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Correlation between work environment factors and the successful LSS project

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Correlation between work environment factors and the successful LSS project

There was significant evidence to reject 〖H1〗_0 and conclude that there was a strong positive association between work environment (Mean = 4.29, SD= 0.60) and the successful LSS projects (Mean = 4.63, SD= 0.60), r (49) = 0.354, p < 0.05. This result indicated that the work environment is statistically significant and has a weak relation associated with the successful LSS projects. Therefore, a supportive work environment will lead to the successful implementation of the LSS project. However, if the environmental factors are not successful. However, if the work environment factors are not favorable, then it could be challenging to successfully implement the LSS project. Nevertheless, management commitment towards LLS practices is positively related to company financial performance at a 5 % significance level. Possessing commitment that is on top, aligning its business goal of maximizing profit assists in ensuring the implemented LSS projects meet the objectives as well as achieve significant business cost-saving (Ali, Choong & Jayaraman, 2016). More importantly, the financial capability of the organization in the implementation of LSS is found not related to overall business performance, regardless of financial and non-financial performances. Moreover, resource allocation is positively related to operational performance at a 5 % significance level. Having more resources allocated into LSS improvement projects, the operation performance of the company is improved as a result of the direct impact in the relationship. There is no effect of operational performance on the relationship between the allocation of resources and the financial performance of the business.

Furthermore, the top management support as a key driver towards successful deployment as well as the implementation of the LSS project (Ali, Choong & Jayaraman, 2016). According to Galloway (2006), top management support has a positive relationship between LSS success and financial impact on the company.

Correlation between work environment factors and achievement of outcomes. There was significant evidence to reject 〖H2〗_0 and conclude that there was a strong positive association between work environment factors (Mean = 4.29, SD= 0.60) and achievement of outcomes (Mean = 3.93, SD= 0.72), r (49) = 0.463, p < 0.01. This result indicated the work environment is staistically significant and has a low to moderate relationship associated with the achievement of outcomes. The achievement of outcomes also depends on the work environment factors. If the work environment factors are favorable, the implementation of the LSS will result in positive outcomes. However, unfavorable environmental factors could make it difficult to achieve the targeted outcome when implementing the LSS project. The physical work environment results in a person to fit or misfit to the environment of the workplace. According to various studies, researches regarding the workplace environment need to be done to get an ergonomic workplace for every each of the employees. As such, the satisfaction of the employees can result in the performance of the employees. As a result, to make the employees satisfied the factor of the physical workplace need to be applied to all workplace (Naharuddin & Sadegi, 2013: Alnajem, Garza-Reyes & Antony 2018). To gain the employees’ performance, both parties in between the employees as well as supervisors are required to play their part which is to commit to the relationship. When full commitment is offered, it will lead to a positive result in the performance of the employees.

Correlation between work environment factors and sustainability of outcomes. There was significant evidence to reject 〖H3〗_0 and conclude that there was a strong positive association between work environment factors (Mean = 4.29, SD= 0.60) and sustainability of outcomes (Mean = 3.86, SD= 0.73), r (49) = 0.330, p < 0.05. This result indicated that the work environment is staistically significant and has a weak relation associated with the sustainability of outcomes. The work environment factors influence the successful sustainability of the outcomes. The achieved outcomes would be sustained for long if the work environment factors are supportive. On the contrary, it would not be easy to sustain the outcomes if the work environment factors are not favorable. The physical environment has a direct impact on the human sense and can also slow change interpersonal interactions hence productivity. It is such since the characteristics of a room or a place of meeting for a group has consequences regarding productivity as well as satisfaction level (Edem, Akpan & Pepple, 2017). Factors such as lighting and, ergonomic furniture have a positive influence on the health of the employee, therefore, increasing productivity. The company’s management must take part in defining the physical environment in which health workers carry out their daily tasks to make it conducive.

How environmental factors affect the implementation of LSS in the emergence department.

