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Crime fiction as a form of literature

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Crime fiction as a form of literature


Crime fiction, just like any other form of literature, is worthy of respect as literature. One of the components of literature is a style where different authors use different techniques to tell a story. An excellent example of the use of style in the two stories is “The Man Who Knew How” and “Loopy”. Even though both are crime fiction stories, the styles that the authors use to deliver on their narrative differs. The sentence constructions, the grammar, the use of imagery, and symbolism is used in the delivery of their ideas. In “The Man Who Knew How”, the use of dialogue between Mr. Pender and the stranger is an example of style the author uses to give us a picture of the events that took place on the train. The use of a frame narrative in “Loopy” where there is a story within a story, is seen in the life of an unnamed man who has issues with growing up from his mother.

Just like any other form of literature, there needs to be a plot that explains the cause and effect of a particular event.  In crime fiction, the plot always centers on the crime, whereas in the  “The Man Who Knew How”, the plot was centered on how murders can be committed without one getting caught. While in  “Loopy”, the plot centered on the unnamed man obsession with his wolf alter-ego from his drama group. The plot of these stories justifies why crime fiction should be classified as serious literature.

The effect of literature on social engagement has always had a significant impact on society, as has crime fiction. Crime fiction has had an enormous impact on driving the psychological debate, especially on matters of mental health. Crime fiction provides psychological insights, for example, that people are okay with killing others and finding ways to hide this fact, as is the case in the story of “The Man Who Knew Everything”. The Oedipus complex issues in the story “Loopy” go to show how madness can exist in society in an unusual form, as depicted in the ordeal of the unnamed man. In conclusion, crime fiction, even though viewed as a form of entertainment, is a serious form of literature just like any other since it fulfills the criteria just like other forms of literature.

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