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Course:                                    ENT 6A6: Project Management for Enterprise  

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Course:                                    ENT 6A6: Project Management for Enterprise

Assessment:                            Assessment One: Group Case Study Investigation

Report Word Count:                 1,500 words (10% +/- tolerance level)

Presentation:                            10-15 Minutes

TMM:                                        40%

Summative Submission:          Group Presentation (during week 6 seminar)

Individual Write-up/Report

Hand-In Date:                           Report submission: Friday 6th March (Week 6) by 11.59pm

Module Leader:                        Dr. Sylvie Studente
















This is a part-group and part-individual assessment that requires students to give a group presentation and submit an individual report. Students will work in groups of 3 – 4 to deliver a group presentation of approximately 10-15 minutes, each group member is expected to present.  Individually, students will write a report demonstrating their understanding and reflection on the criticality of project planning.


Presentations will take place during the seminar class in week 6. Your lecturer will allocate each group a time slot to present their work. The report is to be submitted to blackboard in MS-Word format by Friday of week 6 before 11.59pm. You will be expected to reference additional sources beyond the core text and class materials.


The two components to be assessed are:


  • A group work element : Case study investigation resulting in a 10-15 minute presentation
  • An individual element: Individual Write-up/report (Maximum 1500 words)





Established in 1998, Northampton Taxis is a family owned taxi firm based in Northampton, England.  Current staff members include; the business owner, a general manager, five controllers, two general enquires staff, an accounts manager and an accounts assistant.  The company currently attracts customers via the Yellow Pages directory and local newspaper adverts. At present the taxi booking system works by customers calling the office via phone to book a taxi. Bookings are also taken via email and fax. Calls, emails and fax bookings are answered by controllers who enter the booking information onto a computer system. The system automatically sends information to the closest driver to the customer’s pick-up location through a PDA.


100 taxi drivers work for the company and are self-employed. The drivers keep the cash paid to them by customers. The company generates income by charging each driver rent of £145 per week which is the main income for the business. For this rent, drivers are provided with taxi booking equipment and are allocated work by the controllers. In addition, the company operates Business Accounts for a number of local organisations including; schools, the local university, local hospitals and local businesses. At present, approx. £180,000 is generated by Business Accounts each month, of which Northampton Taxis take a 5% cut from the income paid to drivers.


Currently, the annual company turnover is £1.6 million which is generated from driver’s rent payments and Business Account work. The company wishes to further expand by establishing a web site through which they can reach a wider audience and take bookings online to generate more business.  If booking numbers increase then more taxi drivers will be needed, which in turn will bring in more income for the company.




Your group have been tasked as The Project Management Team to plan the web development project for Northampton Taxis. After an initial meeting, the Business Owner agreed to a budget of £8,000 but requires the website to be operational within 58 days from today’s date. In terms of quality specifications, the business owner insists that the website should display the company logo. Additionally, you need to ensure the website design confirms to established guidelines as well as meeting requirements specified in the Data Protection Act (UK Legislation 1998). Data protection compliance is essential as the website will transfer customer data to the company database and out to driver’s PDA devices.




In groups review the ‘Northampton Taxis’ case study. You are tasked as the project management team to produce the following documentation for the Northampton Taxis project:


  • Requirements Specification
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Estimation of Activity Durations
  • Network Diagram
  • Critical Path Analysis
  • Project Crashing


The six steps to be followed in producing the above documentation are described in the following table:


Step One: Creating a Project SpecificationUse the information given in the brief to create a Project Specification document for the Northampton Taxis project. You will find an electronic copy of the template within the Assessment area on Blackboard.
Step Two: Creating a Work Breakdown StructureSix Project Phases and associated activities have been identified as shown in Project Data Table 1. Use the data in this table to create the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) for the project. For this you will need to consider the relationship between activities. Use the correct notation.
Step Three: Estimating Activity DurationsUse the data in Project Data Table 1. to estimate activity durations using the a, b, and m values.  Use the values shown to calculate the expected duration of all project activities in days using the formula:  E(D) = (a + b + 4m)/6


Once you have calculated the expected durations, calculate the Variance (Standard Deviation) for all activities using the formula: SD2 (D) = [(b – a)/6]2

Step Four: Creating a Network DiagramUse the data in Project Data Table 1 to create a network diagram. Use your estimated durations from step three for this (remember these are days), you need to round durations to the nearest whole number. Ensure that you use the correct notation including activity names. Complete a forward and backward pass through the network.
Step Five: Critical Path AnalysisUse the EST (Earliest Start Time) and LST (Latest Start Time) values for each activity in your network diagram to calculate float. Identify time critical activities within the network and indicate the critical path on your diagram.
Step Six: Project Deadline and CrashingCompare the project end time on your completed network diagram to the time scale in the Project Specification to identify if you will be able to complete the project within the required time. If this is not possible, use the information shown in Project Data Table 2 to calculate the following for each activity; The Total Allowable Crash time, Total Crash Cost and Crash Cost per day.


To begin the Project Crashing calculations, you will need to enter the activity durations you calculated in ‘Step Three’ as “Normal Time” values. You are expected to explain how many weeks you have to crash the project and how much it will cost to get to the required duration. Once you have crashed the project you need to redraw the network diagram to reflect the “Crash Time” activity durations.







The individual element is a written write-up/report to enable you to demonstrate your individual reflections and understandings on the criticality of project planning. There are four key sections to the report, which are:


  • Introduction to company and project


  • A critical reflection on how you as a Project Manager will be able to meet the specified deadline for the Northampton Taxis project. For this you need refer to the planning documentation and processes you followed from creating the project specification through to the final network diagram. In your write up you need to demonstrate your understanding and critical evaluation of how WBS, Network Diagrams, Critical Path Analysis and Crashing assist the Project Manager in Project Planning. You must use Harvard referencing in this section to substantiate your points.


