes explain the conditions that warrant a conflict (Tidstrom, 2009). Ajibade identifies two sources of conflicts as internal sources and external sources. Internal sources are the factors that are inherent within the organizational structure and external sources are those that are considered as the third party for the organization and its intervention creates disputes in the organization (Barki & Hartwick, 2004). The causes of conflicts are explained as the structural or personal factors which include specialization, common resources, goal differences, interdependence, authority relationships, roles and expectations, and jurisdictional ambiguities (Barki & Hartwick, 2004). DuBrin & Young has written in the text-book they published that a leader should have conflicts resolution skills which include quick stress relief, emotional awareness, and non-verbal communication. Thus, summarizing the concept of conflicts, the above-given part of literature review says that it is important to understand the concept of conflicts, its causes, sources, and skills to manage it effectively with the help of negotiation which is the second part of the given literature review.


Nermin Ademi defines negotiation as a strategy that includes a highly sophisticated form of communication. The process of negotiation taking place in any organization fulfills certain conditions for obtaining the thing one seeks from another person and same for the other party. In simpler terms, it can be called as a process to resolve conflicts between two parties with the help of compromising solution at both ends. The idea behind any process of negotiation is to develop such a transitional point between two parties that was there in the past, demanded in the present and should last in future (Ademi, 2016).


Fig 2: – The process of negotiation

Source: -

Ilana Zohar explains that any negotiation procedure that takes place is done with the following objectives which include the presence of quality agreement, decided rational of time, energy, and means, better interpersonal relations, resolving all possible conflicts, and functionality and optimums of the solution with specific implementation procedure provided after the process of the negotiation (Zohar, 2015).

The manager can refer to the model of negotiation for learning the process of handling negotiation. Ilana Zohar says that the model of negotiation has nine steps and that into account the suggested solution given to both the parties and make them enter the process of negotiation. The first step is known as beginning the process and says to start from the place from where both the parties are at that point; the second step says to recognize the pattern and move to the third step which says to follow the rules to words to avoid further conflicts. The fourth step is to listen using four years, which means listen to both the parties. Then, the fifth step comes which says to plan the strategy to manage the conflict, though the sixth step ask the manager to anticipate the tactics either party can use for personal benefits. The seventh step is to communicate using signals and eighth step asks the manager to take up the art of persuasion, and the final step is to learn from each step and take lessons of time less values that will help in future also (Zohar, 2015).

Fig 3: – Steps of Negotiation Process

Source: –

To handle the process of negotiation effectively, there are certain skills that a manager must possess. Pract describes the skills required by the manager to be an effective and efficient negotiator. The explaination that the following are skills required by the negotiator in the process of negotiation, Strive to the objective, knowing where to finalize the negotiation, do not agree too quickly, should reach an agreement. There are certain types of negotiators and Practo categorizes them as a listener, creator, activists, and thinker (Pract, 2007).


Self-Analysis using various personality tests

A human being is not always a born leader, but one can develop the skills required leading by identifying one’s weaknesses and strengths. One can identify his strengths and weaknesses with the help of various personality tests available online. I also took three such tests that helped me to identify my strengths and the areas where I should improve my skills.

The first test which I took was the Big 5 Project Personality Test (Appendix A). After taking the test, the following were my strengths and weaknesses: –


I am a curious and open-minded person who can think out of the box solution to manage situations.

I am well-organized and a reliable person to work with.

I am outgoing, friendly, and a social person.

I don’t get nervous in harsh situations


Sometimes I may get rude

Extreme energy dislocates my original thought

I give away good ideas without thinking how it could be used by others for their own benefits.

The second test which I took was MBTI or Myers and Briggs Type Indicator (Appendix B) which shows my personality type. It identifies my personality: –

I am an extrovert person and do not want to be an introvert. I like to express what is there in my mind.

I prefer using my intentions over a situation rather than taking the scenario and sensing the it and the need by using some traditional ways. I can adapt a new method on the go to find a perfect solution which may sometime act against me and my decisions.

I don’t take a decision without giving it a proper thought. It may take some time, but it will save the delays that may arise in future.

I prefer judging the situation rather than perceiving the situation and coming to a decision.

The third test I took was Johari Windows (Appendix C). It shows more aspects of my personality like: –

Known to Others- Dependable, Independent, Accepting, Bold, Idealistic, and happy

Not Known to Others- Adaptable, Calm, Dignified, Knowledgeable, Organizes, Spontaneous

Known to Self- Mature, knowledgeable, energetic, logical, organized, and patient

Not Known to Self- Extrovert, Proud, Relaxed, Dependable, and Accepting

After identifying all possible skills, and traits as an individual I could see that there are many skills that I possess for being an efficient manager who could effectively handle the conflicts and conduct negotiation between the parties. Though, I can see that there is no specific identification given by the authors that which qualities can go against the efficiency of a manager.

