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Assessment 1


The purpose of this report is to completely analyze the pros and cons of event management to its components and dimensions. This report will explain the differences in categories of event management with examples; also, it consists of the reasons behind the trend influencing the event sector. The report also consists of a wedding party layout, and in the end, there is a conclusion to this report.

The categories and dimensions of event management are private, corporate, and charity or fundraising events. Private are booked by individuals for their private functions such as weddings or for any festival. This event is private as it’s not open for every individual, the invitation system is used, and there is a list of guests who are invited, due to the host wanting the privacy of his/her event.

Examples of private events could be Festivals, weddings, etc.

The next category is corporate events; this event is carried out to promote companies’ brands and products by conducting conferences, business dinners, meetings, seminars, etc. Such corporate events improve communication and morale of employees in the business; this will build a professional relationship between employees and businesses, which might help businesses to expand. Corporate events help new businesses to gain attention and create a brand image, which might help them to grow. Examples of corporate events are Conferences, meeting, etc. The next category of event management is charity and fundraising events. The charity events are conducted by individuals or organizations in order to collect charity in the form of money or sponsorship. The charity events could also be in the form of auctions. The examples of charity events are society balls sports events and charitable auctions.

The next category of the events could be a concert event or live event; this event is kind of a party which is organized by some individuals, and ticket system is used for the entryway, and there are live singing concerts and artist performs these events are mainly attended by young people. Examples could be live concerts. The categories of events mentioned above have their features such as in private event there is an invitation system and only known, and invited ones are present also there is a kind of privacy in a private event, and its manly conducted to celebrate and have fun, for example, wedding or festival.

The features of corporate events would be that individuals related to a business directly or indirectly are present in this event. Branding or promotion can be done through this event, and business gatherings like this improve relationships with employees.

The features of charity or fundraising event could be that mostly rich or upper-class people are present as there might be an auction of expensive things or some kind of sponsorship, its manly an outdoor event and there is a stage set up where the host is present to welcome everyone and guide them through the event. There is a certain increase in event sector regarding demand, the influences behind this increase might be because of increase in marketing as events now plan a vital role in promotion and marketing or brand or products and it also enhances the brand image of the business this might be the reason behind an increase in trend in the event sector.

Furthermore, the events help people in socializing and fulfill their social needs, such as by hosting a private event along with friends and family. This might also be the reason behind the success in the event sector. Moreover, the trend of live concerts is trending rapidly in a young generation, which brings a great audience to live concerts; these concerts also come under the category of event sector, so that’s why there is a trend in the event sector.

The ongoing trend in event sector is motivating the event managers to adopt new strategies and stay innovative and competitive in the market therefore in order to update the sector, technology is being used such as online booking system for tickets is adapted, this means that in live concerts the tickets are now booked online, and a code is given to the buyer with the help of which he or she can make an entrance in the event, this reduces customers effort to go and collect the ticket.

The layout of a room

Moreover, the event manager, in order to be innovative and updated, is working on the interior designing of event place,  according to the event such as there are different themes for different events as for business meetings and conferences environment and atmosphere is warm and classy. On the other hand, in the case of a wedding event, the event place is highly decorated with flowers and lighting.

Moreover, to deal overflow of customers, the event managers are conducting events in the daytime also by increasing staff and capital. The events in the daytime are at a discounted price as the majority prefers events at night. Furthermore, in the case of charity and fundraising events, the innovation is made that if there is an auction, then the object for auction will be shown on a big screen to all the audience along with the price. The historical importance of objects and features could be displayed in the form of video on the screen as visuals would be more accurate rather than reading a script about features and historical importance. (Entrepreneur, 2015).

The development in event sector in order to tackle ongoing trend in the sector will be helpful for the consumers as service is being updated with new innovative ideas also it might have a fall back in service, such as the new idea of introducing new technology by booking tickets online and removing struggle of booking and collecting tickets manually, but this new innovation might fail as if consumers are not technology-friendly and does not know about how to book tickets online, therefore in order to deal with it, organizers should give a briefing about how to book tickets online also the previous of booking should also be kept to deal with the consumers those don’t have internet service or gadgets.

