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Convertkit is an email service provider (ESP) tool. This tool equips the user with a solution when conducting marketing campaigns, tag subscribers, create opt-in forms, work on email follow up, and set up email automation. Convertkit offers customizable landing panging and sign-up forms that help you to attract more subscribers. As a result, this tool is very robust when it comes to subscriber segmentation and management. This software is beneficial for freelancers and small business owners who do blogging for financial gains. Some of the features that make Convertkit stand out are;

Features of convertkit

Convertkit is an ideal marketing software with an auto-responder function designed to assist marketers during campaigns to manage their emails efficiently. Some of the features that make this software unique are as follows.


With the use of a customizable opt-in form, these tools can direct every subscriber to their desired and relevant actions immediately.


Businesses and bloggers who use convertkit can tell using their homepage dashboard the subscriber’s data who accessed their page. It also goes ahead a gives a full opti-in conversion tally.

Visual Automations

With the help of convertkit, you create a better and customizable workflow unique to every customer’s desire. This tool usually links every actions, conditions, and event with a click. When guiding the subscriber, to convert them, it uses a populated auto function to process the data with ease. As a result, it records every action, event, and condition. This tool helps the user to do a comparatively tally on every completed step.




With the help of a drag-and-drop sequence builder, automation of emails becomes easy to personalize. As a  result, growing the subscriber list becomes an easy task.

Subscriber management

Management of subscribing is done in a more organized way, using segments and tags. With a single list, these two functions assist you in manipulating and managing the subscribers.


With the help of this tool, it becomes easy for you to automate email distribution. This feature enables the user to send all messages and RSS feeds once.

Lead magnet

Convertkit uses a double opt-in to help you improve the quality of your emails. However, many critics will go for a single opt-in to avoid an extra step that may affect your conversation rate due to the additional effort.  To use this feature successfully, you need to have a lead magnet that helps your convertkit handle double opt-in with ease.



Benefits of convertkit

  • Excellent WordPress integration

Convertkit uses a tailor-made design that focuses mainly on online freelancers and small business owners who create web content for money.

  • Easy to use

Convertkit uses a user-friendly interface, decently powerful, and gives you value for money in the long run.

  • Tag-based subscriber

Unlike other marketing email software’s, it has a subscriber system that uses a tag-based. This function makes it flexible and easy to use when doing segmentation. As a result, you can send hyper-targeted emails that are deliverable focus using tags using this software.

  • Dynamic emails

Using this software, you can merge tags and customize your emails.

  • Auto-resending function

When your target clients refuse to open your campaign, this tool will help you auto-resend your message as you focus on other agendas.

  • Does not charge duplicates

This tool only charges with the number of unique subscribers you have.

  • Live chat support

Unlike other email service providers, this tool offers you a 365 days email and live chat support.

Comparison between Mailchimp and Converter

User-friendly and editor option

Mailchimp has a user-friendly interface that allows you to build your email using a step-based approach. It is also flexible and easy to navigate design that gives you options when selecting recipients, designing your personal preference, or adding the sender details. While using the Mailchimp, the software allows you to add or remove items, change styles, or edit text. You can also drag-and-drop your message as you like. With this tool, you can create an excellent HTML email that’s has a good looking display.

On the other hand, convertkit has a less exciting user interface that is clear to navigate.  When using this software, it is a must for you to specify the sender details and subscribe before you start the process. When using converkit, you cannot drag-and-drop your message to the editor. Also, because convertkit uses text-based email templates, it provides you with limited options when editing your email, and its a lucks excellent template display.

Flexibility and Design

Lovers and users of MailChimp have close to 100 templates that have a theme to use. They are also given an additional 14 blank templates that they can use and design as they wish.

Convertkit, on the other hand, gives users three options for their email design. The design focuses only on text, either modern or classic.  For lovers and users of themed templates, this tool is not for them, because converkit does not offer a vast visual temperate.

List management

Mailchimp allows the user to generate a list you can use to keep contacts using a different plan.  This process is ideal when you are managing emails for several clients. Using multiple lists with duplicate contacts is charged.

In contrast, when using convertkit, it does not allow you to have a to-do list of comparisons. All uploads are kept on one the same list. To organize your work, you are given a chance to assign your contacts to a form or tag them. You can also create contact segments using a similar characteristic.






Marketing auto-response and automation

Mailchimp, when it comes to automation technology, a lot needs to be done.  Their automation editor does not have a visual workflow.  Thus it becomes difficult for you to visualize how the contacts will be listed in the workflow.

When it comes to marketing response, convertkit takes the lead.  Convertkit is working to improve their efficiency, and recently they have introduced visual automation. This feature helps the work-based editor define how you can use and enter a sequence. An advanced editor they can go further and add step based actions, conditions, or events.  Their automation system allows you to build a series of emails and edit them without moving to another section.

Mailchimp vs. convertkit pricing

Both software has competitive prices in the market.

Mailchimp charges their premium clients who have 5000 contacts $ 53.26 per month. But it’s free to send mails for 2000 subscribers when using limited features.

Convertkit charges its premium clients for $ 79 per month for up to 5000 subscribers. The only free plan can only allow you to create a landing page only.


Mailchimp is one of the industry’s best reporting tools, while convertkit only offers specific basic reporting features.


Mailchimp uses more than 227 integrations that have limited functionality. As a result of this functionality, it becomes tedious for you to look for what you want.

On the other hand, convertkit has a lot many integration abilities but does integrate well with significant platforms like CRM,

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