Critical Evaluation of statue Wellness to the Modern Society
Wellness is a situation where an individual can obtain a result of personal undertakings seeking an optimal, balanced, and holistic state of health and wellbeing in a variety of existence. Wellness involves knowing the actual and current existence of the health status in varied dimensions with the support, tool, and initiative of initiating change aiming at developing a more optimal life. The primary wellness dimensions are mental, spiritual, physical, social, and lifestyle. A mental health dimension involves developing a strong and healthy personal philosophy, developing an appropriate attitude for learning, and developing a strong base for knowledge. The spiritual wellness dimension involves the use of talents, identification of the inborn gifts, being aware of the purpose of life, and developing the capability of getting in touch with the individual spirituality. The physical wellness dimension includes overall physical health status, appearance, and physical fitness. In physical wellness, an individual must keep a constant check on the body’s health conditions.
On the other side, the social wellness dimension involves the creation and maintenance of a healthy relationship. Social wellness also entails an individual contribution and involvement in the activities taking place in society. Lifestyle wellness entails the work of an individual together with the working environment. Lifestyle wellness also entails the leisure time and activities an individual undertakes in the home environment. Achieving the level of satisfaction and health status that one desire is the same as achieving wellness.
Modern society involves the use of high-level technologies and social media. Technologies and social media affect both the physical and mental health of an individual (Nichols, 2017). Technology is improving the lives of many people. The number of people using social media is on a steady rise. These high social media subscribers are both teenagers and adults. However, the use of social media is leading to a high-stress level. Besides, technology is causing the disconnection of families and friends even if they are in one room more so for the constant checkers. Most social media uses are unlikely to meet with their friends or family members in person. Also, frequent social media users are likely to experience a high level of dissatisfaction and unhappiness as they will continuously compare themselves to others. It is therefore evident that in the global society, the excellent use of technology, more so is social media is likely to affect the wellness of an individual as it will result in isolation, stress, and depression.
History of wellness concerning modern society
In traditional society, wellness-focused on the harmony of the body and the spirits. In 3000B.C.A, wellness began as an oral tradition that transformed into the Hindu’s sacred text, the Vedas. Basing on the practice of Buddhism and Taoism, the Chinese also contributed to the development of wellness by inventing the medicine used for treatment. Besides, in Greek and Roman societies, wellness originated from the belief that illness is a result of poverty and poor lifestyle. Greek, therefore, found it necessary to initiate public health to help control the further spread of diseases.
However, modern wellness began in the 20th century. Various authors, which include Halbert L. Dunn, inspired modern society with their articles. The thinkers emphasized the need to maintain individual wellness and develop preventive measures to the activities or circumstances that can derail individual wellness. As a result, people started living in their desired lifestyle; there was a tendency to avoid buying things that do not bring happiness to the individual and a habit of creating joy and self-satisfaction.
Besides, the high cost of healthcare is a major driving force to wellness. In the current modern world, there are rising cases of obesity and chronic diseases that result in the unsustainable cost of acquiring medication. Besides, the new health complications surpass traditional medicine, thereby creating a shift to innovations in new ways of maintaining wellness. At this point, the focus is on how to prevent than cure. Most governments are developing policies to limit activities that will deteriorate wellness. Most constitutions promote the pursuit of national happiness and individual happiness. With the rise of obesity and diabetes, most states are highly taxing sugary drinks and soda. Every individual retains the highest personal responsibility to maintain individual wellness.
Humanity and wellness
Humanities focus majorly on making meaning rather than scientific measurement. Telling stories, enjoying arts, listening to music, and among others are endeavors that determine the human emotions and spirits. It is, therefore, important to share personal experience, knowledge, and beliefs, which will enhance the ethical decision making in an organization.
Human beings have been social creatures inherently thought history. For millions of years, human beings have evolved continuously genetically for them to survive and thrive in society (Rose, 2017). However, modern communication and forms of interaction are continuously changing the landscape of human involvement in various activities. The human creatures are using the digital remote, material-driven culture, and individualistic behavior to challenge the current wellness status. People use science to know the mystery of connection and wellness in modern society.