Moreover, the innovation in the theme will attract more consumers and will increase consumer satisfaction as there would be different themes according to the category of the event. This innovation will keep the trend going, and demand will keep on flowing.  Furthermore, the idea of giving event place 2 times a day to deal with more consumers will also be helpful for people as some prefer events in the daytime, such as a business conference. But providing service two times in a day with the help of an increase in staff might lead to the overburden of work on organizers and the service might be compromised. The idea of arranging screens for charitable and fundraising would be very helpful and convenient for the consumers as their donors might get impressed and will be more comfortable with the service, and this might increase donations in the event.


  • The occasion organizer’s activity does not finish up once the occasion has finished.
  • Post-occasion evaluation is a not entirely obvious stage during the time spent any creation.
  • Time ought to be booked for audit with every single included gathering.
  • The organizer may have an alternate point of view than the visitors or customers.
  • Despite the turnout, thanks ought to be passed on to all included.


In conclusion, event management business is a complex business and has different categories and dimensions, as mention above, although with proper planning and management, the business has a future as a trend in the market in event sector is ongoing as the demand is increasing. To set up the business of event management, innovation in the sector should be competitive in the market. At last, the event management business as diversification is a good option and has profit in the future if managed properly.


Assessment 2

The purpose of this report is to completely analyze the measures of event management, such as this report will clearly outline the management roles and job opportunities. Moreover, this report also declares the required management skills to satisfy stakeholders. Furthermore, the important measures which should be considered to make event place safe and secure are also discussed in this report along with the recommendations, in the end, there’s a conclusion of the report.

Event management business has some important roles which need to be fulfilled properly in order to succeed in the business, such as management roles there are certain management roles in the event management, such as most of the events have dinner or lunch, which would be handled by catering services manager. Moreover, a manager would be required to take care of the decoration department, such as a separate manager would be required to plan the event according to the event category, such as conference planner its corporate event. ( 2019).

In the event management business, there a certain department that could not be handled by a limited manager, so there is a need for a separate manager for every department, such as for security and safety of the venue. This event management business would bring many job opportunities as under these managers; there will be certain employees working, such as under the catering manager, there would be waiters and chefs.

Moreover, under a security manager, there would be security guards and bouncers to maintain discipline and safety. Also, there would be a job opportunity under the decoration manager department as there would be need light man flower man and so on, therefore there will be more job opportunities. (Event Manager Blog)

The management skills and personal attributes required in event management to satisfy stakeholders. The above mention management roles required some skills to fulfill their duties perfectly. Such as the manager who is dealing with customers needs to have excellent communication skills to impress customers; this means the manager needs to be polite and clear about the details of the event and services. Communication skills are the most basic and important skill required in the business of event management.

The manager should also keep budget strategy while dealing with customers so that business should be a profit as there are some fixed costs which business has to pay so the manager should be smart while dealing with customers.

The personal attributes required are that employees or managers should be punctual at work and must be hardworking as the event management business revolves around organizational skills, so employees need to highly organized and efficient.

The manager should also be a team player as he must run a team under him, so to be efficient, the manager needs to manage the employees under him efficiently. The communication skill would also make customers feel comfortable and welcoming, which will help to meet customers’ needs and expectations.

In order to make an event successful management skill needs to be on point, such as being highly organized is must for making an event successful, the catering service needs to be organized according to the needs and expectations of the customers.

Also, the other departments of the event need to be organized perfectly to make the event successful. Moreover, the event manager and planner need to be creative and innovative in order to give customers more ideas to customers, so that customers should have options and also the options needs to be innovative, such as about the theme, lighting, decoration and etc. the planner needs to be creative in order to combine the above details perfectly. Furthermore, event managers have to perform multitasks, such as dealing with caterers, or meetings with entertainment options, therefore multitasker is an important skill.

Some recommendations to meet stakeholders’ requirements are the manager or planner should keep the schedule of venues available and should also have a plan B if there is a conflict with the schedule of venue. This would increase customer service and will not disappoint a customer if there is an issue with venue, so the manager should have plan B. Another recommendation would be that there should be proper feedback system online or in written form to improve service in future, as customer’s feedback will outline the department which needs to be improved. The purpose of this report is to completely analyze the measures of event management, such as this report will clearly outline the management roles and job opportunities. Moreover, this report also declares the required management skills to satisfy stakeholders. Furthermore, the important measures which should be considered to make event place safe and secure are also discussed in this report along with the recommendations, in the end, there is a conclusion of the report. (Epstein, D. 2016).