  • A critical reflection on the group work process and what you have learned individually from carrying out the assessment work.


In the appendices you should include your revised planning documentation arising from your presentation, i.e.:


  • Project specification
  • WBS
  • Beta Distribution Estimation
  • Network Diagram (using normal time)
  • Project Crashing Table
  • Network Diagram (using final crash time





Submission requirements for this assessment are outlined in the table below:


Submission ItemInformationSubmitted ViaSubmission date
Group Element

One printed copy of the presentation slides and planning documentation


You will be expected to; give an overview of the company and project, talk your lecturer through the six pieces of documentation and conclude the presentation with a review of individual team member contribution to the workHanded to lecturer prior to the start of your presentation.During the allocated presentation slot within the seminar class in week 6
Individual Element

An electronic copy of the report in MS-Word or PDF format


The report should be formatted as follows: Arial, size 12, single line spacing. Include a contents page and a title page (with your name and student number)BlackboardFriday 6th March 2020 (Week 6) by 11.59pm.



Plagiarism includes submitting work that has been written by someone else and copying passages from other sources without references. Plagiarism is easy to detect and will be acted upon. The Academic Misconduct procedures at Regent’s University London will be followed in cases of plagiarism.




Table 1: Project Activity Information




Phase NumberPhase DescriptionActivity NamePredecessor










E (D)=


Var (D)=

AOneRequirements AnalysisElicit client needs 

BOneRequirements AnalysisTarget audience analysisA123
COneRequirements AnalysisGain server access123
DOneRequirements AnalysisGain required resourcesA234
EOneRequirements AnalysisProduce requirements specificationB, D346
FOneRequirements AnalysisGain approval from client to proceed


GTwoPrototypingCreate prototypeC, F236
HTwoPrototypingApproval of prototype by clientG123
ITwoPrototypingTest prototypeH234
JTwoPrototypingAmend prototypeI123
KTwoPrototypingGain approval from client to proceedJ123
LThreeDevelopmentCreate coding templatesK347
MThreeDevelopmentCreate HTML and CSS documentsL689
NThreeDevelopmentDevelop and test interactive componentsM134
OThreeDevelopmentAdd contentK, L345
PThreeDevelopmentVerify site linksO123
QThreeDevelopmentVerify functionalityP, N123
RThreeDevelopmentGain approval from client to proceedQ123
SFourTestingCross browser testingR234
TFourTestingError testingR123
UFourTestingUser group testingR346
VFourTestingAmendments arising from testingS, T ,U348
WFourTestingGain approval from client to proceedV123
XFiveTrainingProvide client with training on using website back endW234
YSixProject CloseConnect website to databaseW123
ZSixProject CloseLaunch websiteX, Y123
ZASixProject CloseProject Review and Close Z123














Table 2: Project Crashing Information




Activity NameNormal time (days)Crash Time


Normal Cost


Crash Cost

(for specified crash time)

Total Allowable Crash Time (days)Crash Cost Per day
AElicit client needs1£210£300
DGain required resources2£300£400
EProduce requirements specification3£400£525
FGain approval from client to proceed


GCreate prototype2£320£400
HApproval of prototype by client1£225£320
ITest prototype1£350£450
JAmend prototype1£300£400
KGain approval from client to proceed1£215£315
LCreate coding templates2£500£700
MCreate HTML and CSS documents7£1,000£1,235
NDevelop and test interactive components2£500£600
QVerify functionality1£300£410
RGain approval from client to proceed1£250£350
UUser group testing2£550£750
VAmendments arising from testing3£560£860
WGain approval from client to proceed1£220£320
XProvide client with training on using website back end2£450£650
ZLaunch website1£385£485
ZAProject Review and Close1£275£375



Total Allowable Crash Time = Normal Time – Crash Time

Total Crash Cost = Crash Cost – Normal cost

Crash Cost Per day = Total Crash Cost / Total Allowable Crash Time






Marks will be allocated for the report, presentation and individual contribution


AspectDescriptionWeight %1st


Individual Element 55%
Presentation of reportProfessional presentation of report incl. appropriate structure, appropriate sources, title page, appendices etc.5
Understanding and critical reflection on subjectAbility to critically reflect on the importance of project planning techniques in meeting project deadlines. Evidence of sound knowledge and critical evaluation using appropriate references and examples.15

In-depth comparison and critical thinking

Evidence of sound knowledge and critical evaluation/comparison on how WBS, Network Diagrams, Critical Path Analysis and Crashing assist the project manager.


In depth comparison on how these techniques differ using appropriate references and examples.

Critical reflection on group work processAbility to critically reflect on the group work process in planning a project, and an evaluation of what has been learned.10
Amended planning documentationAmended project planning documentation included in appendices10
Report Total 55  



Groupwork Element and Presentation 45%
PresentationAudible and well-paced. Well timed


Professional presentation and supporting materials. Support materials used  effectively

Project Planning TechniquesCorrectly Estimated Project Durations and Variance calculations

Correctly noted and logical Work Breakdown Structure


Correctly noted and local network Diagram

–       Correct forward pass

–       Correct backwards pass

–       Correct float identified

–       Correct critical path identified


Correctly calculated project crashing costs.


Project plan will meet time and budget constraints

Individual contributionThis will be based on:


Contribution to group work as a whole


Management of individual questions during presentation

Group Work Total 45 
Final Total 100   


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