The environmental factors affect the implementation of LSS in the emergence department in various ways. These factors that affect the LSS implementation include staff motivation, staff training, job satisfaction, teamwork, communication, staff engagement, and collaboration. Staff motivation is a key factor in the implementation of LSS in the emergence department. Motivating staff members in the emergence departments helps to improve performance by eliminating waste as well as defects. More importantly, the motivation of staff members affects the overall performance of the organization. For instance, it enables individuals to achieve personal goals. A motivated staff member always has greater job satisfaction, heightened performance as well as willingness to succeed improvements happen project-by-project and in no other way (Jenica, Mihai & Sorin, 2010). Therefore, the emergence department works towards achieving the set goals.

According to Salah (2016), well trained as well as highly developed employees are considered as a cornerstone of the company’s success. Organizations are acing extensive competition, changing technology as well as the business environment. Besides globalization, the ever-changing customer needs to add up challenges to business organizations. Therefore, to meet these challenges organizations must train as well as develop their employees. Moreover, training and development are all about managing and empowering people, the crucial assets of any business or business. HR professionals act as a strategic partner with senior managers and leaders through aligning training and development strategies and practices with overall firm strategies that contribute to the smooth running of the organization. The emergence department is a crucial section for any given organization, for example, a healthcare organization. For this reason, staff training affects positively the implementation of LSS in these emergence departments.

Nevertheless, teamwork projects positive effects on the implementation of LSS in the emergence department. For instance, the employees cooperate in all sectors collecting all problems that are posing to be a major stumbling block towards the success of the organization (Habidin, Yahya & Ramli, 2015). As a result, they share the problems, each individual takes charge and own these problems. Moreover, teamwork helps the stakeholders to work together hence helping to improve performance through eliminating waste as well as defects. The implementation of LSS in the emergence department is positively affected by communication as a factor in the department. Effective communication is a major tool accordingly and in case of any problem, the strategic measures must be laid down properly to solve the the forward thriving of the company. In this case, the communication must run smoothly in all ways in the company. For example, the information can be delivered through vertical or horizontal directions. The mangers and the leaders must ensure that each member gets accessed to information. Without effective communication, the implementation of LSS in the emergence department will encounter challenges; therefore, it will not help in improving performance by eliminating waste as well as defects.

Employee and staff engagement is crucial in the process of implementing LSS in the emergence department. Regarding this, when employees are engaged, they are more likely to invest in the work they do that leads to a higher quality of work produced. According to various studies, they argue that engaged organizations have double the rate of success when compared to those organizations that are less engaging. Moreover, staff members and employees who are truly engaged will be motivated to do their best work every day and stay with the company that always takes employee engagement seriously. Therefore, staff and employee engagement is a crucial environmental factor that positively affects the implementation of LSS in the emergence department.

Besides, collaboration is another important factor that affects the implementation of LSS in the emergence department. Concerning this, effective collaboration brings team members together to work towards the achievement of a common goal through thinking, brainstorming as well as offering various perspectives. During the collaboration, each team member has an opportunity to participate as well as communicate their ideas which can save time and result in the reduction of errors. With increasing competition, it is vital to encourage creativity in the emergence department to improve productivity as well as promoting a healthy employee relationship. Nevertheless, collaboration in the emergence department helps in pulling together the talents and strengths of team members, necessitates the development of employee skills, speeds up the solutions as well as enhancing employee retention and job satisfaction. Allowing team members to communicate their ideas affects positively the implementation of LSS in the emergence department.

Furthermore, job satisfaction and productivity work toward implementing the LSS in the emergence department. Many types of research indicate that job satisfaction may not necessarily lead to improvement of individual performance but it leads to departmental as well as organizational level improvement. The more satisfied employees are ever-present in the workplace as compared to those employees who are less satisfied. For this reason, less satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due to avoidable reasons. Additionally, when employees are dissatisfied with their jobs, the firm, and supervisors, they are prone to the accident while at work. As such, dissatisfaction takes the attention of the individual hence can lead to mental challenges and accidents.

