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Classical criminology approach was objectively developed to bring sanity into the justice system which seemed inhuman due to the way the law enforcers were handling the criminals. These theories are aimed at helping different stakeholders in the corridors of justice understand the law which governs the land (Akers, 2013). They enable one to understand not only the concept of lawmaking but also associate lawbreaking with certain behavior within the society.

Various theories have been developed to help in understanding crime related activities. These theories include; social learning theory- the theory suggests that their surroundings shape individual criminal behavior. Under this, therefore, people choose to either engage in criminal acts or not based on their environment of bringing up which either motivates them to be criminal or discourages the behavior (Frank & Marilyn 2007). Another theory is the strain theory which suggests that individuals are motivated to engage in criminal acts due to how other people treat them. The way these individuals are handled by others may make them lose touch with the social aspect of human being and decide to engage in criminal activities. The negative treatment incites emotions such as anger, depression and even frustration which become the driving force to criminal activities.

The study seeks to explain the strain theory and concusses theory as illustrated in this case study. Under strain theory, the immigrant girl has undergone through various hardship situation which seems to drive her intention to break the law and break free. The girl was first separated with the parent at the border and then detained in immigrant detention. The experience in the detention center is equivalent to prison as the young immigrant indicates. The young lady seems to be undergoing through psychological torture within the detention for which she suggests she is not ready to go back. Considering this theory, therefore, the intent and pressure for the immigrant to break the law which restrained immigrant from being in the US illegally was based on the stress she was being subjected to in the detainment center. The death threats received by the family from anonymous sources can be attributed to this theory. These citizens consider what Francisco Gonzalez did as an inhuman act for not rescuing the immigrant child from her misery. Their intention to commit the crime towards Gonzalez family, therefore, is guided by anger. Gonzalez indicates that he is currently forced to carry a firearm for his protection, he has an intention to protect himself, and by doing so, he may end up committing a crime. The intention for this behavior, however, is motivated on pressure received from threats which forces him to retaliate.

The alleged shop owner behavior, who gave up the girl to the police to facilitate her reunion with her parent can be associated with the concusses criminological theory. Under this theory argues that different entities within the criminal system should collaboratively work together to deliver justice. The justice, in this case, was ensuring the child’s reunion with parents as directed by the high court judge. Failure to give the information to the police, therefore, was an obstruction of justice and a criminal offense. Gonzalez decision to follow the law and avoid consequences was also supported by the FBI boss who reminded the citizen of their obligations towards ensuring justice is served to all.











Akers, R. L. (2013). Criminological theories: Introduction and evaluation. Routledge

Frank P. Williams III & Marilyn D. McShane (2007) Criminological Theory 7th edition. London. Pearson publishers





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