Plan to Improve


A manager has to identify various skills and traits to manage the team and the organization effectively to achieve the organizational goals efficiently. In the process of achieving the organizational goals, there can be certain situations which can lead to the rising of conflicts of interest between the two parties (Olekalns & Weingart, 2008). A manager has to understand the conflicts, its structure, cause, and source to initiate the process of negotiation and reach to the certain agreement that is decided to keep the interest of both the parties. This process of understanding the reason for the conflicts, and finding a point of negotiation between the two parties need the skills like a thinker, creator, activist, adaptable, and much more. The above-given literature emphasis on the presence of the skill of persuasion that should be there for the manager to manage the negotiation, but after taking the skill test it is identified that there are certain areas which I have to develop to become a more efficient and effective manager. Below-given is the plan that will help me in developing my skills as an effective conflict resolver and negotiator.






Training for being an effective listener

A good negotiator should listen to both parties and the cause of conflict. Thus, being a better listener will help me judge the situation better.

1 month


Learning from experience

One learns a lot from prior experiences and that will be my next step. I will be asking my seniors to share their experiences they faced while falling into various situation during their leadership period. This will help me to manage situation better and negotiate better.

During the work time


Improving Communication Skills

Better communication skills allow the leader to manipulate the situations in the favour where the manager is able manage the interest of both the parties.

1 month


Enhancing Judgement Skills

Judging the situation by analysing every factor associated to it is an important skill needed by an efficient negotiator. This will help me in using them efficiently for bringing both parties on an agreement without losing any interest of either of the parties

1 month


Planning ahead and keeping things to myself

Being an extrovert is good as it helps in throwing ideas in an effective way which helps in pursuing the parties to listen to the point said by the manager. But, many a times many things go out of mouth in the flow of words. This may give out the initial idea which can act in favour or against the negotiator. So, keeping things with one self at many situations will help me to learn what other are thinking and then next step can be decided by me keeping the focus on the interest of both the parties.

1 month




Ademi, N. (2016). Negotiation and Management. International Journal Of Economics & Management Sciences.

Barki, H., & Hartwick, J. (2004). Conceptualizing the construct of interpersonal conflict. International Journal Of Conflict Management, 15(3), 216-244.

DuBrin, A., & Young, J. (2007). Fundamentals of organizational behaviour. Scarborough, Ont.: Nelson.

Ganson, B. (2014). Business in Fragile Environments: Capabilities for Conflict Prevention. Negotiation And Conflict Management Research, 7(2), 121-139.

Hotepo, O., Asokere, A., Abdul-Azeez, I., & Ajemunigbohun, S. (2010). Empirical Study of the Effect of Conflict on Organizational Performance in Nigeria. Business And Economics Journa, BEJ, 1-9. Retrieved from

Illes, R., Ellemers, N., & Harinck, F. (2014). Mediating Value Conflicts. Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 31(3), 331-354.

Liu, B., Xiao, F., & Deng, K. (2011). Resolving conflicts between negotiation success and sensitive information protection in automated trust negotiation. Frontiers Of Computer Science In China, 5(2), 135-147.

Longe, O. (2015). Impact of Workplace Conflict Management on Organizational Performance: A Case of Nigerian Manufacturing Firm. Journal Of Management And Strategy, 6(2).

Ojo, O., & Abolade, D. (2014). Impact of conflict management on employees’ performance in a public sector organisation in nigeria. Research Paper. Retrieved from

Olekalns, M., & Weingart, L. (2008). Emergent Negotiations: Stability and Shifts in Negotiation Dynamics. Negotiation And Conflict Management Research, 1(2), 135-160.

Pract, J. (2007). Principles and Tactics of Negotiation. Journal Of Oncology Practice, 3(2), 102-105.

Spear, W. (2014). Conflict Resolution and Negotiation. The Journal Of Aboriginal Management, (15). Retrieved from

Tidstrom, A. (2009). Causes of conflict in intercompetitor cooperation. Journal Of Business & Industrial Marketing, 24(7), 506-518.

Zohar, I. (2015). “The Art of Negotiation” Leadership Skills Required for Negotiation in Time of Crisis. Procedia – Social And Behavioral Sciences, 209, 540-548.


Appendix A




Appendix B



Appendix C


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