Correlation between work environment factors and the successful LSS projects. There was significant evidence to reject 〖H1〗_0 and conclude that there was a strong positive association between work environment (Mean = 4.29, SD= 0.60) and the successful LSS projects (Mean = 4.63, SD= 0.60), r (49) = 0.354, p < 0.05. This result indicated that the work environment is statistically significant and has a weak relation associated with the successful LSS projects. Therefore, a supportive work environment will lead to the successful implementation of the LSS project. However, if the environmental factors are not successful. However, if the work environment factors are not favorable, then it could be challenging to successfully implement the LSS project. Nevertheless, management commitment towards LLS practices is positively related to company financial performance at a 5 % significance level. Possessing commitment that is on top, aligning its business goal of maximizing profit assists in ensuring the implemented LSS projects meet the objectives as well as achieve significant business cost-saving (Ali, Choong & Jayaraman, 2016). More importantly, the financial capability of the organization in the implementation of LSS is found not related to overall business performance, regardless of financial and non-financial performances. Moreover, resource allocation is positively related to operational performance at a 5 % significance level. Having more resources allocated into LSS improvement projects, the operation performance of the company is improved as a result of the direct impact in the relationship. There is no effect of operational performance on the relationship between the allocation of resources and the financial performance of the business.

Furthermore, the top management support as a key driver towards successful deployment as well as the implementation of LSS project (Ali, Choong & Jayaraman, 2016). According to Galloway (2006), top management support has a positive relationship between LSS success and financial impact on the company.

Correlation between work environment factors and achievement of outcomes. There was significant evidence to reject 〖H2〗_0 and conclude that there was a strong positive association between work environment factors (Mean = 4.29, SD= 0.60) and achievement of outcomes (Mean = 3.93, SD= 0.72), r (49) = 0.463, p < 0.01. This result indicated the work environment is staistically significant and has a low to moderate relationship associated with the achievement of outcomes. The achievement of outcomes also depends on the work environment factors. If the work environment factors are favorable, the implementation of the LSS will result in positive outcomes. However, unfavorable environmental factors could make it difficult to achieve the targeted outcome when implementing the LSS project. The physical work environment results in a person fit or misfit to the environment of the workplace. According to various studies, researches regarding the workplace environment need to be done to get an ergonomic workplace for every each of the employees. As such, the satisfaction of the employees can result in the performance of the employees. As a result, to make the employees satisfied the factor of the physical workplace need to be applied to all workplace (Naharuddin & Sadegi, 2013: Alnajem, Garza-Reyes & Antony 2018). To gain the employees’ performance, both parties in between the employees as well as supervisors are required to play their part which is to commit to the relationship. When full commitment is offered, it will lead to a positive result in the performance of the employees.

Correlation between work environment factors and sustainability of outcomes. There was significant evidence to reject 〖H3〗_0 and conclude that there was a strong positive association between work environment factors (Mean = 4.29, SD= 0.60) and sustainability of outcomes (Mean = 3.86, SD= 0.73), r (49) = 0.330, p < 0.05. This result indicated that the work environment is staistically significant and has a weak relation associated with the sustainability of outcomes. The work environment factors influence the successful sustainability of the outcomes. The achieved outcomes would be sustained for long if the work environment factors are supportive. On the contrary, it would not be easy to sustain the outcomes if the work environment factors are not favorable. The physical environment has a direct impact on the human sense and can also slow change interpersonal interactions hence productivity. It is such since the characteristics of a room or a place of meeting for a group has consequences regarding productivity as well as satisfaction level (Edem, Akpan & Pepple, 2017). Factors such as lighting and, ergonomic furniture have a positive influence on the health of the employee, therefore, increasing productivity. The company’s management must take part in defining the physical environment in which health workers carry out their daily tasks to make it conducive.

How environmental factors affect the implementation of LSS in the emergence department.

