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Construction of Suburban homes Quality Management Plan

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Construction of Suburban homes Quality Management Plan



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Introduction. 2

Project Plan Objectives. 3

Quality Management Approach. 3

Quality Standards. 4

Quality Assurance. 4

Quality Control 5

Appendix. 6












Construction of Suburban homes Quality Management Plan


A quality management plan is a plan that is documented to bring out the intents of a project. The plan is meant to check the conformance of the project to all the quality standards and the important aspects of the project. It is also meant to create a clear understanding of the project to all the project stakeholders. The important elements of this plan include:

  • Quality control approaches
  • Quality standards
  • Quality assurance practices
  • Quality control activities.

The important elements of the project are going to be explored in this plan. The quality checking mechanisms are going to be recorded in the quality management plan and all the important people in the project development. The various regulations and quality standards according to the existing regulations and statutes for the construction of suburban homes are going to be adhered to throughout the project and all the important individuals and stakeholders engaged as much as possible to ensure the success of the project. The quality management team is going to be made up of the project manager, the team leads for the various constructive units, the project owner, and the existing regulatory standards.

Project Plan Objectives

  • To set clear the standards required from the project team and the entire project.
  • To ensure the adherence of project team members to the set regulations.
  • To ensure that all the stakeholders are well informed of the project objectives, the goals of the project, and the key deliverables.
  • It is also going to provide a quality evaluation approach for the project and the key deliverable.
  • To make the project stakeholders and the owner aware of their obligation towards the achievement of the project goals and the key deliverables.

Quality Management Approach

As much as the project manager plans to ensure total quality delivery from the project, the key project members also should ensure that they achieve the best quality standards for the project. All the basic requirements of the project are well documented. The project team is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that all the key processes are taken into practice. The stakeholders are also tasked with ensuring that the products and services comply with the quality standards. Documentation of the various processes is also key in the delivery of the quality objective. By the end of the end, all the key players in the project team and the stakeholders are tasked with ensuring the delivery of the best quality throughout the project, to meet both the industry standards and the client’s requirements.

Adherence to the existing quality standards is going to be assessed by a multi-member team made up of the project quality management team, the project manager, the owner of the home, and representatives from the quality assurance team from the industry. This will be done to ensure compliance with the industry standards and also ensure that all the members of the project team get the best out of themselves. Exceeding the quality limits and set standards is acceptable, but this should be positive and not negative.

Quality Standards

International quality standards are going to be used in ensuring that the project quality requirements are met. They are going to be used to evaluate the quality of the homes and the safety of the homes. The homes must be above the set quality standards, both internally and externally. They must be safe for the occupants, with all the safety measures in place. Proper ventilation is also a key deliverable in the construction project and all homes are expected to be stylish and decorated as much as possible. The main goal of the project team is to deliver quality homes for the customers.

The inputs and outputs of the project are going to be evaluated by a representative of the quality management team. All the key communication between the project team and the key stakeholders will be transparent to ensure proper flow of information and avoid surprises at any level. The project team is, however, not expected to compromise the quality of the deliverables by any chance. They should keep focused on the main objectives of the project, which are meeting the customer expectations and ensuring compliance with the set timelines.

Quality Assurance

The project aims to make quality assurance the most obvious thing to the customer. As a result, the project has made quality delivery a process-based thing, other than a product-based thing. The assurance of the customer shall be derived from the constant delivery of quality products based on the processes followed. This is because the project team is expected to report the activities and adhere to the set standards. The basic quality standards state that mostly the negative quality processes are delivered to the various entities responsible for the project quality team.

Quality Control

The members of the project quality management team are going to ensure that all the key project deliverables are met for the various quality standards. Constant checks are going to be made by a representative of the quality control team to ensure that all the processes are inclined towards quality delivery. At the end of the day, the results are going to be gauged on the conformance of the various deliverables to the set industry standards. Quality is the main project objective and the essence of this plan. Therefore, everything is going to be done based on the various quality objectives and the best industry standards. Nothing is of greater importance in this case than the delivery of quality products and processes.














Colorado Approved State Building Code. (2013). Retrieved from

International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings. (2012). Retrieved from

Quality Management Plan template. Retrieved from


Project Quality Management Plan Approval

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