The perfect cultured lives immortalize the status symbol of wealth, which defines today’s culture. With the development of technology, there is a high possibility that successful individuals are likely to feel more lonely than less successful individuals. Loneliness, among the successful, is rampant due to professional isolation or social isolation and sheer emotional exhaustion. Stress, depression, exhaustion, and loneliness may limit wellness more than living in poverty. However, those who live in poverty are likely to miss some essential services like proper medication and adequate recreational activities, among others, that may hinder their wellness. The variation of social classes and identity crises may also cause satisfaction, confidence, regret, or distrust, which directly affect an individual’s mental health.
How natural science affect the wellness
Social determinants like a place of birth, workplace, and age and interaction pattern are likely to affect the wellbeing of an individual than the health care system. Social factors, environmental factors, and human behavior activities form a better part of human wellbeing (Frist, 2017). Social factors that include friends, interaction behavior, and workplace affect mental wellness. Someone who interacts with people of strong personalities are likely to think optimistically and have the motivation to achieve most goals. These individuals are likely to be free from stress, depression, and other mental illness. However, those who interact with immoral people will lose identity and start involving in risky activities. These risky activities may hinder wellness as they may result in severe health complications.
Environmental factors may include weather conditions and surrounding conditions. Severe lousy weather is likely to leady to weather-related health complications, which will hinder wellness. Water, land, and air pollution make the environment unfavorable resulting in the contraction of some dangerous diseases. Environmental pollution leads to global warming, blockage of water tunnels, and lower agricultural produce. Similarly, a hungry individual and those living in an unclean environment are likely to participate in unhealthy activities. Noise pollution may cause disturbance leading to time wastage.
Human activities will also affect individual wellbeing. Those who over participate in risky duties are likely to develop health complications. However, those who embrace creativity, consultations, reflections, and soberness in their duties are likely to experience a high level of wellness.
How applied science affect the wellness
Applied science is the process of using science and knowledge to achieve a practical goal. Applied science has a more significant contribution to the wellbeing of the individual. Some of these scientific processes that contribute to wellness are medical inventions and technological inventions. With medical inventions, people can get a solution to most of the problems they face about their wellbeing. Scholars are continuously developing advanced medical equipment to initiate a healthy society. Besides, the scholars are also continuously conducting the scientific investigation on mental health and other wellness domains to determine better means of how the people can enhance their wellbeing individually.
Similarly, the inventions of more electronic gadgets have enabled people to access most of the services faster. Increased technology enhances entertainment and interactions that improve the general wellbeing. Besides, due to the high level of technology, it is easy to conduct online consultation over an issue that brings controversy. However, electronic devices should carefully to evade their usage side effects. The use of some electronic gadgets to solve one crisis may lead to another crisis, which will not enhance the actual wellness. Similarly, some technologies may lead to environmental pollution and other problematic conditions.
Wellness is more important than fame or economic stability. In achieve wellness, it is essential to be self-responsible and avoid risky activities. Maintaining mental wellness will enhance creativity, knowledge building, and personal productivity. Spiritual wellness will enable one to realize the full potential that will enable them to achieve most of their goals. Physical wellness will enhance fitness and reduce the risk of injury and contraction of some health complications. Social wellness will enable one to develop a self of belonging and optimistic character that is important in eliminating stress. Lifestyle wellness will enhance an individual identity and a sense of satisfaction. With the evolution of technologies, modern society embraces a different culture where friends and families interact through social media rather than physical. Some of these cultures lead to isolation and disconnection of families.
It is essential to embrace self-exercise, creativity, mediation, and recreational activities to enhance wellness. Besides, one should carefully choose the associates who will be instrumental in offering necessary advice and giving the right direction. While doing so, one should also embrace proper nutrition that is essential for healthy body growth. Medical departments should only embrace technologies that help maintain wellness.