The environmental factors affect the implementation of LSS in the emergence department in various ways. These factors that affect the LSS implementation include staff motivation, staff training, job satisfaction, teamwork, communication, staff engagement, and collaboration. Staff motivation is a key factor in the implementation of LSS in the emergence department. Motivating staff members in the emergence departments helps to improve performance by eliminating waste as well as defects. More importantly, the motivation of staff members affects the overall performance of the organization. For instance, it enables individuals to achieve personal goals. A motivated staff member always has greater job satisfaction, heightened performance as well as willingness to succeed improvements happen project-by-project and in no other way (Jenica, Mihai & Sorin, 2010). Therefore, the emergence department works towards achieving the set goals.

According to Salah (2016), well trained as well as highly developed employees are considered as a cornerstone of the company’s success. Organizations are acing extensive competition, changing technology as well as the business environment. Besides globalization, the ever-changing customer needs to add up challenges to business organizations. Therefore, to meet these challenges organizations must train as well as develop their employees. Moreover, training and development are all about managing and empowering people, the crucial assets of any business or business. HR professionals act as a strategic partner with senior managers and leaders through aligning training and development strategies and practices with overall firm strategies that contribute to the smooth running of the organization. The emergence department is a crucial section for any given organization, for example, a healthcare organization. For this reason, staff training affects positively the implementation of LSS in these emergence departments.

Nevertheless, teamwork projects positive effects on the implementation of LSS in the emergence department. For instance, the employees cooperate in all sectors collecting all problems that are posing to be a major stumbling block towards the success of the organization (Habidin, Yahya & Ramli, 2015). As a result, they share the problems, each individual takes charge and own these problems. Moreover, teamwork helps the stakeholders to work together hence helping to improve performance through eliminating waste as well as defects. The implementation of LSS in the emergence department is positively affected by communication as a factor in the department. Effective communication is a major tool accordingly and in case of any problem, the strategic measures must be laid down properly to solve the the forward thriving of the company. In this case, the communication must run smoothly in all ways in the company. For example, the information can be delivered through vertical or horizontal directions. The mangers and the leaders must ensure that each member gets accessed to information. Without effective communication, the implementation of LSS in the emergence department will encounter challenges; therefore, it will not help in improving performance by eliminating waste as well as defects.

Employee and staff engagement is crucial in the process of implementing LSS in the emergence department. Regarding this, when employees are engaged, they are more likely to invest in the work they do that leads to a higher quality of work produced. According to various studies, they argue that engaged organizations have double the rate of success when compared to those organizations that are less engaging. Moreover, staff members and employees who are truly engaged will be motivated to do their best work every day and stay with the company that always takes employee engagement seriously. Therefore, staff and employee engagement is a crucial environmental factor that positively affects the implementation of LSS in the emergence department.

Besides, collaboration is another important factor that affects the implementation of LSS in the emergence department. Concerning this, effective collaboration brings team members together to work towards the achievement of a common goal through thinking, brainstorming as well as offering various perspectives. During the collaboration, each team member has an opportunity to participate as well as communicate their ideas which can save time and result in the reduction of errors. With increasing competition, it is vital to encourage creativity in the emergence department to improve productivity as well as promoting a healthy employee relationship. Nevertheless, collaboration in the emergence department helps in pulling together the talents and strengths of team members, necessitates the development of employee skills, speeds up the solutions as well as enhancing employee retention and job satisfaction. Allowing team members to communicate their ideas affects positively the implementation of LSS in the emergence department.

Furthermore, job satisfaction and productivity work toward implementing the LSS in the emergence department. Many kinds of research indicate that job satisfaction may not necessarily lead to improvement of individual performance but it leads to departmental as well as organizational level improvement. The more satisfied employees are ever-present in the workplace as compared to those employees who are less satisfied. For this reason, less satisfied employees are more likely to be absent from work due to avoidable reasons. Additionally, when employees are dissatisfied with their jobs, the firm, and supervisors, they are prone to the accident while at work. As such, dissatisfaction takes the attention of the individual hence can lead to mental challenges and accidents.

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