Event management business has some important roles which need to be fulfilled properly in order to succeed in the business, such as management roles there are certain management roles in the event management, such as most of the events have dinner or lunch, which would be handled by catering services manager. Moreover, a manager would be required to take care of the decoration department, such as a separate manager would be required to plan the event according to the event category, such as conference planner its corporate event.

In the event management business, there a certain department that could not be handled by a limited manager, so there is a need for a separate manager for every department, such as for security and safety of the venue.

This event management business would bring many job opportunities as under these managers; there will be certain employees working, such as under the catering manager, there would be waiters and chefs. Moreover, under a security manager, there would be security guards and bouncers to maintain discipline and safety. Also, there would be a job opportunity under the decoration manager department as there would be need light man flower man and so on, therefore there will be more job opportunities.



Moreover, the event manager and planner need to be creative and innovative in order to give customers more ideas to customers, so that customers should have options and also the options needs to be innovative, such as about the theme, lighting, decoration and etc. the planner needs to be creative in order to combine the above details perfectly.

Furthermore, event managers must perform multitasks, such as dealing with caterers, or meetings with entertainment options, therefore multitasker is an important skill. Some recommendations in order to meet stakeholders’ requirements are the manager or planner should keep the schedule of venues available and should also have a plan B if there is a conflict with the schedule of venue. This would increase customer service and will not disappoint a customer if there is an issue with venue, so the manager should have plan B. Another recommendation would be that there should be proper feedback system online or in written form to improve service in future, as customer’s feedback will outline the department which needs to be improved.

The venues of events must be safe and secure to keep guests and staff safe. The security measures are important as in the wedding event, the people wear expensive jewelry and stuff, so the security needs to be considered. In order to keep security and safety stable there certain measures which should be considered, such as if there is a live event like concert there is a need of bouncers in order to keep discipline as there are some people who disturb the environment and discipline so bouncers will be required to bounce them out from the event or concert.

Moreover, armed security guards will be required in the entrance to make sure the safety of invites. Also, the guards should make sure that no weapon should pass through the entry gate. To detect guns, guards should be provided with a metal detector. The manager should also keep the history of the venue as if there is some history of robberies at the venue. The manager should look for another venue. The secure and safe environment would attract more customers, as customers are highly curious about the safety of events as in corporate events the business tycoons arrived and sometimes politicians are also present, so safety needs to be topnotch.

The staff involved in the event is the business team that works in every event, and the safety of these employees is the responsibility of the event management business, so the staff safety should also be considered with some concentration as for the guests.


The safety and security measures for the event varies according to the category of the event as mention above, as corporate events required high security as big businessman’s and politicians are present. On the other hand, in live concert bouncers are required to maintain discipline.

There are some recommendations that could be considered to improve the provision of security and safety. Those recommendations are, security measures should be visible such as cameras should be in the open note should be written on the entrance that camera is watching as the main goal is to prevent threats from happening rather than responding to the threat, this is why the security team cameras should not be hidden as or undercover as this might be harmful, by making security and devices obvious will fear the culprits as they will be caught, also this will increase the trust of people present and they’ll cooperate. (Events, 2020)

Furthermore, to make security more accurate, checkpoints should be made; this means checkpoints away from the gathering from which attendees will pass to get inside this will help to catch agitators far before it can cause any damage. The other recommendations would be to check IDs from the invitation list, this will make sure that attendees belong to the event, and some unknown would not be able to jailbreak the event.

Moreover, private events should be kept private; this means private events are not open for public only for known or invited ones. Therefore there should not be mentions on websites or social media to keep the event private and secure. Moreover, if the people present in the event have some threats or are famous such as politicians or celebrities, so security needs to be tighter; therefore, there might be a need for some outside help. For example, security professionals should be hired in order to make security and safety secure. (Kelly, 2020)





In conclusion, the event management business is complex and required high management skills to run it successfully as mention above there are certain skills and personal attributes which are required to run a business successfully, these measures about skills of employees should be considered in order to make a business successful. Moreover, the security and safety in the event of guests and staff are also important as mention above, along with the recommendations, these recommendations should be considered to maintain discipline in the event.





  • Epstein, D. (2016). The 5 Most Helpful Event Planning Articles From This Year. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Mar. 2019].













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