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Corruption Effects on Economic Development Responses

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Corruption Effects on Economic Development Responses

Post 1 response

The post does not clearly define what corruption entails and how it directly affects the growth of the economy. Although some attributes that foster the determination of the growth of an economy are outlined examples of foreign direct investment, life expectancy, growth domestic product, human capital, and technological advancements are featured in, the writer does not dovetail the same with effects of corruption. The writer is hesitant in confirming the illegality of corruption and thus does not clearly outline its effects on the major areas that form the basis of economic development. These include the business, the education, the health and agricultural sectors. The writer could have brought out how big businesses due to their already established illegal connections have hindered the growth of the new emerging SMEs by preventing their funding which leads to their closure. The post could also have brought out the fact that corruption has affected the quality of education and also the health sector, leading to low literacy levels and high mortality rates of close to thrice in comparison to corruption-free countries respectively, thus hampering economic development.

Post 2 response

The post does not also define what corruption involves but instead secludes it to influential people particularly in government. The writer does not bring out how corruption affects the growth of an economy and does not tell us which countries are most prone to corruption. The writer does not understand the basic structure invoked to determine the growth of a countries economy examples of education standards, healthcare provision, foreign investments, market rates, and production among other factors. The post also lacks statistics on how corruption affects the growth of a specific country in comparison with the corruption-free countries. Although the writer mentions the creation of shadow economies, he/she doesn’t clearly explain how the same comes into place and its effects to tax payment and eventually its general effect on economic growth.

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