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Considerations to make before buying home insurance

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Regardless of whether you live in the most secure location in Missouri or have invested in the best security systems, your home is really never entirely safe. Think about natural disasters like storms, earthquakes, and sometimes fire. Think about accidents in your home like people slipping and falling, getting bitten by your pets, getting hit by an object. Are you financially prepared to handle these accidents whenever they happen? No? Then you need a home insurance policy, and Travers Insurance can help you acquire one.


Considerations to make before buying home insurance

If you have decided to purchase home insurance, you have to critically think about the kind of perils you want to be covered and which accidents are more relevant to you. If you live in a flood zone area, make sure you buy a flood insurance policy because home insurance in Missouri does not cover floods. Some of the things to think about when purchasing insurance include:


  • Where your home is located ( if it is a safe neighborhood, the cost of insurance will be lower, if your home is near the coast, the price is likely to be higher)
  • The size of your home. Bigger houses command more coverage ( features such as a swimming pool and a home office increases your premium rates.
  • The number of people living in your home including pets( if you have teenagers or small children in the house, the cost can be higher than a home with older people)
  • How much you have invested in securing your home. ( if your home has reinforced security, it means it is partly safe from burglaries which lower the chances of filing a theft claim.



What is covered by a standard home insurance policy


Home insurance is an all-round policy that provides coverage to damaged property and liability and legal responsibility for property damage and. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Webster Groves MO or St Louis MO resident, home insurance in Missouri is the same everywhere. Some of the coverages include:


  • Dwelling coverage
  • Other structures coverage
  • Liability coverage
  • Personal belongings coverage
  • Loss of use


Feel free to visit Travers Insurance for all your home’s insurance needs, and we will be happy to help.



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